To ask you so confidently if you want the best weapon spirit, isn't this a human trafficker?

Moreover, he looks so handsome and dresses so well. He looks like a rich man, right?

"Of course not." The prince killed Ye Ajian's thoughts, "We are good brothers who share the same disease, how can we talk about money?"

"Furthermore, you can tell that you are a rich person at first glance. Although rich people have low talents, they will definitely not be short of weapon spirit."

Ye Ajian became even more curious, "Since you know that I have no shortage of weapon spirits, why do you still want to sell me weapon spirits?"

"I told you it wasn't for sale."

The prince is really convinced, this is such a good thing.

He quickly said, "I know you are not short of weapon spirits, but you definitely lack a powerful weapon spirit! Do you just want to contract an ordinary F-level weapon spirit, and don't want to cross the class like me and contract a powerful weapon spirit?" A beautiful weapon spirit?"

As he spoke, the prince took the woman next to him by the waist and kissed her again in front of Ye Ajian.

The woman didn't resist, but seemed to enjoy it.

Ye Ajian couldn't help but frown deeply. Would any woman really like such a person?

It's fine if you say you don't judge books by their appearance, but this prince doesn't look like a serious person.

Ye Ajian was silent for a moment and said, "First, she is not beautiful. Second, E-level is not excellent. Third, my mother told me to go home for dinner."

Ye Ajian felt that this person was talking nonsense and his words were unreliable, so it was better to stay away.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the prince became anxious, let go of the woman, and quickly chased after her.

"E-level weapon spirits are not excellent, but what about D-level, C-level, or even B-level and A-level!"

Ye Ajian suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the prince in disbelief, "You mean, you can let me contract an A-level weapon spirit?"

Level A, if Ye Ajian really wants to make a contract, with the Ye family's methods, it is not impossible to make a contract.

However, the result of such a contract was not what Ye Ajian wanted.

The Ye family's education through words and deeds prevented him from aiming too high!

He can contract with any weapon spirit according to his talent. An F-level must contract with an A-level. This is not very helpful to him. On the contrary, it is a waste of resources for the federation!

Therefore, the result of Ye Ajian's return to Ye's family now is that he will most likely contract a D-level weapon spirit. This is acceptable to him, and it is not a waste for the weapon spirit.

As for C-level, that is a bit unrealistic.

Because the subjective factors of the Ye family are not allowed, objectively speaking, as long as the B-level talent is practiced normally, it can stably enter the third level, and then hit the fourth level.

The fourth-level realm has always been a hurdle. Entering the fourth-level realm is equivalent to achieving a class leap.

As long as the B-level talent weapon spirit is awakened, it can be said that you will have peace of mind in this life.

Therefore, no weapon spirit would make a contract with an F-level waste unless it was under strong pressure from the Ye family.

But Ye Jia would not do such a thing.

When the prince saw Ye Ajian taking the bait again, he thought that this guy was really a hard fish to catch, and he had such a big appetite that he actually wanted to contract with Class A directly!

But for people with such big appetites, the prince is perfect.

The cowhide made a tinkling sound.

Said, "Of course, if you want to contract with A-level, you can contract with A-level!"

"Just brag. If you can contract an A-level contract, you will contract it yourself. Will you give it to me?"

Ye Ajian is not a fool. He just listens to this kind of words. Do he really believe it?

A-level weapon spirits, with such talent, have been digested by the big family in advance, and it’s the turn of ordinary people like them?

But the prince said very confidently, "My words are wrong. Nothing is impossible in the world. Although the A-level contract is difficult, it is not impossible!"

Listening to these nonsense words, Ye Ajian really felt that this person was deceiving him as a fool, "What you said is really simple. If I want to contract with Class A, then Class A will contract with me? Could it be that if I want to contract with Class A, then Class A will contract with me?" Wouldn’t she find someone more advanced? Are you a weapon spirit with a love brain?"

"Haha, little brother, you still don't understand what I mean." Wang Hou smiled, "You have to know that there are many weapon spirits in the world, and there are many types of them, such as reconnaissance, combat, logistics, treatment... etc., there are countless, no Every weapon spirit pursues powerful fighting power."

"At the same time, the talents and skills of the weapon spirits are also very different. Some talents and skills are extremely matched with their own attributes, some have average effects, and some are directly contradictory to each other and are worse than useless."

"So, in this extremely complex situation, it is not the absolute best choice for the weapon spirit to blindly choose a spiritual master with high talent. Only by choosing a spiritual master who can fully exert its effect can the greatest realization be achieved. own value, thereby realizing class leap.”

"In addition, highly talented spiritual masters often pursue combat-type weapon spirits, which will lead to fewer spiritual masters for this group of weapon spirits, forcing them to settle for second best."

"Various combinations of complex situations will cause many people to be unable to contract with the contract partner, or they will be dissatisfied with the contract partner and frequently change the contract partner."

"And our purpose is to find a delicate balance among these people, so that both the spiritual master and the weapon spirit can be mutually satisfied and maximize their own value."

After listening to his long list of words, Ye Ajian finally felt that this guy was a bit reliable.

He didn't expect that the contract would be so complicated. He thought that everyone had the same goal, and they were all aiming for talents at the pyramid level.

Thinking about it now, where did so many highly talented people come from in this world? Most of them are very ordinary.

Seeing that Ye Ajian was tempted, the prince changed the topic and said, "Of course, don't get excited. We don't want anyone in the F level. We must first screen your talents and skills to see if you are valuable, and then We will decide whether to help you or not. If your talents and skills are average, then we will not help you."

This is a bit realistic, but it is also normal.

There are so many F-class people in the world, so we can't help everyone, right?

The prince added, "Are you curious why my weapon spirit wants to contract with me? The reason is very simple. It is precisely because my innate skill is flame, which perfectly matches her flame attribute, that she chose to contract with me! "

After saying this, Ye Ajian immediately understood. No wonder it was like this.

If the level gap was not big, he would choose the same way if it were him.

"How is it? Are you interested now?" the prince asked.

Ye Ajian nodded.

What the prince said really attracted him. Rather than going home and accepting the family's arrangements, he was actually willing to choose a suitable weapon spirit by himself.

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