Inside the Magic Council

"The defendant, Ye, the leader of the Ghost Ruler, Joseph, accuses you of attacking the Ghost Guild, causing a large number of members to be injured and damaging the base.

You intended to provoke a guild war and violated the treaty prohibiting fighting between guilds.

"You can plead guilty!"

Ye nodded.:"Although it is biased, what I said is basically correct. However, as soon as I left, you followed me. I wonder if some of you have accepted money from Phantom."

"What are you talking about? How could we possibly do such a thing?"

"You know whether you have it or not!"

"Arrogant, too arrogant! How dare you speak so arrogantly here? Chairman, this time, not only should Ye be punished, but the Fairy Tail Guild should also be removed from the list of regular guilds."

Several other members echoed:"That's right, he doesn't take our council seriously, he must be severely punished to show the majesty of our council!"

Yakima said:"It's not that serious, it's just violating some regulations and injuring some people, it's not that serious, and I heard that it was Phantom who started it first, and Nightboy started it because he was angry, so it's understandable."

"Yakima Councilman:"Don't think that just because you are good friends with Makarov you can protect his members. Fairy Tail has made very few mistakes so far!"

"Besides, is there any clear evidence that the attack on Fairy Tail was done by the Phantom Ruler?"

"But....."Yakima was about to say something.

Oug interrupted.:"Okay, stop talking. I think what Councillor Michele said is right. Fairy Tail has made a serious mistake this time. As the president, Makarov cannot escape the blame. I propose to disband Fairy Tail."


"I also second"


"Now I declare that Fairy Tail Night, who maliciously destroyed the Phantom Ruler, injured a group of Phantom Ruler members, and tried to provoke the stationmasters of both guilds, is guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison."

"Due to the poor management of members by Fairy Tail's president Makarov, he was sentenced to 1 year in prison and the Fairy Tail guild was disbanded from now on."


"What are you laughing at? Do you have any objection to our verdict?"

Councillor Michele asked anxiously.:"Openly defying the Magic Council is a heavier crime!"

"It is easy to find a pretext to accuse someone of a crime. Just sentence me as you want. I don't want to hear you nagging."

Ye shook his hands, and the magic-forbidden handcuffs broke instantly.

The people in the Council were shocked to see what happened before their eyes. The magic-forbidden handcuffs that even Saint Ten would have to wear were destroyed just like that.

"What do you want to do!"

"What do I want to do! I am a member of the Dark Guild now, so it is normal for me to attack the Magic Council.

"Someone, where are the magic soldiers of the Ancient Knights?"

"Sorry, Mr. Congressman, we have no intention of making an enemy of Mr. Ye!"

"You guys are going to disobey our orders too?"

"Dear Member of Parliament, please do not embarrass us. We are under the king's order to never be enemies with Lord Ye for the rest of our lives."

"You guys better get away from here"

"Yes! Lord Ye, everyone retreat!"

Ye said jokingly:"It seems that no one is willing to help you, so there is no need for the Council to exist. Ye instantly activated the Conqueror Haki, and the entire Council trembled violently."

Ye gathered the Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki under his feet

""Tanshou kick!" Just one kick, the interior of the Council was instantly disintegrated, and the entire Council collapsed.

:"Yakima, are you okay?"

"Hohoho, I'm fine. Ye Xiaozi has made enough noise, so you can calm down now. I have already notified Makarov and he will take you back soon."

"Hahahaha, you are really thoughtful, old man!"

Yakima said slowly:"I'm afraid that after this incident, most of the council members will disband. Ye boy, don't be so reckless in the future. I won't be able to speak for you anymore."

"Thank you, old man, I understand!"

At this time, Makarov's voice came from a distance

"What are you doing here, little brat? Haven't you been called to the council?"

Yakima said:"This is it, little horse,"

Makarov said, looking at the ruins in front of him.:"I really didn't realize it if you didn't tell me. You've gone too far this time, you've razed the entire council to the ground."

"I didn't want to do that either, but who knew they would imprison me for 5 years, abolish Fairy Tail, and imprison you, too."

""Are you going too far, councillors?" Makarov threatened, using the power of the Holy Ten.

The council chairman said hurriedly.:"President Makarov, please take this kid away quickly. A new sentence will be issued.

Makarov nodded with satisfaction.

"Yakima, let's go back first"

"Goodbye, pony! Hoo hoo!

After Ye and Makarov left, the Council slowly returned to normal.

"It's Urrutia and Zikrein," the councillor said angrily.:"Why didn't you come out just now!

Urrutia said:"Oh, Mr. Congressman, you won't let a weak woman like me fight this monster!"

"What about you, Zikrein? As the Holy Ten, why didn't you come out to stop it?"

"Chairman, you have seen that the other side has a man who is not weaker than me, and a veteran Saint Ten. How can I be their opponent?"

"Damn it!" Natsu said angrily in the Fairy Tail Guild.

:"I can't stand it, I'm going to kill these bastards."

Gray advised:"Ye and the president are not here, we will die if we go! Let's wait for them to come back"

"Is there nothing we can do?"

At this time, the ground shook.

"What's wrong? It's the's shaking!"

Everyone in the guild ran outside and found a moving guild appeared on the sea.

"What is that!?"

On the surface of the sea, a fortress with six mechanical legs appeared and walked towards the Fairy Tail Guild.

"That is the Guild of the Phantom Ruler!"

"What! It's so big!"

"These guys want to start a war!"

"Damn it, he only picks the time when the president and Ye are not around!"

"At this time, Laxus and Erza were both out on a mission, and none of the high-end combat forces were there."

"Boom!"The Phantom Ruler's Guild stopped at the beach.

Joseph looked at Fairy Tail and said:"Makarov is not here, everything is going according to plan. This time I must destroy Fairy Tail to avenge the humiliation of six years ago!"

Six years ago, Makarov defeated Joseph in front of the presidents of many guilds. This humiliation has always been with Joseph. If you want to eliminate this humiliation, you must make him suffer.

"Makarov just doesn’t know what your expression will be when you come back and see that your guild has disappeared, hahahaha!"

"Magic Cluster Cannon 'Jupiter' Ready"

"It's the president!"

Above the Phantom Headquarters, the wall broke open and a huge cannon barrel emerged, aiming at Fairy Tail.

"Hey hey hey what is that!"

"It's a magic cluster run!"

"The Phantom wants to kill us all."

At this time, the magic cluster cannon gathered a large amount of energy, emitting terrifying magic fluctuations.

"Oh no, the magic cluster cannon is about to fire, everyone take cover!"

Lucy said hurriedly:"Is Phantom crazy? Why is he doing this?"

Mira said hurriedly:"Get out of the way!"

Natsu yelled:"I won't step back. If I do, the guild will be destroyed!"

"Are you a member of Fairy Tail? Since you are looking for death, I have no choice but to give you a ride, hahaha"

"The energy of the magic cluster cannon has been gathered."

"Launch it"



A huge energy burst quickly attacked Fairy Tail.

At this time, another energy burst appeared in another place, and it collided with the magic cluster cannon in an instant.

"Wow! What's going on?"

"I don't know!! Everyone hold on tight, don't get blown away!"

The huge energy generated by the explosion of both parties raised a mushroom cloud on the ground, and the Fairy Tail people were blown to pieces by the shock wave of the explosion.

"It's over! But! Who saved us!"

The smoke slowly dissipated, and a familiar figure was seen standing in front of us.

Mira shouted:"It's night, everyone! It's night again!"

"Oh!!! Such a cool night"

"Damn, you've fooled me this time!"

Mira ran to Ye and said:"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Ye rubbed Mira's head and said:"It's okay. Don't worry."

"The president is still behind, I feel a little uneasy so I came back first."

Joseph looked at the Fairy Tail and it was not destroyed.

"Damn it! Who is it!"

"President! It was the night of Fairy Tail, blocking the magic cluster cannon"

"The Council is a bunch of rubbish, they can't even hold on for half a day!"

"Everyone attack!"

The guild gate opened and a crowd of people rushed out, estimated to be nearly 2,000 people.

Fairy Tail looked at the ghosts rushing out so many people, while they only had less than 100 people.

Lucy was surprised.:"How come there are so many people?

Gray explained:"Phantom has opened branches everywhere over the years, and recruited everyone, which is why it has grown to its current size."

"Just a bunch of scum."

Just when Ye was about to release his domineering aura to clear the field

"Night! I advise you not to do it! Look at what this is."

I saw three people tied up with wounds all over their bodies in the Ghost Guild. They were the Lane Engine Team.

Lucy hurriedly said after seeing them.:"It’s Rei-chan, that’s too much!"

"Damn it!"

Yoseph's move directly triggered the anger of Fairy Tail.

At this time, the sky and the earth were shaking crazily. The sky was terribly gloomy, and the atmospheric pressure directly increased several times.

At this time, Ye's expression gradually became angry and crazy.

"Joseph! You deserve to die!!!"

Makarov, who was still far away, looked at the sky in the distance.

"What did this guy Joseph do to make Ye so angry? I have to hurry back."

Everyone in the guild found that the kind Ye had turned into a tyrannical beast, and they couldn't help swallowing.

"This is the appearance of the strongest creature on earth."

Mira looked at Ye worriedly.


Joseph smiled nonchalantly:"Yo yo yo~ I am angry, but you have to calm down. If you are not calm, I don’t know if I can calm down. I don’t know what I will do then."

After hearing what Joseph said, Ye slowly relaxed, and the sky and the earth returned to peace.

Joseph looked at Ye Dao with satisfaction.:"I have to admire Makarov for being able to keep a beast like you under control."

Natsu said angrily:"Night is our family, and the street light that keeps us moving forward. You are not allowed to say that about him!"

Everyone in the guild said in unison.:"Yes, that's right!"

Mira shouted:"Friends, it's our turn to protect the guild this time. Let's do our best to rescue Levi."


"I'm on fire!"

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