In the Sword-Bite Tiger Inn, the entire guild was filled with a heavy smell.

Germain said slowly:"Sting, Roger, what drama are you acting in?"

"They are both dragon slayers, but they always act high and mighty, saying they are invincible and have never lost. Is that right?"

"In the end, he failed easily, and was defeated by another dragon slayer."

"Why aren't you talking!!! Hmm!!!"

Roger gritted his teeth and said,"Natsu Dragonil is too strong. His understanding of dragon power, his understanding of combat and his experience are far beyond ours. He is stronger than we could have imagined."

Germain crushed the ground with his foot and walked to the two of them.

"Is this what you, as the strongest sword-biting tiger, should say?!"

"Did I ask you to embarrass me like this? Did I ask you to fail? You have tarnished the name of the strongest guild!!!!"



Germain emitted a powerful wave of magic power, which directly blew the two away and broke through the wall.

After seeing the two being hurt again, their kittens ran towards them worriedly.

Germain said angrily:"You two are no longer qualified to stay in the strongest guild of Sword Bite Tiger. Erase your emblems and get out, you two trash!!!"

The other three of the top five Sword Bite Tigers looked at the two with ridicule. Usually, the two of them were self-righteous and didn't take anyone seriously. Now that they have failed, ridicule and perseverance are what they must endure.

At this moment, Recter suppressed his fear and said:"That president, Sting and Roger have tried very hard. Although they lost this time, I am still very proud of them."


"I think people can always become stronger from their failures. I think Sting and Roger must have learned a lot from this game and will become stronger next time. Just forgive them."

"I say who are you!"

"Yada, President, you are such a fool. Look at my emblem on my back."

Germain used his magic power and said angrily,"Why can such a beast be tattooed with the emblem of the invincible sword-biting tiger?"


Germain released powerful magic power directly to Regt.

Regt was in disbelief that his president would kill him without mercy.

Regt looked at Sting reluctantly and said,"Mr. Sting~"

Everyone in the guild was shocked by Germain's move. They thought that those who quit the guild were just humiliated, and then their tattoos were removed and they were expelled from the guild. There had never been a case of death, which made them very scared. The smoke dissipated, leaving a black mark on the ground, and the kitten Regt was nowhere to be seen. Sting looked at everything that happened in front of him in disbelief.


" It’s really an eyesore. Even a kitten dares to get a tattoo of a saber-biting tiger. So be prepared to get a tattoo of it!"


Roger quickly hugged Flo in his arms for fear that it would be killed by Germain.

Germain shouted:"Be quiet, Sting!!!"

"How dare you!!! How dare you kill my Regt!!!"

Sting stared at Germain, the desire to kill him instantly filled his body, the magic power in his body also responded to him, and in an instant he came directly in front of Germain.


The powerful punch pierced through Germain's body, and Germain slowly fell to the ground without a breath.

Everyone was shocked to see what was happening before their eyes. Their leader was killed instantly by Sting.

Only Minerva smiled. She finally understood how to stimulate the true power of the Dragon Slayer. If she had this power, then the chances of winning the final day's match would increase again.

Time soon came to July 6, the final day of the Grand Demon Fighting Competition.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

The venue released a large number of fireworks again, and the audience was cheering desperately, because today would decide the final winner of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Competition.

【Jabadi:"Finally, we have waited for this moment. The fiery festival of the wizards, the final day of the Grand Magic Battle!! Whether we cry or laugh, today will definitely decide the winning guild!! Today's live broadcast is still me, Jabadi, and the commentator is Mr. Yakima, a former member of the Magic Council."】

【Yakima:"Please advise me!"】

【Jabadi:"And today’s special guest is...The mascot of this big magic fight, Mato-kun, came to our venue in person"】


【Jabadi:"Mato-kun doesn’t have to be a referee today. Is it really okay for him to come here as a special guest?"】

【Pumpkin:"It's okay today, Pumpkin, come on everyone! Pumpkin"】

【Pumpkin:"Next it's time for the contestants to enter the arena."】

【Jabadi:"Now we are ranked sixth, do we have a chance to turn things around? Welcome the four hounds!!"】

【"Next, although there are powerful Ten Holy Wizards participating in the competition, they are unlucky and always encounter the powerful Fairy Tail Snake Princess Scale!!!"】

【"Next up is the strongest who are currently ranked fourth and once dominated the conference. Can they regain their former glory and the title of the strongest today? They are the Sword-biting Tigers!!! The five strongest people, led by Minerva, walked in slowly.

【Jabadi:"It seems like their atmosphere today is not very good?"】

【Yakima:"Could it be that they have regrouped?"】

【Pumpkin:"That's so cool!!"

At this time, the audience suddenly found that the support area of Saberbite Tiger was a little different.

"Hey, look, one of their cats is missing?"

"It's true!"

When Sting knew that Leggett was not dead, he asked Miss to return Leggett to him, but Miss asked for the final championship as a condition, and would only return Leggett to him if he won.

"Don't worry, Reget, I won't lose again!!"

【"Then came the Mermaid Heel, a guild made up entirely of women, who made it into the top three of the Grand Demon Fighting Performance with their hardcore strength!!"

Mermaid Heel, led by Banjiu, walked out slowly.

【"Next is the Blue Pegasus, who can use fragrance freely and is very lucky to be in the top two!"】

【"The last one to appear is Fairy Tail, which has been the strongest guild seven years ago and has been firmly in the first place by crushing everything with its absolute strength. Will today be their day of resurrection?!!】


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