Fairy Tail Support Area Makarov looked at the scene in front of him, and the little bit of worry completely disappeared.

Makarov said lightly:"It's over."

Erza smiled.:"Ah! Yes! The Saber-Bite Tiger made the worst move. They have not yet realized the horror of the night."

【Jabadi:"Big Crisis!!! Our God of War has encountered an unprecedented big crisis!! It is really unexpected that the Sword Bite Tiger would adopt such a strategy"】

【"First, he defeated the relatively weaker wizards one by one, and then defeated the captain in one fell swoop, keeping the score firmly in his hands. Although it was a bit mean in front of Kagura, it was understandable that he did it for the sake of victory."】

【"Mr. Yakima, what do you have to say about Mr. Ye's current situation?"】

【Yakima:"Young people nowadays have forgotten how terrifying Ye Xiaozi is. He is not someone who can win by relying on numbers."】

【pumpkin:"he......Is he really that powerful?! Pumpkin"】

【Yakima:"You don't think that the previous battle with Jura was the strength of Ye Xiaozi, he just treated the Great Demon Fighting Ensemble as a festival."】

【"To put it bluntly, all the people here combined are not enough for him to fight alone."】

After hearing what Yakima said, the audience showed disbelief. This is not his true strength.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I think it's true! The master is still in a state of ease."


It's true now that you put it that way!"

"Hahahaha——!!"Ye suddenly burst into laughter.

Minerva looked at him unkindly.:"What are you laughing at?!"

Ye gradually stopped laughing and said:"Do you want to know what our plan is?"

"What is it?"

Ye joked:"Our plan is......There is no plan!"

Minerva said angrily, knowing that she had been tricked.:"You can only talk nonsense now. We are sending out the four strongest members of the Sword Bite Tiger this time. You have already consumed a lot of magic power in the battle with Kagura just now. You can't defeat us."

Ye suddenly became crazy and shouted:"You are just a little kitten, and you dare to act so arrogantly in front of me!!!"

The powerful black air directly repelled the four people of Sword Bite Tiger.

Several people felt unprecedented malice from the black air, which exuded a terrifying breath of death. Gradually, Ye slowly raised his hands. His strong muscles could not be restrained by clothes at all. Soon, the clothes were torn apart by the muscles, and the face of the evil ghost was exposed on his back. The black air gradually became thicker and enveloped the entire land. Everyone looked at this ominous black fog and swallowed instinctively.

【Jabadi:"hair.....occur....what......again.....yes.....This feeling.....】

【Yakima:"put.....Heart.....Night Small.....son....There will be.....point....Inch】

【pumpkin:"good......very scary.......South...."Melon!"]

In the arena, the four members of the Sword Bite Tiger looked at the person in front of them. No! It should be said that they were terrified. The fear in their hearts made them unable to move at all.

Ye joked:"What's wrong? Is this the Sword Bite Tiger of the strongest guild? Why is he so scared now like a kitten? Where is his confidence just now?"

"I still like your unruly side!"

Minerva shouted:"Sting! If you want to save your cat, find a way for me!!"

Sting's fearful heart gradually became less frightening when he thought of Leggett.

Suddenly Sting shouted to the other two.:"Please help me! Although I am usually very arrogant and ignorant, I would like to ask you to help me this time!!!"


Oga and Rufus looked at Sting kneeling before them in disbelief. This was something they had never thought of, nor dared to think of, but it was actually happening before their eyes.

The fear in their hearts was also eased by this sudden shock.

Oga said:"Since you said so, what else can I say? Let me go crazy with you!"


" Haa...

【Jabadi:"I'm back to normal. I almost thought I was dead just now."】

【pumpkin:"Look, what's on Mr. Ye's back!"

Everyone looked at Ye's back. It was pitch black before so they couldn't see it clearly. Now that the black fog has dissipated, the ghostly back behind Ye can be seen clearly.

"What is this?! Is it muscle?!"

"No one's back muscles look like this!"

【Jabadi:"Mr. Yakima, what the hell is this?"】

【Yakima:"Don't worry, everyone. I heard from Makarov that it is the symbol of the Night Boy clan, the ghost back!"】

【Jabadi:"There is such a bloodline in the world, it is so handsome!!"]

The female audience was excited again when they heard the news.

"Lord Ye, I want to give birth to a baby for you!!"

"I can make small ones!!".......

In the arena,

Ye said to several people:"It seems that you are not as hopeless as I thought, although there are still a few who have not come to their senses."

Ye shouted loudly.:"Come on! Little tigers, please me as much as you can! Hahahaha——!!"

Oga rushed towards Ye first, with dark lightning gathering in his hands.

"It’s the Sword-Bite Tiger!!!"

"Lightning Critical Hit!!"

Ye used his Armament Haki to catch Oga's full-strength attack with one hand, then he kicked upwards fiercely, and bitter water came out of Oga's mouth and flew upwards.

Rufus released the Infernal Fire that burned the earth under Ye's feet, and the ground instantly turned into a blazing land of fire.

Ye raised his fist and released the dark aura on his fist. The air became a little distorted, and Ye slammed into the ground fiercely.


The ground shattered instantly, and the violent vibration caused all the surrounding buildings to collapse. Wisps of black air slowly floated out from the broken ground.

Rufus looked at the man in front of him in shock and said::"Is this really something a human can do? It's so exaggerated just by using the flesh. Even if I can copy such memories, who else can use them except him?"

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