The audience was very disappointed to see that the Shuanglong they admired so much were not even a match for them.

Sting and Roger's cats also looked at the two with a worried look on their faces.

【Jabadi:"What the hell is going on!! Sting and Rogue are being suppressed!】

Natsu looked at the two embarrassed people and said:"You defeated the dragon with such strength?"

"I didn't beat him down! I killed him with my own hands!"

"Aren't they your parents?!"

"This has nothing to do with you. Now let me show you how powerful it is to kill a dragon!"

"White light mode"

"Shadow Mode"

Sting and Rogue emit white light and black light respectively

"It's time to go!"

Germain said:"It's over, this rubbish guild!"

Sting was like a flash of white light, kicking Natsu away with one foot, and then moved in front of Natsu again.

"Holy White Judgment! It ends here!"

Sting's fists were covered with white light, and he kept hitting Natsu.

Gajeel shouted:"Fire Dragon!"

Roger came to Gajeel quietly.

"Your opponent is me!"

Gajeel swung the Iron Dragon Sword backwards, but only cut off Rogue's phantom.

"Shadows are elusive."

Gajeel said angrily:"Stop being so arrogant, kid!!"

Gajeel predicted the location of Rogue and hit him with the Iron Dragon Stick. Rogue paused in pain. Gajeel grabbed Rogue's head and pressed it hard on the ground, causing the ground to crack. Then he kicked him away.

After being hit several times, Natsu grabbed Sting's hands. Seeing this, Sting breathed out a white dragon's breath and rushed towards Natsu. Natsu dodged by tilting his head.


When Sting saw that he missed, he shook his head and the laser swept towards Natsu.

Natsu let go of his hand, squatted, and swept his legs fiercely. Sting's body was in the air, and he stood up and did a roundhouse kick, sweeping Sting's head and flying out, colliding with Roger.

Lili didn't understand.:"They just got stronger all of a sudden."

Habib said:""Ah! But it doesn't seem to work."

The first generation explained:"This is magic amplification."

"It is a kind of magic that can strengthen oneself."

In The Sword-Bite Tiger, when

Regt and Flo saw the two people who had just started to improve, they were about to be happy, but the next second they were gone, and they were very worried about them.



The two kittens had already cried their eyes out, but they knew that their true power had not yet been used, so they still had hope.

【Jabadi:"Mr. Yakima.....What's the matter"】

【Yakima:"Well.....The gap in strength between the two sides is too big. Don't forget that there is still someone in their guild, the man they have always wanted to keep up with."】

【"Because of his existence, they understand that wizards can become stronger, because there is always someone waiting for them ahead."】

【"On the other hand, during the past seven years, the Sword Bite Tigers have not encountered any decent opponents at all. They have always lived in their own world, thinking that they are the strongest. However, they are not the strongest, it’s just that the strongest people are not here anymore."】

【"A sapling with a goal to help the towering tree, the sapling keeps growing. They believe that one day they will be able to share the burden on the tree's shoulders."

【"This heart for their companions is the fundamental reason why they have come this far and are so strong."】

【"But I think after this competition, they will have a rapid improvement."】

After hearing what Yakima said, the Fairy Tail all looked at Ye, who scratched his head in embarrassment.

In the arena,

Gajeel said:"The old man is right. Fairy Tail has basically dealt with all the dark guilds. They have never encountered any strong opponents during their growth."

Natsu said sarcastically.:"You dare to say you can deal with Akuno Rolia with your current condition."

Gajeel said with a smile:"Did I hear something terrible?"

Sting and Roger slowly stood up.

"Roger, they are really powerful."

"Yeah, but we can't give up here."

"Ah! That's right, although I knew it was a barrier that couldn't be easily broken, but I promised Regt that I couldn't lose, I couldn't lose!"

Then Stinger and Rogge's bodies glowed again, and this time there were strange lines.

Makarov was surprised.:"What is this magic power?"

Minerva laughed.:"Let them feel the power of the third generation dragon slayer wizard!"

Mavis said in surprise:"This is the power of the dragon!"

Everyone was puzzled.:"What is Dragon Power?"

"Dragon power, as the name suggests, is the power used by dragons, and the reason why humans can fight dragons is because they possess dragon power."

Romeo asked:"Then why haven't Natsu and Gajeel seen them use it?"

Makarov explained.:"Natsu and the others also possess the power of dragons, but it is very difficult to master this power." Sting said in the arena

:"Rogge, you don't have to do anything, I'm enough"

【Jabadi:"too....This is amazing!! The Sword Bite Tiger, who was at a disadvantage just now, now declares a one vs two battle!】

【Yakima:"Looks like he's pretty confident."】

Gajeel said unhappily:"You actually look down on us like that."

Natsu said seriously:"But this force is very strong."

Sting accelerated and came to Natsu in an instant. Natsu crossed his hands to block, but the force was too strong and kept sliding backwards.

Seeing this, Gajeel waved his hand and Sting dodged directly and kicked at Gajeel. Natsu took advantage of this opportunity and stepped forward.���Then

Gajeel attacked with the Iron Dragon Staff. Sting recovered and used the Iron Dragon Staff to flip in the air, using the White Dragon's Roar to knock Gajeel away.



"Mr. Naz, you should worry about yourself first!"

"Damn it!"

Sting quickly moved around Natsu, attacking him non-stop. Natsu was completely helpless against Sting.

Gajeel came to his senses and rushed towards Sting. The two worked together to resist Sting's attack.

"What should the fire dragon do now!"

"Ha! How should I know!"

"What's the use of having a fool like you!"

"You wanna fight, asshole?"

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

Sting said angrily:"Your opponent is me!"

Natsu and Gajeel smiled knowingly.


"The iron fist of the fire dragon!"

"Iron Dragon Stick!"

Sting said disdainfully:"Do you think you can beat me like this?"

"Dragon Slayer Secret: Holy Nova!"

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