Lucy looked at Gray and said:"what happened to him"

"It's okay, he just figured it out, but he can't accept it for the time being."

"Well, let's take a break. All we can do now is wait for the moonlight to be fully collected."

As time passed, the bright moon hung high in the sky, and suddenly!

""Boom!" The sound rang out, waking up the people who were resting.

"What's going on?! What's going on?! It's an enemy attack!"

"Everyone looked up at the top, and saw a beam of purple moonlight shining down from the top of the cave and falling on Deliora."

Lucy looked at Deliora and exclaimed:"Look, everyone, the ice that's freezing Deliora is melting!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Lucy's finger and found water stains on the ice. This was undoubtedly caused by melting.

Gray said in disbelief.:"How is it possible?! This is impossible, this is the ice that Uru sealed with his life, how could it be melted!"

Lucy said:"Are they trying to unblock Deliora?"

Gray said angrily, damn it:"No matter who you are, if you dare to tarnish my master's name, I will never let him go!"

Natsu pointed at him.:"Look, there's a ladder over here!"

Gray ran ahead.:"Let me see who is behind this!"

Several people ran up the stairs and soon found several figures in black robes at the front, muttering some incantations, as if they were performing some kind of religious ritual. As they continued to chant, the moonlight in the sky was slowly drawn down and shone on Deliora.

Gray said angrily:"Damn it! Do you guys know what they are doing?"

"Keep your voice down, Gray, there are people coming again."

I saw a man wearing a horned helmet, followed by the three people I met below before.

"I'm so sleepy! Is there really an intruder? I looked around but couldn't find any trace.:"Oh, Lord Lingdi, we found the intruders a few hours ago. They may have escaped. I can’t show my love to them anymore."

The man called Lingdi said slowly.:"Invader? You lowly fellow, don't worry, our mission is almost over, our dream is about to be realized, don't let an insignificant person affect our mood!"

"Yes! Lord Lingdi! I like you more and more. This is"love"!

Gray heard Lingdi's voice and said in disbelief.:"Hey, hey, hey! Are you kidding me, this voice!"

Natsu said impatiently:"I don’t care, I can’t stand it. I haven’t fought a single enemy so far, and this is still considered S-level!"

"Don't go, idiot." Gray was about to reach out to stop Natsu but found that he couldn't stop him.

Natsu's sudden appearance shocked him.

"The invader is here, take him down quickly.

You are the ones who brought the curse on this island. I will defeat you all.

"Curse? What is that, Toby? Do you know?"

"How could I know!"

Naz took a deep breath.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"

"The flame went out in an instant.

"What, the flame is gone!" Lucy exclaimed.

Natsu was exposed and the other people had nothing to hide.

Yuka looked at the people who came out and said with the emblem of Fairy Tail:"You are from Fairy Tail."

Zero Emperor said coldly:"It seems that the people in the village asked Fairy Tail for help. If I had known, I would not have allowed them to exist."

Gray stared at Zero Emperor and said:"Bastard, do you know what you are doing! Leo!"

Zero Emperor said slowly:"You finally recognized me, Gray! It's been a long time since we last met." While speaking, Zero Emperor put down his mask.

Lucy asked:"Gray, do you know this guy?"

Leo replied :"Of course I know him. He is my beloved junior. I haven't seen him for 10 years, but he doesn't seem to have made much progress."

"Senior brother?"

"Junior brother?"

Gray asked coldly.:"Why are you doing this?"

Leo replied.:"Why? Of course, to defeat Deliora and prove that I have surpassed Uru!"

"You unblocked Deliora just to prove this!"

"What do you know! You know nothing. Don't forget that it was you who killed Uru, and then you lived happily in the guild shamelessly for 10 years!"

Gray was shocked by Leo's words, and his fists clenched unconsciously. Leo's words made him fall deeply into self-blame and guilt.

"What's wrong? Why are you silent? I was right!

Gray took a deep breath and said :"You can hate me, but you shouldn't have resurrected Deliora, who was sealed by Uru! You want the teacher to die in vain!"

"Gray, you dare to teach me a lesson after not seeing me for several years. If you still feel a little guilty towards Uru, don't stop me and take the people in your guild and leave here quickly!"

"Impossible! I must stop you today. I won't let you unblock Deliora!"

"There is no room for negotiation!"

Then a voice came:"Um~Have you guys finished talking? It’s already late. If you want to continue talking, why not have a meal? I’m hungry!"

Lucy complained:"Is it appropriate for you to say this now?"

Leo looked at Ye and interrupted them, still saying such boring words.

He said coldly:"Get rid of these guys"

Lucy complained again:"Still have to fight?=_="

"Oh! Finally, I can start!"

"It was you who just eliminated my flames. Take that, you bastard, the fire dragon's iron fist!

"Wave barrier!"

Natsu's fist was unable to break Yuka's barrier.

Suddenly Toby jumped out.

"Poisonous Grab"

Natsu dodged the grab and turned around and kicked Toby away.

"Volatility Bomb"


"These two are really difficult to deal with, but I am excited!"

Shirley looked at Lucy and said:"It's our turn next!"

Open, Taurus, Talos!

"Moo~, Lucy, your figure is still so good"

"Talos attacks her"

"Watch me!"

"Puppet hits marionette!"

"Oh no, Lucy, I can't control myself anymore." Talos' axe hit Lucy.

"Ah! What happened?

Gray looked at his companions who were fighting on their own and looked at Leon with a firm look.

"You want to fight me? Don't forget that you have never defeated me."

"That was in the past, it's hard to say now!"

Ye said as he looked at everyone who had an opponent.:"what about me!"

"Hati, Habi, what should I do?

Habi looked at Ye Dao speechlessly.:"Otherwise, you can just look at Deliora."


"Alas~" Ye could only sit there helplessly, and soon Gray was defeated.

"Gray, you still use your hands to perform magic."

"I always keep Ulu’s teachings in mind!"

"But didn't you still lose to me?"

Ye interrupted:"Gray feels guilty about you. Modeling magic is a free magic. Be careful not to be bound by it. Naturally, you can't win against you."

"You have been interfering in my affairs since just now,"

Ye asked doubtfully:"Did I interfere in your affairs? How come I don't know?"

"Now you are still playing dumb, go to hell"

"Ice-shaped white tiger,"

Gray reminded:"Wait, don't attack!"

I saw an ice tiger rushing towards Ye. When Ye waved his hand, the white tiger shattered into ice chips.

Leo was surprised.:"How is it possible that my look was shattered so easily?"

Ye tickled his ears and said:"It's nothing special, you're just too weak."

"Damn it! What did you say, jerk!"

"Ice-shaped Great Ape, Ice-shaped Great Eagle"

"As for the two-handed modeling, it seems that your modeling skills are indeed higher than Gray's."

"But young wizard, you have to understand that in the face of absolute power, numbers are of no use."

Ye flashed past two modeling creatures, which instantly turned into ice chips and dissipated in the air. Ye held Leo's head with one hand and sent him to the ground.


" Kaa...:"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Ye released his domineering aura, like Shura. Shirley, Tobi, and Yuka were trembling with fear, as if they would be crushed into pieces in an instant if they moved.

"You still want to fight?"

Yuka trembled.:"I heard President Oba talk about you. You are Wushen Ye!"

"I didn't expect you to be a member of the Snake Princess Scale. For the sake of Grandma Obama, I'll let you go this time. If you dare to do evil next time, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Shirley said with courage.:"You don't understand anything at all. Deliora destroyed our hometown. We are all victims of that disaster. We have been living in the shadow for this reason. It was Lord Lingdi who said to break the seal and destroy Deliora so that we don't have to live in the shadow. It was Lord Lingdi who brought me a new life. I will never allow you to destroy the ceremony!"

The ceremony was held at this time.���Several people also ran over and said:"Please don't hurt Lord Lingdi, he is a good man!"

"You guys are dressed like a cult and told me your leader is a good guy."

Ye scratched his ear helplessly.:"Which eye of yours saw me disrupt the ceremony? To put it bluntly, I could have knocked you out just now with just a few of you guys in black."

"Then why did you stop Lord Lingdi and knock him out?!"

"The Zero Emperor you mentioned has long been persecuted by obsession. I just wanted him to calm down.

Gray said hurriedly.:"Ye, why didn't you stop Deliora from resurrecting!"

"Gray! You are a wizard of Fairy Tail, you shouldn't be bound by this garbage. Since you can't remove the haze yourself, let me do it. We are family, right?"


"Calm down and take a good look around you!"

Gray looked at Natsu.

"We will solve it for you."

Looking at Lucy

"You have to believe in the night, believe in our bond" looking at the harpy

"Ye is the strongest!"

Looking at Hati

"Awoo! Awoo!"

"Thank you all so much!"

Ye looked at Deliora. It was almost done.

The ice that sealed Deliora slowly melted, and the unsealed Deliora made a deafening sound.

"It's this voice, I will never forget this voice!"

Leo slowly woke up and said:"Has Deliora awakened?! Now is the time to prove that I have surpassed Uru"

"Lord Lingdi, are you okay? Shirley hurriedly helped Leo up.

At this time, Deliora gathered powerful energy in his mouth and prepared to launch it towards Ye.

"Hahaha, good thing you're here. I hope you're not like that loser Zhuge. Come on! Please me! Hahahaha!"

Lucy asked, looking at Ye, who was different from usual.:"What's wrong with him?"

Habib said helplessly.:"The old problem came back."

Deliora's powerful energy attacked Ye, and Ye stood still and looked at Deliora.

Gray said anxiously :"Why did Ye suddenly stop responding?"

"I don't know, but trust him."

"Damn it!"

The energy reached Ye, and Ye shattered the energy with a wave of his hand. Ye's nonchalant response shocked everyone.

"You haven't realized it yet! Deliora is dead!"

Gray said in surprise:"What! Dead!"

"That's right, I think it's absolutely frozen. After ten years, it finally consumed Deliora's life. Just now it was just his last burst of light. Gray, you have a very respectable master!"

Gray couldn't hold back any longer and burst into tears.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Natsu said slowly:"Your teacher is really strong."

Leo said in disbelief when he heard Ye's words.:"Then I will never be able to surpass Uru!

Gray came to Leo and shouted:"Enough, Leo, I know you don’t want to prove that you are better than Uru, you just want to avenge Uru. Now that Deliora is finally dead, you can let it go!"

"No! No! I want to prove that I am better than Uru!"

Gray went up and punched Leo, you wake up and look at the people around you.

Leo looked at Shirley, Yuka, Toby, and everyone else.

"Lord Lingdi, it's enough! It's really enough! We are all very satisfied. We have never felt so relieved after our great revenge. Lord Lingdi, it's time for you to let it go.

"Ah~! Maybe it’s time to let it go!"

"Thank you Gray"

"I'm not used to you suddenly doing this"

"I will remember the punch you just gave me, and I will pay you back one day,"

Gray said angrily.:"You wanna fight, you bastard!"

"Didn't I just knock you down?"

"I gave it to you!" Gray and Leo started arguing with each other. Then

Natsu said excitedly:,"Great! The mission is finally completed!"

Ye said slowly.:"Who told you that the mission is completed? Don't you forget what our mission is?"

Everyone suddenly said:"Destroy the moon, but how is that possible?"

Yuuka looked at the Fairy Tail group and said:"What are you talking about destroying the moon?"

"This is our commission. The village below has been cursed by Deliora and turned into a demon. The village chief asked us to destroy the moon."

Ye looked at the people in his guild speechlessly.

"Don't you understand yet? If the village is really cursed by Deliora, then why are Leo and the others who are so close to Deliora okay?"

"Yes! Why is it okay?" Natsu looked at Lucy and said

"how could I know!"(ꐦÒ‸Ó)

"You guys are still far from being S-rank!"

Lucy said:"Did you already know how to solve it that night?"

"When I saw those three people, I roughly understood"

"What! How could it be!"

"Okay, let's go back to the village first. All the problems will be solved there."

Ye and Leo came to the village.

At this time, the village chief came to greet them.:"Lord Ye, you have found a way to destroy the moon."

Lucy said:"Why do you call me Lord Ye?"

Habbit said:"Maybe it was because he saw Natsu being beaten so hard that he developed a fear of him,"

Gray said slowly.:"Ye should tell me how to solve it."

Ye said slowly:"It’s actually very simple, that is to destroy the moon!"

"How is that possible? You can't even reach it from this far away." said Habbit:"You want me to help you get up there?"

Lucy complained:"You don't doubt that he can not destroy the moon, but worry about whether he can get it."

"Get out of the way!"

Ye slowly took off his shirt, revealing his exaggerated figure.

Lucy and Leo were shocked.

Lucy said in fear.:"What is that? It looks like the face of an evil spirit."

Habib explained. :"That's called the ghost back, it's the symbol of the night tribe"

"Is there such a nation?"

Ye slowly squatted down, posed the Kamehameha wave posture, opened the ghost back, and the purple aura slowly floated out of Ye's body. The amazing momentum instantly emanated from Ye's body, shocking everyone around Ye.

Gray was surprised.:"You can't get close just by momentum! The gap between us is too big."

Only Natsu was as excited as a fool.:"Too strong, one day I will surpass him!"

Habib shook his head and said:" Impossible Natsu!"

Kame-pai-ki-gong-bo! Haah!!!

I saw a meter-wide energy rising into the sky and rushing towards the moon.

"Look everyone, the moon is broken!"

"What!━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━It's really broken!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking in the air, and the moon turned from purple back to its original color.

Lucy was puzzled.:"The moon has changed back,"

Ye explained.:"The moon looks the same everywhere. If you see a different moon on the island, then the problem must be on the island."

"I think it's because the moon drops formed a thin film in the air that covered the entire island. Now that I've broken the film, the moon will naturally return to its original state."

Lucy looked at the villagers and said:"But they didn’t recover."

"The reason they didn't recover is because they were originally demons, but the Moon Drops caused them to have memory disorder, thinking they were human. When the moonlight shines through the film formed by the Moon Drops at night and shines on them, plus the Moon Drops themselves have the effect of breaking demons, they will return to their original state."

The village chief thought for a while and said :"It seems that just as Lord Ye said, we are demons ourselves, but I killed my child with my own hands."


The village chief looked in the direction of the voice.

"Bobo, you are not dead, but I remember that I stabbed you."

"That little wound is nothing to us demons."

The village chief and his son reminisced about the past.

"Well, it all ended successfully!"

"Thank you, Lord Ye. I will pay you the commission fee later."

No need, Village Chief. I don't want the commission fee. After all, it was a member of our guild who took it without permission. Besides, it's not a very difficult commission. Let's forget it this time."

"Thank you so much, Master Ye. In that case, please accept this key."

Lucy looked at the key and said:"It is one of the 12 Golden Palaces. There is also this one."

The village chief explained:"This key was originally written in the commission. Didn't you find it?"

Lucy said self-deprecatingly:"I was only looking at the bounty and didn't see it at all."

At this time, Ye said:"Lucy, take this key. No one is more suitable than you."

"Really? Thank you so much!"

"The punishment for returning is not small."

"Got it! Got it!"

Natsu said excitedly:"We have completed the S-rank, can we accept S-rank missions in the future?"

Ye looked at Natsu like a fool.:"What are you thinking about? It's impossible. This is not even S-level. Don't forget, there will be punishment from the president when you go back. The punishment is that!"

Nazhabi looked at Ye with a sad face.

"Only that one is definitely not okay,"

Lucy asked curiously:"What is that?"

Ye Mi asked:"��You will know when you go there."

Gray said to Leo.:"Leo, do you want to join a guild? The teacher once said that there are many powerful wizards on the other side of the continent. At first, I didn't believe it until I came to Fairy Tail and found that what Uru said was true, and Ye is the strongest wizard I have ever seen."

"Gray, a mere man, wants to lecture his senior brother, huh!"

Gray said angrily:"You are still unlikable."

"Then we'll go first!"

Yuka looked at Leo and said:"Lord Lingdi"

"Call me Leo from now on."

"Leo, do you want to join us, Snake Princess Scale?"

"I have nowhere to go for the time being, so I'll go with you guys"


Leo suddenly thought of it and shouted to Gray:"Gray! Be careful of a man named Zarut, he was the one who helped me to unlock the seal of Deliora!"


"Have you heard of this name?"

"Zarut, I think I know who it is."

"who is it!"

"You don't need to know about this. It's not something you can bear for now."

"Ah~, what a bummer"

"Become stronger, and when your strength reaches a certain level, all the secrets will be revealed to you."

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