Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 218 The skill of control, Phoenix of Death Flame!

Xiao Zhan's expression was cold at this moment, and he had already activated the battle spirit form. The burning black flames made him look as terrifying as coming from hell, and everyone around him subconsciously stayed away.

He stared at the attacks of Huang Jun and Ice Dragon, his indifferent eyes were like looking at two dead people, and he uttered a few words coldly in his mouth.

"The skill of control, Phoenix of Death Flame!"

The Death Flame Phoenix in the sky let out a blood-curdling phoenix cry, as if its vocal cords had been torn off, and as if it came from hell, reaching everyone's ears and making their souls tremble.

The wings flapped, bringing up another black rain, and then swooped down towards the Ice Dragon and Huang Jun.


The three collided together instantly!

A huge energy burst out, the fiery energy, the weak ice aura, the domineering mad sword intention, three different energies were intertwined, merging into a raging force and scattering in all directions. .

Huge boulders were flying, and chaotic energy filled the sky, just like the fear of the end of the world!

Under this extremely powerful energy, Huang Jun and Ice Dragon, who were at the center, had no resistance at all, and were instantly reduced to a pile of scum by the violent black phoenix.

Not even the slightest scream came out, it was completely silenced.

The black phoenix activated by Xiao Zhan was extremely violent, and the remaining energy continued to impact, directly hitting the densest place in the crowd!


Intense flame energy shot out again, exploding like a huge fireball, and the sputtering flames scattered in all directions, like rain of fire from the sky, falling on the people of the Xuanbing tribe and burning.

They flapped in panic to extinguish it. But they found that the flame seemed to be growing on their bodies and could not be extinguished at all.

The terrifying and scorching heat burned on their bodies and spread to other body parts. In just a few seconds, their entire bodies were on fire, rolling on the ground, and making miserable wails.

But these were still good, most of them were burned to ashes before they even had time to scream.

As for the people from the Earth Fire Tribe, because they had fire attributes and were close to Xiao Zhan, they did not suffer any serious injuries. Only some peripheral ones were affected, but there was no life-threatening danger.

The screams continued, and the burning people fled in panic, heartbreaking, desperate and helpless. At this moment, the entire square became a purgatory on earth, burning all invading enemies!

But in this tragic situation, there was one person who was extremely lucky and escaped the rain of flames all over the sky.

This person is Huang Fei who was pushed back by Huang Jun at the beginning!

Huang Fei was lying softly on the ground at this moment, his clothes were burned by the flames, and a large area of ​​his skin was burned. One arm seemed to have been blown off, bent at a weird angle, and the skin on it was bloody and bloody.

His face was covered with a layer of black ash, and bright red blood flowed from the top of his head, mixed with the ash, and it was extremely terrifying.

At the same time, one of his ears had become a blur of flesh and blood, with almost no outline. From the inside of the ear, bright red blood was still flowing outward.

But even with this tragic appearance, he is ten thousand times better than those people in the square. At least he didn't have that weird black flame on his body.


Huang Fei coughed twice violently, coughing up the blood in his throat!

Then he propped himself up, endured the severe pain in his body, and ran wildly outside without even looking behind him.

There was endless terror in his eyes!

It's too scary, Xiao Zhan is too damn scary.

The entire Xuanbing tribe and the second uncle are dead!

He was the only one left.

He had to escape. He was afraid that if he took one step slower, Xiao Zhan would catch up and kill him.

So he ran without looking back, and ran without his life!

Almost in the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared outside the square.

As for the center of the square, as the power caused by the Phoenix of Death Flame gradually dissipated, the tribesmen from the Earth Fire Tribe immediately rushed out to hunt down and clean up the mess.

But they were surprised to find that there was not a single living person left in the entire square. They were all lying on the ground, dead.

This scene made them take a breath!

He was stunned in disbelief.

Then he turned his head with a stiff neck and looked at Xiao Zhan in the center. All of this was the work of this man!

Use your own power to kill the entire Xuanbing tribe, plus so many masters!

Is this guy really just a third-grade spiritual master?

Xiao Zhan stood in the heart of the square, and his perception skills swept across the entire place. Except for the people from the Earth Fire Tribe, no one was left alive.

This surprised him and relaxed him at the same time.

Then the aura on Xiao Zhan's body suddenly disappeared, his feet softened, and he fell down very weakly.

At this time, Huo Liuli suddenly jumped out from the altar. The moment he recovered his human form, he quickly stepped forward to help Xiao Zhan.

But just as her outstretched hand was about to touch Xiao Zhan, a white slap suddenly appeared and opened her hand.

It's Ye Youtaki.

Ye Youlong took the first step to support Xiao Zhan, then turned around and gave Huo Liuli an extremely dangerous warning look. That look was extremely cold and contained a trace of murderous intent.

The look in Huo Liuli's eyes moved slightly, and she withdrew her hand slightly stiffly.

Without saying anything, he turned around to check the situation.

With Ye Youlong's support, Xiao Zhan was able to stand up a little.

There was a smile on his lips. Although the move just now drained all the energy from his body, the result was gratifying. The Jedi came back and the crisis of the Earth Fire Tribe was lifted.

However, when he looked at the messy scene in the square, he was a little shocked.

He knew that the power of this move would be very strong, but he did not expect that it would be so powerful. Not only did he instantly kill two fifth-grade spiritual masters, but he also packed away the other third- and fourth-grade ones.

This kind of power is simply terrifying.

Unfortunately, this skill can only be used once in this life.

At this time, Huo Liuli returned to them, "Based on preliminary statistics, all members of the Xuanbing Tribe and the Huang Army have been wiped out. There is no one left alive, and the casualties on our side are not very large."

Xiao Zhan nodded, "It is indeed a surprising result."


Xiao Zhan shook his head, "No need to thank me, if it weren't for your holy fire, I wouldn't have been able to achieve this result. But, you gave me the holy fire, what will your people do?"

Two days ago, Huo Liuli brought Xiao Zhan to the Holy Fire Abyss.

This is the place where the Holy Fire is sealed.

Only then did Xiao Zhan realize that the body of the holy fire was actually a flaming phoenix. The establishment of the entire Earth Fire Tribe is based on this fiery phoenix.

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