Ye Wudi explained, "I just said that the power seal can be inherited. Our Ye family is the death power seal. Regardless of the success rate of inheritance, anyone with the attribute of death can pass it on."

"Although other families have their own power seals, they can definitely find someone with the attribute of death to pass on the inheritance. Once successful, they will have two power seals, and their strength will naturally increase!"

With this explanation, Xiao Zhan understood.

He asked again, "Which family could it be?"

Ye Wudi shook his head, "It's impossible to tell, everything is possible."

Then Ye Wudi added, "The power seals of the other seven major families are either passed down by someone or they are understood by themselves. The power seal of our Ye family has been empty since the death of the eldest brother until now, and no one has passed it on."

"No one has inherited it? Then why not inherit it?" Xiao Zhan asked subconsciously.

But as soon as he asked the question, he understood the answer.

Ye Wudi's weapon spirit is the Blue Water Cold Light Sword, which has no death attribute, and his own talent does not have the death attribute.

The same is true for the Ye'a Nu weapon, the Spirit Overlord Halberd.

As for Ye Ajian, let alone that, now that he has merged with the Snow Demon King, the route he takes is completely different, and there is no way to pass it on.


Can it just be me?

Looking at Xiao Zhan's expression, Ye Wudi knew that he had figured out the key point.

"I originally planned to wait until you are stronger before letting you accept the inheritance, but now someone is eyeing us, so I decided to let you inherit it in advance."

Xiao Zhan guessed correctly and really let them accept the inheritance.

He was a little excited in his heart. He didn't know what it would be like to inherit the power seal of the seventh-grade Royal Master.

Seemingly seeing through Xiao Jiujiu in Xiao Zhan's heart, Ye Wudi reminded again, "Accepting inheritance is not an absolutely safe thing. It also has risks, especially since your current strength is still very low, which will increase your risk." Inheritance risk.”

"In addition, I see that you and Youtaki have fire energy attached to their attributes. This energy is rare and pure, but it will also increase the risk of your inheritance."

"Before you, my father and eldest brother both had the ultimate death attribute, without any attribute. This is a bit conflicting with your attribute."

"In addition, if you really succeed in obtaining the inheritance, the external dangers you face will be even greater."

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but frown, could it be bigger?

What does this mean.

He didn't understand.

"Why is it bigger?"

Ye Wudi said, "Because once you accept the inheritance, you will face the same situation as your elder brother back then, being framed and murdered!"


Hearing these two words, Xiao Zhan's expression was shocked at first. Was Ye Wuming murdered?

But didn’t the federal information say that Ye Wuming died in frontal combat on the battlefield?

Even Ye Youtaki said the same to him.

He looked at Ye Youlong with puzzled eyes, only to find that Ye Youlong had the same shocked expression as him now.

Obviously, she was also very surprised when Ye Wudi said the word "murder".

Ye Wudi just sneered and sneered at the federation's information.

"If you really die in frontal battle, then you will not have the chance to receive the inheritance, and the power seal will dissipate with the death of the spiritual master. Only by taking out the power seal in advance can it be passed on to the next generation."

"And the eldest brother took out the power seal in advance before going to the battlefield. This is enough to show that he must have noticed something, but he could not face it, so he took out the power seal to leave a chance."

So Xiao Zhan understood that with the characteristics of the Quan Seal, unless he knew that he would definitely die, he would generally not take it out on his own initiative.

After all, this is also the power that allows one to escape death.

He sighed, he didn't expect Ye Wuming's death to be so complicated.

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but said, "In that case, targeting the people of the Ye family is completely out of control. If you can get the power seal, grab it, and if you can't get it, kill them directly. The Ye family's guarding the border is very important to the safety of the entire federation. It goes without saying, who is going to kill the Ye family?"

Thinking that Ye Wudi was also plotted, Xiao Zhan really didn't dare to think about who had this ability, who dared to take action against the Ye family, and who could take action against the Ye family!

People from the eight major families?

Although the eight major families are not monolithic, they should still be able to see clearly in the face of such big issues, right?

The disappearance of the Ye family is detrimental to the entire federation, and it also involves their own safety!

Even though his lips were dead and his teeth were cold, he still dared to kill the Ye family in such a situation.

It can only be said that they are very courageous.

Of course, there is also a possibility that they have a way to replace Ye Jia.

But to replace a big family, it may not be possible to rely solely on the cooperation of one or two families. It can even be said that without the acquiescence of the federation, it may not be possible.

In addition, if you can't get the seal of power, what's the point of replacing the Ye family?

Xiao Zhan didn't understand, but he suddenly felt that being a son-in-law was a bit heavy.

Why do I feel like I have to shoulder the responsibility of reviving the Ye family?

We agreed to lie down and drink spicy food with my wife.

Damn, I still have to work hard on my own.

"Get ready. You will begin to accept the inheritance in the next two days." Ye Wudi said.

"Ah? Don't you give me time to think about it?"

Is this settled?

With such a huge danger, why don’t you ask the parties involved for their opinions?

Ye Wudi smiled and glanced at Ye Youlong, "Ask your wife if she will refuse?"

Xiao Zhan turned his head and found that Ye Youlong had a firm look on his face.

The kind that doesn’t work for anyone.

What else can Xiao Zhan say?

Nothing happened, Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong walked out of the study room to prepare for the next inheritance.

But just when Xiao Zhan stepped out of the study, Ye Wudi's voice came over, "Xiao Zhan, please stay here for a while."

Xiao Zhan paused when he heard the sound and glanced at Ye Wudi, wondering what he wanted from him.

And they were still talking alone.

Could it be that there is some hidden secret?

He glanced at Ye Youlong again, but Ye Youlong didn't react at all. After hearing the sound, he walked far away in a sensible way.

Xiao Zhan gave his wife a thumbs up and then returned to the room.

Close the door.

Ye Wudi immediately laughed out loud and joked, "Why do you still need to ask your wife for her opinion on such a trivial matter? You really have a hard time with your ears."

"The eldest brother, let alone the second brother, has as many noses and eyes. My family throne is higher than you can imagine." Xiao Zhan immediately responded unceremoniously.

Ye Wudi's rake is a real rake.

Xiao Zhan's rake was purely to see how pretty Ye Youlong was and let her go.

Ye Wuji just smiled at this, what's the point in competing for superiority between people who share the same problem.

He said to Xiao Zhan, "You seemed to want to ask but didn't dare to ask just now. Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

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