Gureya was hit by the thunder and lost consciousness for a while. Atlas Frame, who was fighting with him, grabbed Gureya's head with his dragon claws. Natsu grabbed Future Rogue and jumped directly onto Atlas Frame.

""Go ahead, uncle!"

Atlas Frame grabbed Gureya's head and squeezed it hard.


Atlas Flame released a large amount of flames from his hands, burning Gureya's entire body and pressing him to the ground.

It was as if a ball of fire fell from the sky.


Gureya's entire dragon body collapsed to the ground, without any movement.

"So strong! Uncle!"

"Hehe, I am the Hellfire Dragon!"

"Let’s go, uncle, it’s time to deal with other dragons!"


Natsu looked over and saw a dark red energy rising into the sky in the distance.

Atlas Frame shook his head.:"There is no need, Natsu, your partner has already dealt with all the other dragons."

On Ye's side,

Libeya, who had just tried to escape, was kicked back to the ground by Ye. The energy ball that had not been released just now appeared in the sky again and slowly fell to the ground.

"The night spread out its ghostly aura and surrounded Libeya, with red and black walls erected around it."


Energy with nowhere to go soared into the sky. Soon, Libea, covered in wounds, also lay on the ground.

Ye sensed that there was still a dragon that had not been destroyed, and rushed over quickly.

After seeing the fire dragon in the distance, just as Ye was about to launch an attack, Natsu's voice was heard.

"Ye! Don't do it, the uncle is a good man!! He is just controlled by someone," said Atlas Frame:"I'm sorry that I was not strong-willed, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of you and brought you unnecessary trouble."

Ye looked at the apologetic dragon and Natsu, who was living in peace with the dragon, and retracted his ghost domineering aura and slowly landed.

Atlas Frame was relieved to see that the human in front of him did not take action.

Ye used his domineering aura and shouted:"The invading dragons have been destroyed!!"

The voice reached everyone's ears. After hearing the news, everyone's morale was boosted again, and they wiped out all the little dragons at a very fast speed.

"Victory!!! It's finally over!!"

"I never thought humans could defeat dragons!!"

"Martial God! Martial God! Martial God!...."

Everyone cheered the name of the God of War. They all knew that without him, they would not be where they are now.

King Thomas sat on the ground, feeling relieved.

"That's great! I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so powerful. Should I give him the title of the Great General of the Nation?"

Feicui's heart was also relieved. She almost became the sinner of the entire kingdom.

"I think this is why Mr. Ye does not approve of the Eclipse Project. With his strength, he really doesn't want to do this."

Sting said in a depressed mood.:"We were really arrogant before. The dragons were so powerful that we couldn't contend with them. These were just ordinary dragons. One can imagine how powerful the black dragon Acnorolia is."

Rogge said.:"Let's work hard to become stronger. There's no point in worrying about Sting. With him here, we don't have to worry about these things at all."

Sting smiled and said:"Yes, we just need to protect our companions. Fairy Tail is really burdened with a heavy burden!"

Not long after, everyone gathered in the palace again. At this time, the palace had become a ruin, but the Eclipse Gate was still standing without any damage.

"This is the gate that the dragons came through after traveling through 400 years. It’s really spectacular!"

"This seems to be something created by the black wizard Zeref, he is really a genius."

Ye said after dragging the last dragon over.:"Open the door!"

Lucy and Yukino shouted:"Yes, Captain!!"

The twelve golden keys were inserted into the keyhole again, and the door slowly opened. The leopard-shaped dragon that had not come out before wanted to rush out, but Ye gathered an energy ball and sent him back directly.


A huge explosion occurred among the dragons.

Then, in front of everyone, Ye threw all the dragons into the Eclipse Gate.

Atlas Frame asked:"My friend, you have a power that does not belong to this world. Maybe you can really defeat Acnorolia."

Natsu shouted:"Uncle, remember to say hello to Igneel for me, tell him that I have grown up now, and I will find him one day! And then beat him hard!"

"Hahaha, I will definitely tell him, Natsu!"

Ye suddenly said:"Wait!"

Atlas Frame asked doubtfully.:"What's wrong, buddy?"

"You forgot one person!"

Then Ye clapped his hands, and the soldiers brought a human to Ye.

"Bring him back to me too!"

Lucy was surprised when she saw the person coming.:"It's him! This guy deceived the princess, saying that this door is a weapon against the dragons."

The people of Sword Bite Tiger saw this guy who looked almost exactly like Rogge. They were confused by the amount of information.

Rogge himself was even more confused. He could clearly feel that the other person had the same aura as himself, but he was himself, so how could there be another one?

Lucy looked at the confused Rogge and explained:"He is you from the future!"

"What! My future self!"Roger was incredulous.

My future self would become like this, almost destroying the entire kingdom.

Ye said:"Don't worry, Roger, he is him, you are you, he is just you among countless variables."

Future Roger shouted:"Just one step away! I could have saved the world, but it was all because of you! You are the ones who destroyed this world!"

"The future world has been ruled by Akuno Rolia! Only my dragon magic can save this world! Open the gate of the lunar eclipse, as long as I control more dragons, I can defeat Akuno Rolia! I am the savior of this world!"

Ye said disdainfully:"You still don't give up, do you think you can defeat that guy with just these dragons? Don't be so delusional! It's just the darkness in your heart that's causing trouble."

Future Rogue shouted:"What do you know! The future world is far more cruel than the present one. Everyone died one by one in front of me, and the first to be annihilated was your Fairy Tail!"

Gray said disdainfully:"How is it possible! Seven years ago, Ye almost killed the Black Dragon, but that guy was just lucky, otherwise we wouldn't have been sealed for seven years."

Everyone nodded.:"That’s right! That’s right!"

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