At this moment, as soon as the voice of Fischer boasting about his Zhong Erzhi fell, a mysterious but slightly exaggerated sound of music resounded on the big screen in the small shop.

Fischer's proud expression appeared on the screen.

"I am Fischel, the princess of condemnation, the ruler of darkness and silence, looking at Mond, the small garden in my territory, is really a pleasant mood."

"Huh, it turned out to be Fischer's pv?!"

Paimon was taken aback.

And the other people in the store also felt awe-inspiring, what's going on? It's the first time for a single person to have PV, right?

This Fischer was treated like this. Could it be that what she said was true?

What kind of Pure Land of the Night is this guy really from?

At this moment, everyone was a little confused.

And Fischer himself even let out a smug laugh, "Hahaha, Boss Jiang, you are indeed a wise man who knows Youye Pure Land. Is this a gift you specially prepared for my coming? Your sincerity , this princess has already felt it!"

And the video continues.

"Hey, are you here, my old enemy, the evil dragon Taslak!"

Accompanied by Fischer's Zhong Er voice.

In the video, a green dragon suddenly appeared, and it was... Tewarin.

Twarin, who was drinking soda in the Internet cafe, looked at himself on the screen with a dazed expression. He almost couldn't hold back, and sprayed all the soda in his mouth.

? ? ?

"The dragon in the video seems to be me, right? No, no, Evil Dragon Taslak, what's the name, what a shame!"

Twalin had the embarrassing feeling of wanting to pick out three rooms and one living room with his toes.

"My seal, release!"

Fischer covered his blindfold, "Let's end the thousand-year struggle today!"

"Dream of all things, maddened and sin-stricken eyes!"

The bursting purple light covered the screen, and Twarin was completely submerged.

"Let this dark holy flame turn you into ashes!"

And this astonishing big scene soon disappeared with a burst of relaxing music and Fischer's triumphant humming.

"Hmph, that's right, the sinful evil dragon was perfectly suppressed by me!"

Fischer stood in front of Miss Catherine from the Adventurer's Association, smiling intoxicatedly.

"This... so, as expected of you..."

Miss Catherine smiled awkwardly but politely.

To be honest, this video was quite bluffing at first, but when Twarin appeared and was called the evil dragon Taslak, everyone felt something was wrong.

At this moment, Catherine's awkward yet polite smile explained everything.

But more importantly, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly rang out from outside the picture.

"Little Amy, it's time to go home for dinner!"

"Dad... Dad?!"

Fischer's voice became flustered, "You go home first, no, no, who is little Amy, this concubine is the condemned Fischel!"

The video ended slowly, but the entire internet cafe was still silent.

Fischer's pretty face was flushed red, and everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on with this video!

She thought it was a compliment, but in the end... In the end, she even revealed her black history once, and broadcast it for everyone to see? !

Now everyone knows her name is Little Amy!

Moreover, what shocked Fischer was how the boss Jiang got this so-called video!

Is he really omniscient as he claims?

This is too powerful, too scary, right?

At this moment, Fischel was filled with awe of Boss Jiang.


"Hmph, this video is fake, how could this princess be called Little Amy!"

Fischer still tried to forcibly regain his dignity.

"Yes, we both understand."

Paimon nodded heavily.

"Ahem, what is that, Xiaoai... Fischer, you are here to play a game, there just so happens to be an empty seat, or someone else will snatch it away later."

Jiang Heng gave a dry cough, and was about to change the subject to save little Amy.

"Ahem, by the way, this princess came here today just for this 'Original God Game', the rest of the details are not worth mentioning..."

Fischer raised his head and hurriedly rushed to the side of the game cabin, but he didn't know how to get in, so Jiang Heng glanced at Rosalind.

Ms. Rosalind, just hurried over to serve little Amy wholeheartedly.

Last night, the lady played the game secretly, and was so comfortable that she was shocked and dirty the game cabin. Fortunately, this black technology product has its own cleaning function, otherwise the space in the store would have become more and more tight today.

"Damn it, it seems that the plan to play games secretly while the master is sleeping has completely failed... I really envy this little Amy, another lucky person..."

The lady sighed secretly.

And Fischer didn't have time to take care of her, and was already completely immersed in the game.

No way, this vr game is really fun!

"It turns out that this is the game Ying and Paimon talked about, it's really amazing!"

Fischel wandered the continent of Teyvat, feeling as if he had been reborn.

She has always fantasized that she is an imperial daughter who has traveled to many worlds, a person from another world, but it seems that her younger sister is a real alien. Very honorable. (In the official Yingmei data card, it is stated in the introduction that both Ying and Kong are the descendants of a subjugated country.)

This fits perfectly with the persona Fischer set up for himself, right?

After playing for a long time, little Amy fell in love with this game deeply!

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