Lucy heard the voice.:"This voice is, Ye! Ye, stop them quickly, they want to transfer Erza away."

Ye heard Lucy's voice but didn't see Lucy.

"Lucy? When did you learn the magic of invisibility?

Lucy said angrily:"I'm trapped in the cards. What do you mean I learned the invisibility magic? Besides, now is not the time to talk about it."

"Sorry guys, he caught me!"

"Let go of Miliana!"

Ye looked at the people in front of him and released his domineering color, forcing them to kneel on the ground!

"What is this? My body is shaking."

"Are you Wushen Ye?"

"You guys came to disturb our vacation, tell me how you want to die,"

Erza said hurriedly:"Don't hurt them, Ye."

Ye looked at Erza and turned back to look at the others and said:"Let Lucy out!"

"I asked you to let Lucy out, didn't you hear me?"

Millianna said as she looked at the scene in front of her.:"Big brother, can you hold back your momentum? Otherwise, they seem to be unable to move."

"You are teaching me how to do things!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Humph. Lucy also released the card after retracting her momentum. She came to Ye's side and looked at them unkindly.

The three of them saw that the other party was not prepared and was ready to attack again. Erza saw this and hurriedly said:"don't want!"

"I saw everything you did clearly. Since you are so naughty, I can only make you behave better."

Bang! Bang! Bang!.......

The three of them knelt with bruised faces. At this time, Natsu also climbed up. Damn it, how could someone put a bullet down someone else's throat?

Happy complained:"Normal people should die."

"Happy, let's go to the night side"

Gray side

"What's going on? Why is it suddenly pitch black?"

"Lord Gray, you are inside me. I thought there was danger just now."

"Why don't you let me out now?"

"Finally came out, where is that person!"

"he's gone!"

"You are really nosy. This will just let the enemy run away. But thank you anyway!"

"It's alright, Mr. Gray."

"Let's go find the night."


Back to Ye, when Ye was about to ask, Natsu and Gray ran over

"Lucy, Erza, Ye! Are you all right?"

"Oh, Natsu, we are fine, but they are going to be in trouble."

"You bastard, you put the bullet in my mouth. It hurts, you know?"

"Lucy complained:"Normal people would die!"

Habby complained:"Lucy, I've already said what you said."

"You're stealing my lines!"

Erza looked at the two funny people and said,"Okay, let's talk business first.

"You can talk about the Tower of Paradise now,"

Erza said seriously.:"Let me tell you."

Erza took a deep breath and said seriously:"It happened 10 years ago. A group of men in black broke into the village where I lived, killed all the adults, and took away all the children."

"We were imprisoned on an island and lived as slaves. That's where I met some of them."

When Lucy Natsugre heard about slaves, her eyes turned unfriendly.

"We supported each other on that island. But life there was too hard. Many people could not stand it and either starved to death or were beaten to death."

"So we tried to escape, and my right eye disappeared after that failed escape."

Natsu punched the ground in a taunting manner.:"hateful!"

"Later, a young man named Gerald appeared and killed the three cultists guarding me and rescued me. In the trend of pain and despair, we took up arms and began to resist. At first, everything went smoothly until their magic soldiers appeared and the situation turned around."

"We were unable to resist them and were defeated. At that time, an old man had been taking care of us, but he died to save me. I awakened my magic in that situation and eventually defeated all the magic soldiers."

"But when I arrived at Jellal's place, the big boy who saved me turned into an evil demon. He not only took over the island, but also continued to revive Zeref."

"In the end, I was defeated by him and was driven out by him. He also told me not to get close to here, otherwise he would kill Hugh and the others. Then I came to Fairy Tail."

After hearing this, Ye's domineering aura continued to leak out, Natsu's eyes also burned with anger, and Gray's temperature dropped to freezing point.

Suddenly, a suppressed voice roared:"You lied. It was you who betrayed us. Things are not what you said."

"The truth is that you blew up the boat we were on and escaped alone."

"You saw our incredulous eyes, you don't believe we are still alive, right?"

"You didn't expect that before you blew up the ship, Gerard had already discovered your plot and took us away in advance."

"Jellal said you were lost in power and wanted to lose this place and our memories."

"This is the truth, isn't it!"

Ye looked at Xiu and said:"You bunch of idiots, don't you know what kind of person Erza is? You've grown up believing whatever others say, can't you think for yourself?"

Xiu looked at Ye and trembled.:"you....You know what, we have been able to survive for so many years only because of Jellal's words."

"So we built the Tower of Paradise for Gerald"

"But now you say all this is a lie, how can we believe it!"

"Calling you idiots is an insult to the word. Erza chose to conceal it in order to protect you from being hurt, and Jellal did not give you freedom and still let you continue to work for the Black Magic Cult."

"That's because Jellal told us that the freedom outside is an illusion. Only by resurrecting Zephyr can we achieve true freedom, the freedom ruled by us!"

Erza looked at Hugh in front of her and punched him in disappointment.

"Sister, what are you doing? Why are you hitting me?"

"That's not freedom at all!"

"What is the difference between the freedom you rule and the people who enslave us!"

Xiu was frightened for a moment when he saw his sister so angry.

At this time, the big guy Simon said:"Xio, Woolley, Miriam, you have all been deceived by Gerard.

Xio looked at Simon in disbelief.:"Simon! Do you believe in Erza?"

"I believed in Erza from the beginning to the end"

"Simon, you" Erza looked at her former companions and believed that she was very grateful in her heart

"Little Elu.....I......I.....right......."Millianna also began to choose to believe Erza

"It's okay, Milliana, I'm sorry I didn't come to save you for so long."

Woolley looked at Erza embarrassedly.:"I'm sorry, Erza. I don't want to believe Jellal either......But......."

"Woolley, you don't need to say anything, I understand everything."

Xiu looked at his former companions, and one by one they began to choose to believe Erza.

"you!......Why do you all believe in Erza? But why didn't I choose to believe!,....Damn it!"

Erza looked at the incoherent Hugh.

"It's really hard for you to accept all this now, but I will prove myself"

"Simon, take us to the Tower of Paradise, and I will bring you true freedom!"

"Gerald, I will make you pay the price!"

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