Yuanshin: The Whole Tivat Continent Is Ready, Can We Not Broadcast It Live?

Chapter 36 Wendy's Identity Was Exposed, Shocking The Mond People For A Whole Year

"Really, did I read it wrong? Your eyes seem to be recalling this song."

Wendy held the qin of the sky with a soft tone.

Twalin let out a deep roar, and his mood gradually eased.

"I didn't expect that they could really communicate."

The head of Qin was very surprised.

The idle bard in front of him could actually communicate with Twalin and calm down Twalin's tyrannical emotions.


At this moment, a flash of icy light rushed over, destroying the qin of the sky in Wendy's hand.

"Don't be fooled by him, poor dragon, he has already abandoned you, hahaha."

The Ice Abyss Mage appeared and bewitched Twarin, "Look now he is coming to deceive you again."


Twalin looked at Wendy, without the comfort of the qin of the sky, its mood became tyrannical again.

"Hate, be angry, you have become an enemy of Mond, there is no turning back."

Ice Abyss Mage continues to bewitch.

"Barbatos, are these people hunting me with you?!"

Twarin growled angrily.

"This dragon, it's time to serve its real master, you just stay here and lament your own powerlessness!"

Ice Abyss Mage and Tewa Lin disappeared into the sky together.

The screen ends here.

At this moment, all Mond people are in a state of extreme shock and confusion.

They never thought that Wendy was really Barbatos, the wind god.

Mond Cathedral.

Barbara's eyes were glazed over, and her mind felt blank.

In her heart, Barbatos, the god of wind, is sacred and great, and has nothing to do with alcoholic bards.

No one can connect the two images.

Sister Gotlind, like Barbara, had a brain shutdown.

Q&A group.

[Wagner: I didn't expect that I, the god of Hefeng Barbatos, drank with his old man, and the ancestral grave smoked, hahaha]

In the blacksmith shop, after learning that Wendy is Barbatos, the god of wind, Wagner became more energetic in blacksmithing.

Unlike the nuns whose faith had collapsed in Mond Cathedral, his affection for Wendy soared.

It turns out that Lord Fengshen Barbatos is so down-to-earth.

[Dulaf: @Diona, good girl, you see, even Lord Barbatos likes to drink, and he drinks much better than me, so don't let me quit drinking in the future]

[Dulaf: @Diona, it's rare for me to have a common hobby with Lord Barbatos]

Diona was furious when she saw her alcoholic father's speech, but she was also powerless to refute.

Who made them all the people of Barbatos.

Barbatos loves to drink so much, it's okay for his people to follow suit, after all, drinking is not against the law.

The guard room of the Zephyr Knights.

Raymond said with trepidation: "Master Barbatos, I have offended you so much before, I sincerely ask for your forgiveness."

"it's okay no problem."

When Wendy came out of the guard room, he was also in a daze.

Now everyone in the entire Tivat continent knows that he is Barbatos, the god of wind. How can he be fooled in the future?

"Forget it, let's go to Master Diluc's tavern and have a glass of wine first."

The more Wendy thought about it, the more her head hurt, and the more troublesome she felt.

I simply didn't want to, and went to Angel's Gift to drink a glass of dandelion wine to calm my shock.

"Master Barbatos, you should stay here."

A guard from the West Wind Knights hurried over, "It's full of people outside!"

"You will still call me Wendy from now on."

Wendy said helplessly, "I like this name better."

Outside the West Wind Knights, there was a sea of ​​people.

Most of them are from Mond City, and some of them are businessmen and tourists from other countries.

"I knew Lord Barbatos would not abandon Mond City!"

An old Mond weeps bitterly.

"Lord Barbatos!"

The deafening shouts came one after another, and even in the guard house, Wendy could hear the voices outside.

An inexplicable feeling rose in my heart.

They are all his people.

Even though they have been asleep for thousands of years, they still regard themselves as their faith.

The seven-day god statues around Mond City will be cleaned regularly.

Rice Wife, Muleu Tea Room.

Thomas, like all Mond people, was briefly shocked after learning Wendy's true identity, and a sense of respect rose in his heart.

Judging from the several exposed screens of the live question and answer, Wendy's supernatural power is far from being as powerful as when it was at its peak, so it is necessary to fool the traveler Ying and help eliminate the hidden dangers of the wind demon dragon Tewarin.

Pure land with one heart.

Although Ying had previously guessed that Wendy's identity was Barbatos, the god of wind, the guess was still guesswork, and after confirming it, she was still a little surprised.

He owes money for drinking and is full of lies.

Shadow slightly sighed.

Thousands of years have passed, and I still can't get along with him.

[Walnut: I'm curious, what about the other six Shendu]

Walnut is lively and active, and she has a good impression of Wendy.

At least such a god governs the country and will not let the country die.

For example, in Daozhuan City across the sea, there is both a national lock-up order and an eye-hunting order, which makes the people of Daozhuan destitute, and forces some Daozhuan people to smuggle to Liyue to seek a way out.

[Xingqiu: I don't know, but I think at least the emperor won't drink and owe money, right? 】

[Chongyun: Nonsense, Mora was created by the emperor, will he owe the debt? The last thing he lacks is money]

[Wendy: Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for a long time, I don't know how he is doing]


Zhongli was inexplicably caught by the cue, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"As far as common sense is concerned, sooner or later my true identity will be exposed."

Zhongli had a headache.

He touched his pocket, well, he forgot to bring Mora again.

"Master Mao, write down the price of the meal first, and I will ask the people from the Pastoral Hall to settle the bill later."

Zhongli got up and said to Master Mao.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhongli forgot to bring Mora when he went out?"

Immediately, Wanmin Hall was filled with a happy atmosphere.


Mond, Grand Hotel Goethe.

The lady received a private letter from the Queen of the Winter Kingdom, and she can do something to Barbatos.

I haven't found Barbatos himself before, and I didn't expect Barbatos to be Wendy.

Thinking of the disaster five hundred years ago, the hatred for Barbatos grew stronger in her heart.

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