The lady abided by the agreement with Wendy and evacuated all the fools from Mond City.

In three days, the evacuation was completed, and so far, the fools were no longer seen in the city of Mond.

West Wind Knights Office.

"I didn't expect all the fools to withdraw from Mond City. Could it be that Lord Barbatos has recovered his divine power and made the lady feel afraid?"

The captain of Qin was surprised.

"In any case, it is a good thing that the fools are no longer stationed in Mond City, and it is worth celebrating."

Lin Ce said.

He has read the comics of the original god.

In the comics, the doctor used a conspiracy to lure the dragon Usa to attack Mond City.

Master Di Luke's father met the dragon Usa and used the evil eye.

Although he temporarily repelled the dragon Uza, he was later killed by a powerful side effect.

The Knights of the Zephyr publicized Diluque's father's death as an unfortunate accident in an attempt to cover up the truth of the matter.

Di Luke's father said that the world will not fail those who have faith, but his faith was denied and abandoned by the Zephyr Knights.

This eventually led to a break between Diluc and the Knights of the Zephyr.

Then, the doctor shot and killed the dragon Usa. The Zephyr Knights, who didn't know the truth, regarded the doctor as a benefactor, and the winter kingdom also became an ally with Mond.

Fools began to station in Mond City on a large scale.

The so-called inviting gods is easy to send gods, but now the Knights of the West Wind want to invite fools out, it is very difficult.

Lin Ce didn't need to think about it to know that the retreat of the fools from Mond City must be the condition that Wendy exchanged the heart of God with the lady.

"Captain Qin, Ying and I are here to say goodbye to you."

Lin Ce explained to Qin the purpose of coming.

"Are you going to Liyue?"

Qin put down the documents in her hand, "I'll give you a ride."

Outside the office, Lisa, Yula, Amber, Keli, and Mona were all waiting for Lin Ce and Ying, and they also came to see him off.

"Little cutie, don't miss my sister too much."

Lisa is still so alluring.

"Lin Ce, Ying, the wind of freedom will always guide you."

Amber is full of energy.

"Lin Ce's big brother, sister Ying, you must come when Keli celebrates her birthday."

Keli sends out birthday invitations to Lin Ce and Ying.

Yula didn't speak, but hugged Lin Ce lightly.

"Hey, don't ignore me."

Paimon stamped his feet angrily.

"Everyone, there will be a time later."

Leaving the Zephyr Knights, Lin Ce said to everyone.

Immediately, he, Ying, and Paimeng turned into streamers and flew into the sky.


Barbara prayed devoutly for the three of Lin Ce.

Outside the angel's gift, on the open-air wine table.

"Di Luke, bards, don't you give Lin Ce a ride? It's too heartless."

Kaiya drank wine and said to Di Luke and Wendy beside her.

"I don't like parting."

Di Luke's tone was indifferent, "What about you? Kaiya, why don't you give it away?"

"Me? Hahaha."

Kaiya laughed loudly and said, "Lin Ce, let me wear women's clothes to death, and I'll be fine if I don't beat him up."

Women's clothing is a nightmare that he can't get rid of in his life, unless he reopens on another planet, he can feel better.


At this time, Wendy pointed to the sky, and Kaia and Di Luke looked up one after another. After seeing the three streamers in the sky, they all smiled knowingly.

Run to the wolf collar.

Bennett came to Lei Ze to go on an adventure together.

At this moment, they all looked up at the sky at the same time, and saw three streamers of light flying over their heads.

"It's the group leaders, Da and Ying, and little Paimon."

Bennett said excitedly, "If only I could fly."

"Bon Voyage."

Razer said intermittently.


"Liyue is farther than imagined."

Lin Ce said with emotion.

There is still a difference between games and reality.

He and Yingfei spent more than two hours before arriving at Dihuazhou.

Not far ahead, you can vaguely see the outline of Wangshu Inn.

Their speed is already very fast. Taking the Common caravan as an example, it will take nearly half a month to travel from Mond City to Liyue.

Q&A group.

[Di Luke: Is this Liyue's famous Wangshu Inn? really extraordinary]

[Ke Li: Wow, what a beautiful building, Ke Li promises that she will never put a bouncing bomb here in the future]

[Thoma: The scenery of Liyue is so beautiful, Wangshu Inn blends well with the surrounding environment, it's a natural fit]

【Xiao Gong: If I can set off a beautiful firework here, um, it will be perfect】

[Amber: I have already arrived at Wangshu Inn, I will also travel to Liyue if I have the chance]

Amber is very envious, her grandfather is from Liyue.

The reconnaissance team of the West Wind Knights was established by Amber's grandfather.

Since childhood, Amber has heard his grandfather talk about various places of interest in Liyue, but it is a pity that Amber has never had the opportunity to travel to Liyue.

Soon, Lin Ce, Ying, and Paimeng arrived at the Wangshu Inn.

Wangshu Inn is located on a majestic rock pillar, and a towering tree grows on the top of the rock pillar.

From a distance, the Wangshu Inn and the giant tree seem to be integrated into one, which is very magical.

"Welcome three distinguished guests to Wangshu Inn."

Just when Lin Ce and his group arrived at Wangshu Inn, the shopkeeper Huai An came out to welcome them with his wife Phil Godette and cook Yanxiao.

"Hee hee hee, this shopkeeper speaks quite nicely."

Paimeng's flattery to the shopkeeper Huai'an was very helpful.

Three distinguished guests, finally no one ignored her.

"Shopkeeper, prepare two good guest rooms for us."

Lin Ce said to Huai'an: "The account is on me."

"Hahaha, Lord Ningguang will pay for the accounts of the three honored guests."

Huai An waved his hand, and the maid behind him led Lin Ce and his party to the guest room.

Lin Ce has a good understanding of the background of Wangshu Inn.

The Wangshu Inn is full of staring eyeliners. To be precise, in the Wangshu Inn, from the shopkeeper to the maids, there are all staring people, and some pretending to be foreign tourists.

Mandrill also often lives in Wangshu Inn.

Outside the Wangshu Inn, there is Jiang Xue, a fisherman who is a thief.

It can be said to be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"I saw that little girl again just now."

"Little girl? Why didn't I see it, did you have hallucinations?"

"Really, I saw it too. She can also sing. It sounds so pervasive."

"I said Wangshu Inn is haunted, let's check out!"

On the way, Paimon heard many travelers talking about haunted things, so he went up immediately.

"Lin Ce, Ying, why don't we stay here?"

Paimon said in a cowardly tone.

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