the other side.

Snow Demon Valley.

Ye Wudi has already faced off with the Snow Demon King.

The Snow Demon King is indeed in a period of weakness as they analyzed, and now is the best time to take action.

But the Snow Demon King is a monster with the title of "King" after all. Even in its weak stage, it is not that easy to deal with.

In addition, the Snow Demon Valley is the territory of the Snow Demon King, and there are many other monsters in the territory who obey the Snow Demon King's orders, so this battle is not that easy.

"Father, this Snow Demon King is very cunning. After suffering a loss once, he has been hiding and refusing to show his face. It's all those little soldiers and crab generals!"

In the temporary command room, Ye Anu said angrily to Ye Wudi.

After they arrived here, they made careful arrangements and prepared to annihilate the Snow Demon King in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, this Snow Demon King was so cunning that he escaped at the last critical moment.

After escaping, he turned into a turtle and hid in his lair, and then used his little brother, the monster, as cannon fodder.

Naturally, they were not afraid of the cannon fodder monster Ye Wudi and the others, but they couldn't bear the large number of them, and they could easily strangle them at first. But as time passed, Ye Wudi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Father, what should we do now? The soldiers have suffered a lot of casualties, but we have only advanced less than halfway, and we are still halfway to the Snow Demon King's lair. If we continue to advance, I am afraid the entire army will be annihilated!"

Ye Wudi calmly looked at the situation on the map and said seriously, "We took the initiative this time and never thought about going back alive. Retreating now will only make our situation passive! We have only one way to go, and that is to move forward. !”

Ye Anu knew this, "But according to the scout's report, in addition to the monsters in the Snow Demon Valley, the monsters in other locations also heard about the movements here and began to gather in a steady stream. If this continues, I'm afraid..."

"Then speed up the advance!" Ye Wudi interrupted him directly and snorted, "Now that we are here, there is no reason to retreat! The Snow Demon King is at his weakest now. We only have this chance. We cannot solve it. , it will solve us!"

"Order the troops to throw away all the baggage and logistics. The first regiment will form the leading regiment, and the other two regiments will be the flanks. Attack the Snow Demon King's lair with all his strength! Let's fight to the death with the Snow Demon King today!"


Ye Anu's body tensed up, infected by Ye Wudi's determination to die, and then he immediately issued the order!

All of a sudden, everyone took action. Heavy weapons were discarded and replaced with lighter and easier-to-carry weapons.

Other logistics personnel also threw away what they were holding and stopped cutting half-cut vegetables. They all picked up weapons and began to prepare for the final battle.

The spirit master and the weapon spirit both held weapons and did not transform into the weapon spirit form from the beginning.

Because to deal with these monsters, the weapons in hand are enough to cause damage to them.

It's just a pity that I can't bring those heavy weapons with me.

When they came, they were fully prepared and brought a lot of heavy weapons. In the first wave of confrontation with the Snow Demon King, heavy weapons played their role, and combined with Shang Ye Wudi's powerful strength, they almost defeated the Snow Demon King.

But unfortunately, it still ran away.

Now they have changed from positional warfare to advancement warfare. This heavy weapon is difficult to transport, so it is not very useful. If there is enough time, it is not impossible to slowly rely on heavy weapons to advance.

However, there are still a steady stream of monsters coming from the periphery, and they have no time to advance slowly.

Must make rapid progress!

The gathering is complete.

Ye Wudi didn't say any nonsense and started attacking directly.

The sharp knife regiment immediately rushed out like a sharp sword, tearing a hole in the endless monster beasts. The other two regiments followed closely behind, and the three regiments showed a single character.

The Sharp Knife Regiment is led by Ye Anu. With his fifth-grade strength coupled with a majestic and domineering Overlord Halberd, he is worthy of the name Sharp Knife.

Under his leadership, the monsters that came to the way were almost like chickens and dogs. He waved the Overlord Halberd in his hand and killed a large number of them, opening the road easily!

The advancement speed of the entire legion increased instantly.

However, monsters are not so easy to deal with. Although they are weak in front of Ye Anu, not everyone is as brave as Ye Anu.

Many demon beasts rushed to kill one after another, and all the firepower was concentrated on the first group, causing his sharp knife group to suffer a large number of casualties in an instant.

Especially on the flanks of the Sharp Knife Regiment, the soldiers were weak. A soldier had to face several monsters. One careless move could cost him his life!

But if a soldier falls, another soldier will immediately fill the place where he just fell.

Raise the weapon spirit in your hand, chop off the head of the monster, and avenge the brother who just died!

At the same time, the risk of the sharp knife formation being collapsed will be eliminated!

However, his efforts to make up for it could not last long. Soon a new round of demonic beasts attacked, and he was unable to persist to the end and lost his life.

His comrades behind him took his place and continued his mission once again.

In this way, life was exchanged for life, and the entire legion was moving forward quickly in the bloody rain of killing.

But as the distance progresses, the strength of the monsters encountered also increases.

In the front, there are some low-level monsters of about first and second grade, but at the back, they are already second and third grade monsters, and a fourth-grade monster also appears from time to time.

This caused the advancement of the entire legion to slow down.

Ye Anu is very powerful, and the Overlord Halberd in his hand is also famous for being domineering in Zhenbei City. He is famous for his strength, which is comparable to mountains and rivers. Even when facing a fourth-grade monster, he can kill it with just one halberd!

But when the overall strength of the monsters has improved, his bravery alone cannot solve the overall problem.

The sharp knife group sprinted, and all the pressure was given to them, which itself consumed a huge amount. At this moment, the pressure from the monsters increased, and they soon could not bear it anymore and began to collapse in a large area.

Seeing that the sharp knife regiment's formation was about to be broken up, Ye Wudi issued an order at this time, and the second regiment took over the sharp knife mission of the first regiment, and the first regiment retreated to rest and relax.

As soon as the order was issued, the formation immediately changed.

The first group retreats, the second group goes up!

The second group's overall strength is much stronger than the first group's overall strength, and there will be much less pressure against these monsters with increased strength.

This was also deliberately arranged by Ye Wudi, weak against weak, strong against strong, so that when they advanced to the Snow Demon King's lair, they would still have enough power to kill them.

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