[Reminder: Yula please complete the punishment as soon as possible]

[Reminder: Does the special guest Lin Ce agree to cooperate with Yula to complete the punishment?]

The sound of the system sounded and began to urge.

【Lin Ce: agree】

After Lin Ce agreed, the system sent him and Yula to Mond Plaza.

In an instant, the two appeared under the statue of Fengshen, looking at each other.

Speaking of which, Lin Ce has not seen Yula for a long time.

He traveled to the Tivat continent, and the first girl he met was Yula, and wonderful things happened between them.

Yura is still as beautiful and noble as ever.

"Damn Lin Ce."

Looking at Lin Ce, Yula's delicate and fair face was slightly flushed.

To be honest, she kind of misses this stuff.

The days with Lin Ce are relaxed and happy.

Of course, as arrogant as her, she would never admit it.

【Walnut: @ Lin Ce, @乌拉, please start your performance】

[Kamili Ayaka: Looking forward to it, hee hee

【Xiao Gong: @神里玉华, speak up, I can't hear you!】

【Ke Li: Hee hee @尧尧, @qiqi, Yaoyao, Qiqi, Keli announces to you】


Yula took a deep breath and shouted towards Lin Ce: "Lin Ce, I call you!"

"My brain and my heart, every organ in my body, is saying I declare you!"

Yura put on the Pain Mask.

She only felt that her brain was blank, and she didn't know how to shout this sentence.

"Announce who?"

Hearing this, Lin Ce imitated the action in the demo video and flicked her hair.

"Lin Ce!"

Yura really wanted to cry.

Woooooo~~, what a shameful line.

"Who announced Lin Ce?"

Lin Ce was much more natural than Yula, and he tossed his hair again, showing an evil smile like a domineering president.

"Yura Lawrence!"

Yura yelled hysterically.

"Speak up, I can't hear you!"

Lin Ce put his hand next to his ear, and sent a wink to Yula.

The anger in Yula's heart, Lin Cewen must have done it on purpose.

"Speak up, I can't hear you!"

Seeing that Yula didn't respond, Lin Ce repeated, "Who announced Lin Ce?"

"Yura Lawrence!"

Resisting the urge to beat Lin Ce up, Yula shouted with all her strength.

[Reminder: Yula's punishment is completed, Lin Ce will get a chance to draw a lottery

As soon as the system finished speaking, Lin Ce smiled and waved to Yula.

"Damn it, they didn't even come over to chat for a few words. I will write down this grudge."

Yura pursed her lips, sulking.

Afterwards, the two were teleported back to their original place by the system.

[Hint: Question and answer continues, lucky viewers are randomly selected

[Hint: After the drawing is completed, the lucky audience is Fengbara Manyo]

[Reminder: Fengyuan Manyo please answer the questions within the specified time, if you do not answer within the specified time, you will be punished]

Southern Cross Fleet, aboard the Death Omen.

After hearing the system's voice, Fengyuan Manyo's expression froze.

Unexpectedly, the last victim was actually him.

"Manyo, there are only two options left, and you still have half the chance to choose the right one."

Beidou patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Beidou big sister head, I've made up my mind."

Fengbara Manyo quickly made a decision.

[Maplehara Manyo: I choose C]

Compared with the arrogant lady, Fengbara Manyo felt that Ying was more kind.

So he chose C.

【Lady: Hehe, ignorant boy】

The lady sneered when she saw this option.

However, her smile froze instantly in the next second.

[Hint: Fengyuan Wanye answered correctly, and rewarded with five-star wind set holy relics]

Q&A group.

【Pimon: Wow, Ying, you actually defeated the lady in the future! So strong】

[Young Master: Even the lady has been defeated, and Ying's strength improvement can be called terrifying]

The son was very surprised.

I remember that when I was in Mond City, it was difficult for Ying to beat the Qiuqiu Rock Helmet King. In the near future, she could even defeat a lady. This speed of strength improvement can only be described as terrifying.

On the virtual screen, the previously frozen picture continues to play.

The lady and Ying have an imperial duel in the castle tower.

In order to prevent the aftermath of their battle from destroying the castle tower, General Raiden used divine power to create a protective shield around them to prevent the energy of the lady and Ying from pouring out.

The lady's first form was quickly defeated by Ying.

[Xingqiu: Ying can use wind, rock, and thunder as three elemental energies, which is too silly]

[Chongyun: No God's Eye is so strong, the lady underestimated Ying's strength]

[Kamili Linghua: That is to say, Ying can use seven elements as long as she touches the seven statues of the seven gods, which is unimaginable]

【Dragon King Ruo Tuo: I have more elemental power than me, this little sister is not simple】

Ruotuo Loli sized Ying up carefully.

I can't tell that this cute little sister is so amazing.

Touching a seven-day god statue, she can master the power of using this element, which is too cool.

"Who are you calling my little sister?"

0...asking for flowers...

Ying squeezed Ruo Daluoli's round face.

The screen continues to play.

After the lady's first form was defeated by Ying, the power of the Witch of Flame was released, and the violent fire elemental energy poured out crazily, and fire tornadoes rushed towards Ying, as if to tear her into countless pieces.

The majestic power of the rock element is continuously released in Ying's hands, and a huge barren star rises from the ground to help Ying resist the fire tornado.

The battle lasted for a long time, and finally the lady was defeated by Ying and fell to the ground.


The lady's voice was full of unwillingness.

She was actually defeated by Ying, this inconspicuous little person in her eyes.

At this moment, General Lei Dian walked towards Ying and the lady with his dream in his hand.

Ying thought that General Lei Dian was going to attack her, so she raised her weapons and equipment to fight back.

But General Thunder and Lightning walked past her and didn't play a show on her.

"I am the envoy of Solstice Winter, you know the impact on me."

The lady looked at General Thunder coming towards her, she was at a loss, and began to speak incoherently, "I swear, if you really swing a knife at me, I will let your country go, and the fools will let your cherished rice wife"

"Stop it for me, you still have you!"

Lady impotent rage.

Seeing the Hundred-Eyed Wheel of Wishes on the back of General Lei Dian lit up, she was relieved.

"How could I!"

The lady suddenly rushed towards General Lei Dian madly, trying to take out her God's Heart.

However, General Lei Dian swung his knife instantly, and countless thunderbolts appeared on the lady's body, and then the violent thunder elemental energy shot up into the sky, annihilating and devouring the lady.

In an instant, the ashes in the field disappeared.

Then, the screen stops playing.

Seeing this scene, the lady broke into a cold sweat. It turns out that this is the true power of the gods. How can a mortal body resist it?

[Arataki Ichito: Damn, it’s a good thing that my uncle was smart and didn’t have an imperial duel with Kujo Tengu]

Ararataki Yidou was also terrified.

If he had chosen to fight Kujo Sala at the beginning, wouldn't his fate be the same as that of the lady in the virtual image, being wiped out?

[Truth: Generally speaking, my sister will leave the whole body of the loser in the imperial duel, and the lady will be wiped out, or she is too arrogant]

【Xingqiu: You still dare to threaten Thor, the lady is already crazy】

【Chongyun: She thinks that Thunder God is as talkative as the wind god Barbatos and our emperor】

【Di Luke: Wendy and Zhongli put water on the lady, she really thought she was invincible】

【Kaya: That’s not called letting the water go, that’s called letting the sea go

[Group leader Lin Ce: @Ms., is it very simple? Six].

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