Yuanshin: The Whole Tivat Continent Is Ready, Can We Not Broadcast It Live?

Chapter 60 The Emperor Assassinated, Zhongli Carries The Coffin

[Hint: The question and answer continues, the next lucky audience is being drawn]

The sound of the system sounded again.

Like the trial of the god of death, the question and answer group was panicked, and everyone was in the same group.

【Wendy: I ​​just said that option A is wrong, the old man has a big heart, how could he argue with Miss Ke Qing because of a little thing】

Wendy took a sip of the dandelion wine. Morax valued the contract the most, as long as it didn't touch his bottom line, it didn't matter if he was neglected.

[Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, the emperor values ​​the contract the most, so option C can also be ruled out, and it will inevitably show up in love - Dianyi

【Zhongli: As I said before, the emperor is a god of war. How many people in the world can assassinate him? So option D can also be ruled out, leaving only option B. 】

Zhongli deliberately confused the audience and brought up the rhythm.

Lin Ce took a look at Master Zhong and cooperated with him in acting.

[Group leader policy: Mr. Zhongli is right. The Abyss Cult attacked Twarin and the North Wind King Wolf in Mond City in an attempt to enslave them. The Liyue area was the most intense battlefield of the Demon God War in the past. The Abyss Cult The group must also want to do something in Liyue, release and control the sealed demon god]

[Group leader Lin Ce: Liyue and Monde are neighboring countries, and it is reasonable to form an alliance and help each other

Lin Ce took a mouthful of the hot stewed noodles and smiled at Zhongli.

Do you know who the next victim is?

Lin Ce thought to himself.

【Reminder: After the draw, the lucky audience is Zhongli】

【Reminder: Please Zhongli make a choice within 60 seconds, if you give up, you will also be punished

The next second, when the system prompt sounded, Lin Ce almost spat out the hot stewed noodles in his mouth.

Zhongli was expressionless, but Lin Ce could clearly see the corners of his mouth twitching a few times, and his hands were shaking slightly.

[Hu Tao: Wow, it’s actually Zhongli, there’s a good show to watch, hee hee hee]

[Hu Tao: @Zhongli, hurry up and choose, you didn’t look confident just now]

Walnut gloated.

She is so intelligent that she has long doubted Zhongli's identity.

Although he looks so young, he always looks old-fashioned, and he is familiar with Liyue's history and allusions, so there is no one Zhongli doesn't know.

Her grandfather held Zhongli in great respect.

This is obviously not in line with common sense.

Therefore, Hu has always had a bold guess in his heart.

Could it be that Zhongli is...?

Wangshu Inn.

Zhongli looked embarrassed, and his heart was extremely entangled.

If you choose D, your identity may be exposed, and you will not be able to carry out follow-up plans. If you choose B, you will be punished by the system.

I am afraid that the system will give him a death penalty like Barbatos.

Come and meow like a cat or bark like a dog.

So where should he put his old face in the future?

"Mr. Zhongli, what are you still hesitating about? The time is coming.

Lin Ce doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

He is looking forward to what choice Zhongli will make.

Sighing deeply, Zhongli made a decision.

Compared with Liyue's future, what is his personal face worth?

"I choose B.

After the selection, Zhongli was relieved.

As the long years passed, he almost forgot this feeling.

[Hint: For wrong answers, Zhongli will be punished for carrying the coffin ten times]

As the sound of the system falls, a new picture appears on the virtual screen.

The picture is a demonstration of Zhongli carrying the coffin.

In the picture, Hu Tao is walking in the front, playing the suona and wearing a black mirror.

Zhongli, Lao Meng and two employees of the Hall of Death carried the coffin together.

All four of them also wore sunglasses.

It felt less like an undertaker and more like the underworld.

Immediately, a burst of cheerful bgm sounded, and Lin Ce heard the bgm, and it was true that Bengbu was stuck.

What he meowed was actually the bgm of the black man carrying the coffin.

Accompanied by the black coffin-carrying bgm, Walnut walked in front and began to dance the coffin-carrying dance.

Zhongli, Lao Meng and the two employees of Xiangshengtang also twisted their bodies following the rhythm of Walnut.

Not long after, the lifting of the coffin was over, and the four characters "professional team" appeared on the virtual screen.

Immediately afterwards, the image returned to the scene when Xian Dianyi was asked to freeze.

"Mr. Zhongli, are you okay?"

Lin Ce suppressed a smile.

This system is too f*cking dog, really can play.

"Group leader, you can laugh if you want, Zhong won't mind."

The Zhongli people split open.

It would be better for him to meow like a cat than to let him carry the coffin like this.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry Mr. Zhongli."

Lin Ce laughed and said, "I have been professionally trained not to laugh out loud unless I can't help it.

Q&A group.

【Arataki Ichito: Sorry, Mr. Zhongli, let me laugh for an hour first】

[Xingqiu: Obviously funerals are very sad, why did the demonstration just now

【Xiao Gong: I'm sorry, Mr. Zhongli, Mr. Hu, I couldn't help laughing too】

[Walnut: It’s okay, @Zhongli, this demonstration video gave me a lot of inspiration, hurry back to Xiangshengtang, let’s hurry up and rehearse]

Walnut said excitedly.

These days, all walks of life are involved, even the funeral industry.

There are no new tricks, and it really can't compare with others.

This coffin-carrying video gave her a lot of inspiration.

[Hint: The question and answer continues, the last lucky audience is being drawn]

The sound of the system sounded again.

[Wendy: Only C and D are left, these two options are obviously the most unlikely, how strange]

Wendy was extremely puzzled.

The only person in this world who can hurt that old man is the maintainer of the law of heaven.

But the keeper of the law of heaven should also be sleeping now.

So, who can assassinate the old man, Wendy can't think of who it is?

【Xingqiu: Could it be C?】

【Xingqiu: After all, please let the fairy ceremony continue for thousands of years. This year, the emperor will draw a water, [Is it too much? 】

【Wendy: Not too much, of course not too much】

[Xiaogong: @文迪, Feng Shendu has paddled for a thousand years, and Yanshen paddled for a year is really not too much]

【Diluque: The correct answer is C】

Inazuma Castle, the castle tower, a pure land with one heart.

Shadow looked solemn.

Based on her understanding of Rock God, the situation of option C will never happen.

Morax is the god of contracts, and he regards contracts as more important than life, so he will never be absent from the ceremony.

Therefore, the correct answer should be D.

But in this world, no one can hurt him.

Moraxel can only be assassinated unless several gods join forces and succeed in a sneak attack.

This kind of situation is obviously impossible. As for the maintainer of heaven, she has no grievances with Yanshen. Moreover, if the maintainer of heaven takes action, it is not called assassination but extermination.

[Hint: The draw is over, and the last lucky viewer is Wendy]

[Hint: Please Wendy make a choice within 60 seconds, if you give up, you will also be punished]

The sound of the system sounds.

Wendy was dumbfounded.

【Wendy: I ​​choose C】

He started to play badly, didn't even bother to think about it, and chose C directly.

Resign yourself to fate.

[Hint: If you answer wrong, you will be punished by Wendy Rehab

What the fuck?!

Wendy almost choked that option C was wrong.

Then the correct answer can only be D.

The old man was really assassinated?

Who is so brave?

[Ningguang: The emperor was assassinated? How is it possible?]

0…ask for flowers……

Liyue, Qunyu Pavilion.

Ning Guang was shocked.

This year's invitation ceremony is hosted by her, just three days later.

If the emperor was assassinated while she was in charge, I am afraid that the people of Liyue and all the immortals would ask her to punish her.

It's time to condense the light.

On the virtual screen, the frozen picture is played again.

The originally clear sky suddenly became pitch black. A huge rock dragon fell from the sky, and its heavy body smashed the stone table used for worship.

The people who were watching Xian Dianyi from Yujing Terrace dispersed in a rush, startled by this sudden scene.

Staring at the body of the rock king Dijun, she turned pale with shock, and then she waved her big hand and summoned the Qianyan army: "The emperor was killed, block the whole venue!"

The screen ends here.

In the question-and-answer group, one stone caused a thousand waves, and the three immortals took the lead in launching the attack.

【Liuyun borrowing the wind: I can't get in touch with the emperor, @切月建阳真君, @理山消水真君, how about you】

In Jueyunjian, who had a crush on Lao Tzu and Zhenjun, he uttered a long cry, the voice piercing the sky, filled with anger: "Who did the emperor's assassination? Or was it plotted by Seven Stars?"

Liuyun fluttered the wings of Zhenjun Feng, and the majestic immortal power burst out with terrifying power, crushing all the surrounding trees and rocks into powder.

[Cut Moon and Build Sun: I can’t get in touch, I’m afraid the emperor has encountered an accident, I’ll go to Wangshu Inn to discuss with the Great Sage Subduing Demon]

A magical creature very similar to an elk appeared, its pupils shone brightly, and it let out a deep roar from time to time, suppressing the monstrous anger in its heart.

"Liyue Seven Stars, Ningguang, we must seek an explanation."

Its deer hooves stomped heavily on the ground, and suddenly a violent force surged around, shaking the ground and mountains.

Immediately, True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun stepped into the void, and joined True Lord Liuyun Borrowing the Wind and True Lord Li Shan Die Shui.

[True Monarch Li Shan Dieshui: @冷光, @Ke Qing, you must give us an explanation]

A red-crowned crane appeared from the cloud-shrouded Xianjia cave. Its appearance was similar to that of a red-crowned crane, but it was even more handsome than the red-crowned crane.

It raised its head and roared, causing everything around it to vibrate, and even the clouds above the sky were scattered.

"We would like to abide by the emperor's contract. After Liyue is safe and healthy, we will live in seclusion in the mountains. I didn't expect that something unexpected happened to the emperor."

True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind was furious.

"We will make peace with the Great Sage of Subduing Demons first."

True Monarch Cultivating the Moon and Building Sun said.

Among all the fairy families in Liyue, the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is the most powerful. Now that the emperor is assassinated, they will look forward to it and will ask Liyue Twenty Stars for an explanation.

Since the immortals lived in seclusion in the mountains, only the Liyue Seven Stars have the closest connection with the emperor.

Therefore, when the emperor was assassinated, they immediately locked the murderer on the Liyue Seven Stars.

"Then go to Wangshu Inn and meet with the Great Sage Conquering Demons."

Before True Monarch Lishan Dieshui could finish his words, he turned into a golden light and disappeared into the clouds with the other two True Monarchs.

Wangshu Inn.

"Mr. Zhongli, for some reason, I have a feeling that the rain is about to come."

Lin Ce looked up at the sky.

At this time, dark clouds were densely covered, and thunder was flickering, obviously it was the work of that young immortal.

"The emperor's assassination is a huge blow to the people of Liyue and to all the immortals."

Zhongli said slowly: "It is understandable for the immortals to be angry. After all, they have accompanied the emperor for the longest time, but the Liyue Seven Stars have changed from generation to generation. Their affection for the emperor is definitely not as deep as that of the immortals."

He had communicated with Mandrill in advance and asked Mandrill to help with acting, so as to control the situation.

The wrath of a fairy cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

In case, he played too much and failed the test, but Liyue Port was destroyed first, who would argue with him at that time? .

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