With one person's encouragement, everyone was eager to gain this power. After all, everyone can practice, so why not become stronger?

At this time, the King's Army saw that the matter was exposed, and they also thought that there would be such a day.

At this time, the on-site commander of the King's Army came out and said

"This physical skill was given to us by Mr. Ye, and he also asked us to circulate it only in the king's army. Even ordinary soldiers cannot get access to the complete physical skill. Therefore, we cannot make this physical skill public. If someone with ulterior motives gets it, it will cause terrible harm. We will not make it public without Mr. Ye's consent. Please forgive us."

"Ah~ how could this happen!"

"Or let's join the King's Army!"

"This brother is smart!"

"Together, together!"

From then on, more and more people signed up for the King's Army, all to spy on the secret book left by the God of War. The King's Army was also very troubled by this, but that's all for later.

Ye looked at Rufus with a terrified expression and said:"What? You can't handle this little setback?"



Rufus was directly blown away by the domineering aura.

【Fairy Tail Team A +1】

【Jabadi:"Although Rufus flew out without knowing what happened, he was really powerless in front of Mr. Ye.

The audience also watched Ye beat Rufus like a son, and they were all stunned. In their eyes, the strongest sword-biting tiger was now so vulnerable.

Sword-biting tiger

Oga was surprised:"Is this guy really that strong? Rufus is no match for him at all!"

"Is there really such a strong person in the Fairy Tail Guild?"

Blue Pegasus said:"Lord Ye is still Lord Ye, he hasn't changed at all."

""Hmm!" Xiang and the others nodded in agreement.

Snake Princess Scale

Xue Liya was surprised.:"That person named Ye is so powerful!"

Leo said:"Mr. Ye's strength is far more than this. This martial arts performance is just a festival for Mr. Ye."

"And I feel that Mr. Ye is much stronger than he was seven years ago. Didn’t they say they have been sleeping for seven years?"

Jura said:"Yes, Mr. Ye's strength has become stronger. From his gestures, it seems ordinary, but it contains amazing power. It is incredible!"

Mermaid Heel

Rui Sili said:"Milliana, he is the powerful monster-like wizard you mentioned, right?"

Milliana said nervously:"Hush! Keep your voice down, he won't show mercy to you just because you're a girl."

Miriana was Erza's companion in the Tower of Paradise seven years ago. She has already joined the Mermaid Heel.

"This is not even the true strength of this monster. If you knew that, you would be shocked!"

【Jabadi:"We have just obtained all the information about Mr. Night from someone with good intentions. It turns out that Mr. Night was the strongest wizard of Fairy Tail seven years ago, known as the"strongest creature on earth". In his record, he once defeated Joseph Pola, who was the seventh of the Holy Ten Wizards at that time, one-on-one, and replaced Joseph Pola to become the new Holy Ten. By the way, Mr. Jura was ranked tenth at that time.】

"What can't be? That's the Holy Ten."

"No wonder Rufus is no match for him."

In everyone's opinion, the Ten Holy Mages are the ten strongest people in the entire Ophelia Kingdom. Even the Sword Bite Tiger, which is known as the strongest guild, cannot be a match for the Ten Holy Mages.

【"There is also news that Mr. Ye single-handedly wiped out the 300,000 beasts in the Monster Forest incident. It was also because of this incident that Mr. Ye got the title of"the strongest creature on earth". However, because this matter is too horrifying, whether it is true or not has yet to be confirmed."】

【"All in all, Mr. Ye is really an incredibly powerful monster.】

"So cool! The strongest on earth!"

"So strong! Lord Ye!"

"You slut, who are you showing off to?"

"Haaa! What does it have to do with you that I like Lord Ye?"

"I just don't allow you to look at Lord Ye with this face!"

After saying that, the two of them started to fight.

【"It ends here!"】

【The following is the ranking of this competition. Since it is the first level competition, the temporary ranking is as follows:】

【[Comprehensive Ranking]

1. Fairy Tail Team A 10 points

2. Fairy Tail Team B 8 points

3. Blue Pegasus 6 points

4. Snake Princess Scale 4 points

5. Mermaid Heel 3 points

6. Four-Headed Hounds 2 points

7. Saberbeast Tiger 1 point

8. Raven Tail 0 points

This ranking surprised everyone. The first and second places were directly taken by Fairy Tail.

Everyone has seen the result of the game. Yaiba unilaterally killed Raven Tail and Saberbeast Tiger, without the two-on-two cooperation mentioned before. The remaining few people competed with each other. Fairy Tail Team B's Mirajane also unilaterally crushed everyone else and won the second place. The performances of the others were mediocre.

"So strong! Fairy Tail, not to mention Mr. Night, even that girl is so strong!"

Oba Granny said angrily:"What are you doing, Toby! Don't you know how strong a monster Mira is? Spin around!"


"Mother-in-law, calm down," everyone advised

"Toby woke up later, and his grades were pretty good.:"It's really bad."

Kagura said:"As long as everyone is fine, I didn't expect that everyone in Fairy Tail is so strong."

Blue Pegasus said seriously.:"I am very satisfied with this result,"

Xiang echoed.:"After all, Mr. Ye is in there."

【Jabadi:"It was a big surprise. I thought that Tiger Blade would get the first place, but I didn't expect that Fairy Tail Team A and Team B took the first two places, while Tiger Blade only got the second to last place. Is the Fairy Tail from seven years ago going to make a comeback? 】

Fairy Tail Team B

"Well done Mira" Laxus said

"Miss Mira is really amazing." Wendy said happily.

Mira said shyly: ��It's been a while since I transformed in front of so many people, so I was a little shy for a while." Natsu from Team A of Fairy Tail said excitedly:"It was really satisfying when you taught Rufus the Sword Bite Tiger a lesson just now."

"Hahaha it's okay, I just can't stand him pretending to be cool in front of me hahaha"

"I want to compete too! Why isn’t it my turn yet?!"

Gray said:"If it's my turn, it's mine!"

After that, the two started arguing again.

Lucy ignored them and said:"But the first level is really lucky, it will be hide-and-seek, which Ye is best at."

Erza shook her head and said:"This is not just luck. For someone with Ye's strength, any game will become very easy. Even if it is another game, Ye will definitely win."

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