The next day, Makarov went to the Council to wrap up the incident. Afterwards, he chatted with Yakima.

"Thank me! Old Ma, I tried my best to defend you, and I sold out all my favors. Otherwise, you can't be innocent."

Makarov waved his hand nonchalantly.:"I'm so grateful for your kindness. I'll treat you to ramen when the guild is rebuilt."

"I helped you solve such a big problem, so just treat me to ramen!"

"I want a big meal!"

"Okay, okay, I'll let Night Boy catch a big fish and the beast, and we'll have a party!"

"By the way, I am sorry to bother you with Ye Xiaozi's matter. With the character of those people, they will never agree to let Ye Xiaozi become the Saint Ten."

"It wasn't me, Lao Ma, it was the young man Ziklein who suggested it."

"He said that there are too many old people in the Holy Ten, who have been there for a long time and can no longer represent the strength of the Holy Ten. It is time for a new batch of blood to enter."

Makarov frowned. The young man who looked exactly like Mistgang, Makarov thought they were the same person at first.

"But I always feel that this young man is very thoughtful and has some unspeakable secret."

"Let's not talk about this, old Ma. Only with Ye Xiaozi here can we solve this problem. Otherwise, your body may not be able to bear it."As an old friend of Makarov, Yakima naturally knew that he used that magic too much when he was young, and he was already over 80 years old, so his body was not as good as before.

"It's time to consider retirement. You can rest assured that Ye Xiaozi is in the guild."

"I have always wanted to, but I see that brat has no intention of taking over the guild now, so I think we should wait a little longer."

"That's right, young people have their own way to go."

Guild Construction Office

Early in the morning, everyone in the guild began the work of rebuilding the Fairy Tail Guild.

""Happy, look at how much wood I have." Natsu walked forward step by step with difficulty.

Gray carried a piece of wood and walked in front of Natsu:"Who told you to carry so much wood at once? You are an idiot!"

Natsu said disdainfully:"That's because you can't do that. Taking just one is your limit!"

"What did you say? Bastard!

Gray said unconvincedly, picking up twice as much wood as Natsu, his legs trembling.:"How about it? I take it....Wear...More than you...Oh."

At this time, a breeze blew, like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and all the wood on Gray's shoulders fell off.

Natsu laughed:""Happy! Did you see that? It's so embarrassing, hahahahaha!"

At this time, Erza ran by and said,"Stop playing and work hard." As she said that, she jogged over carrying twice as much wood as Gray just now.

Natsu Gray stared at the scene with wide eyes, and a sense of defeat surged into their hearts.

At this time, a noisy sound came from the distance.

"Bang! What did you say? Say it again. This startled everyone.

Now that everyone is here, I will say it again!"

"The guild doesn't need weaklings. Even a guild like Phantom Assassin can challenge us. I feel ashamed to go out."

Gray said unconvinced:"Why are you so arrogant when you get here? When the guild is in trouble, you have contributed to it!"

Laxus said as he looked at the rebuilt guild.:"Look here, this used to be the famous Fairy Tail Guild, but now it has been beaten by Phantom and even the guild is gone! When I saw the newspaper, I was too embarrassed to say that I was a Fairy Tail wizard,"

Mira explained.:"There were not many people there at the time, and it was only when Ye rushed back in time that it was stopped. No one wanted the guild to be destroyed. This place carries too many beautiful memories."

"The bottom line is that you are too weak. If the guild was powerful enough to be feared by others, these things wouldn't have happened and Phantom Flame wouldn't have come to pick a fight with us. It's all because of you weaklings that are lowering Fairy Tail's reputation!"

"After I take over the guild, I will drive out all the weak ones and those who resist me!"

"I want to build the strongest guild, above all other guilds! Hahahahaha!"

Ye casually threw a pair of gloves on Laxus's hands.

"Then you have to work hard, and you will build the strongest guild. But the old guild is old. I don't know which bastard built it. He cut corners and broke down all the time."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Everyone was stunned by the embarrassing scene in front of them.

"Forehead.....Oh, I still have cement to mix."

"Oh, yes, I still have bricks to move."

"My cat seems to have given birth. I have to go back to check on her."

"That cat gave birth to kittens. I want to raise one recently. Can you show me around?

Everyone found their own reasons to leave, leaving Laxus alone.

Erza's anger at Ye's behavior also dissipated, leaving behind a sentence.

"The guild belongs to everyone. Even if you move a brick here, it will sound better than what you said."

Laxus's face turned from yellow to green, from green to red, from red to purple, and from purple to black, becoming uglier and uglier.

"Night!! You bastard"


The glove in his hand turned into ashes in an instant!

After throwing away the glove, Laxus left without looking back.

He was very unhappy since he knew that Ye became the"Holy Ten". He was the one who should inherit the Fairy Tail Guild, but Ye was better than him in every aspect. The president cared for him more than his grandson, and his mission completion rate was 100%.

Now he even got the"Holy Ten" of Ishgar. After all, Laxus' grandfather was the Holy Ten. If a guild leader is not even the"Holy Ten", how can it be the strongest guild?

Laxus's desire to defeat Ye became stronger and stronger.

After Laxus left, everyone gathered together again.

Lucy said:"How could he be like this? He didn't do anything! And he still said this to everyone."

"How can Fairy Tail inherit this man who doesn't consider the guild members at all?

Although Lucy has not met Laxus many times, she doesn't dislike him.

Mira said:"It's not impossible, because he is the grandson of the president after all, so it's still possible for him to inherit the guild."

"Ah~ How can this be! I don't want it"

"I'm just saying it's possible, and the one with the greatest possibility is Ye, who is the strongest in both strength and achievements."

Lucy imagined that after Ye became the president, it might not be the Phantom Ruler who beat Fairy Tail, but the other way around, Ye led a group of people to rush into the Phantom Ruler and kill Joseph directly.

Ye looked at everyone who misunderstood Laxus and said slowly:"Lucy, you are wrong."

Lucy asked doubtfully:"What's wrong?!"

Laxus and Mistgang destroyed most of the Phantom Chapter!

"What! How is it possible!"Everyone exclaimed

"It's true. You don't think there are only a few Phantom Assassins, but there are actually more than that."

"Laxus is like a child who has not grown up. In fact, he wants the guild to be better than anyone else in the guild. It's just that his behavior is a bit extreme and his obsession is too deep, so he is like this."

Everyone listened to Ye's explanation, which was something they had never known.

"Okay! Now that everyone understands, don't blame Laxus anymore. Just think of him as a grumble and go back to work."

At night, Makarov sat alone in the guild thinking.


Thinking about the S-class members in the guild,"Laxus is immature, Gildarts is a playboy, Erza is a nobody, and Ye is a brat. They are all okay, but I always feel uneasy."

"Forget it, I'll just stay for a few more years, hahaha."

At Ye's house, he opened the template.

Age: 19

Height: 192

Hanma Yujiro: 73% (Hanma bloodline, Yujiro's martial arts, ghost back, force elimination, formal dress, ghost cry and howl)

Armament Haki: Advanced (hardening, entanglement, external release)

Observation Haki: Advanced (perception, beyond range, foresee the future)

Conqueror Haki: Advanced (intimidation, entanglement)

Kamehameha wave: (depending on the amount of qi added to oneself)

Self-created martial arts: (qi bullet, heavenly guard kick, navy six styles, eight gates of escape)

Ye looked at the template in front of him and found that it had increased by 3 points since the beginning of the plot.

As early as two years ago, Ye found that he could create moves based on his own memories, but he needed to explore them step by step. So far, he has only created 4 very useful and powerful martial arts from his previous life.

"I don’t know what abilities I will gain when I reach level 100.

Mira woke up and found Ye looking at the ceiling and mumbling something. She turned around and hugged Ye’s arm, resting her head on Ye’s chest and whispered

"What's up? What are you thinking about?"

"It’s nothing, go back to sleep.

Then Ye hugged Mira and fell asleep.

Mira looked at the boy in front of her, rubbed him and continued to sleep.

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