Helping Zhong Li move the things piled up in the living room to the warehouse, Lu Chen became interested in the huge jade rough stone.

He didn't know much about this thing, but he knew that jadeite was a very lucrative market.

Jadeite rough wool is a large, inconspicuous stone, except for its shape and weight, even with the most advanced detection technology, it is impossible to identify the inside.

Only by cutting and cutting can there be a real conclusion, and the water species, color, etc. can be seen, so experienced professionals have repeatedly missed the hand.

Merchants will not let them directly cut and observe the inside before buying, at most they can only cut a small cut, so the "gambling stone" industry has appeared.

Based on his own experience, the stone gambler opens a small mouth, repeatedly ponders, and estimates the bid.

After the film, when they really went to cut it completely, some people were ecstatic, and some people were like dead ashes.

"A knife is poor, a knife is rich, a knife is draped in linen." Such a sentence is widely circulated in the gambling stone world.

"Is this stone really in good condition?" Lu Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm." Zhongli nodded slightly, "I can feel a refreshing green, but the color on the small incision is cloudy, and many people mistakenly think that it is just a worthless inferior product."

Lu Chen had no doubt about Zhong Li's judgment, after all, this was the god of rock, and what the specific material in the stone looked like, he would know it as long as he touched it.

He also wanted to join in the excitement, so he turned on the flashlight, approached the cut of the stone, and carefully observed it for a while.

"If the gambling stone is guessing the size of the green area," he sighed, "this stone is really not interesting." "

This stone was bought for tens of thousands, and listening to Wendy's description, the boss looked at the two people with a fool's eyes, and even Wendy noticed that something was wrong.

But Zhongli was very persistent, so he bought it anyway.

"This overlooked stubborn stone, if carved into jade, will surely bloom its original value." Zhong Li looked at Lu Chen's expression and smiled again.

"Lu Chen Xiaoyou if you are shy in your pocket, you can sell this piece of wool, and if it is made into jade, just take one and give it to me, which can also be regarded as my fate with it."

"Really?" Lu Chen's expression was surprised.

"Of course."

In less than twenty minutes, Lu Chen experienced the wind and waves from bankruptcy to wealth in his heart, so his expression was very wonderful.

He compared the size of the rough wool, which was larger than a watermelon, and if it was really as Zhongli said, it would simply be a profitable transaction.

It's really a knife poor, a knife rich.

"Then you're welcome." Lu Chen smiled at this piece of jade wool.


After dinner, Uncle Zhongli walked around the garden.

Lu Chen saw Zhong Li holding scissors and a watering can in his hand, and seemed to be helping him trim those cosmos that looked "wild and unruly".

It's really idle.

Lu Chen held his laptop and sat on the garden bench.

The night wind was blowing slowly, and the sound of the waves crashing against the pier could be faintly heard, and he looked at the brightly lit harbor in the distance.

The beautiful scenery inspires him, and occasionally touching fish helps his physical and mental health.

Zhong Li grabbed the branches and leaves that had just been pruned and walked in front of him without hesitation.

"You know gardening well?" Lu Chen was curious.

"I understand a little bit or two." He said.

"If you say that you understand a little or two, generally no one in this field can compare to you..." Lu Chen was helpless.

Zhong Li didn't say anything, and Lu Chen suddenly remembered something when he saw him.

He patted the empty space beside him and signaled Uncle Zhong to stop being busy and come and rest for a while.

"Oh? Looking for me? Zhongli asked after sitting down.

"Hmm... There is a little question..." Zhong

Li saw the characters on Lu Chen's computer and said clearly: "Is it about the novel with me as the protagonist?"

Lu Chen nodded and asked a little embarrassed: "About you and the end, as well as those stories about Liyue before, can you tell me about it?" "

At the end of the day..." Zhongli looked into the distance.

Lu Chen admitted that he was a bit scarred by doing so, but he was really curious about some things.

Before he was still worried about the plot development of this "Liyue Floating World Thousand Rocks", he didn't expect Zhong Li himself to come over, and if there is anything he doesn't understand, just ask him directly.

This is truly first-hand material!

The magnificent life of the old man, casually say some memoirs, sort it out, maybe you can make a blockbuster....

"Can I read the novel you wrote?" Zhongli asked suddenly.

"Uh..." Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

Then he nodded: "Well, you can..." The

old man took Lu Chen's computer and looked at it on the garden bench, and the atmosphere was particularly quiet.

Lu Chen felt that reading this novel to Zhongli was even more ashamed than when he read it to the Son of God....

He added a lot of his own "private goods" to it!

Zhong Li looked at it for a while, Lu Chen suppressed those feelings of shame, and asked with a little expectation:

"How is it?" Is it okay for me to write?

Zhongli returned the notebook to him, and there was no change in his expression.

Lu Chen felt apprehensive in his heart, this kind of reaction... Is it to blame me for the collapse of the character I wrote?

I don't want OOC either! The main thing is that readers on the platform love to watch this kind of....

"Well written." He said.

"Huh?" Lu Chen scratched his hair, "Really good?

"In terms of universal rationality, it is indeed well written."

Hearing his words, Lu Chen finally let go of his heart....

"You don't blame me for messing around?" Lu Chen asked tentatively.


Zhong Li's expression finally changed a little, "Although I don't know what the standard meaning of CP is in your mouth, I guess what you want to say is the emotional connection between people."

"The emperor is really smart and wise!" Lu Chen praised.

"Lu Chen Xiaoyou is also very smart and wise." Zhong Li smiled in his face, "The plot of this article has ups and downs, and the perspectives of many people jointly create the hardships of people's migration, but it is not serious, and the style is lively.

After accepting the praise of the protagonist himself, Lu Chen went back to the original question.

"Tell me about it, tell me about the relationship between the two of you!"

Zhong Li had no choice but to take Lu Chen, shaking his head and smiling.

He looked at the piece of cosmos that had just been trimmed, and thoughts rolled in his eyes.

"In the end, she is a trustworthy ally and a comrade who can fight side by side, and time has passed for so long, and I miss her very much."


Lu Chen nodded, waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for the next sentence.

Such a Zhongli should not lie, so say....

The two really didn't play, and the wild CP was demolished.

Maybe he shouldn't use love to limit these two demon gods, the pattern is small.

Demon gods love people, they seek the well-being of mankind, fight each other, climb the throne....

Perhaps a sincere, unguarded friendship is the best measure of both.

Lu Chen had many new insights.

"But then again." Zhongli frowned, "Morax in your story has added a lot of first-person thinking, but many things..."

He finally said what he had always wanted to say: "It's a little strange, did I really think about it that at that time?"

Lu Chen sneered, and suddenly remembered a sentence: adaptation is not random editing! Joke is not nonsense!

He waved his hand, unimpressed.

"Do you understand King Yan, or do I understand King Yan?"


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