Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 252: Accurately 5 kilometers and 36 meters, left front leg injured

Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong had been practicing in the team base for about a week, and they still had no idea how to explore that skill, but then their mission came.

It was a request to eliminate a fourth-level monster wandering near the suburbs.

Although the Ye family guards the entire northern border, the border is very long and the Zhenbei army has limited manpower, so it is impossible to take care of every position.

Therefore, in some places with relatively few people, fewer troops should be deployed.

Generally, monsters appear less frequently in these locations.

But monsters will always appear.

At this time, Zhenbei Mansion will make countermeasures based on the appearance of monsters.

Generally, when there are few monsters or the monsters are very dangerous, a small team is sent to exterminate them. When there are many monsters, troops are dispatched to exterminate them.

There was only one monster that appeared in Xiao Zhan's mission, but it was a fourth-grade monster. The defense forces there were no match, so Xiao Zhan and others needed to go and destroy it.

Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong packed their things and walked out of the room.

At this moment, everyone in the team has gathered.

Xiao Zhan didn't say much nonsense, got on the plane directly, and led the team to the suburbs.

On the plane, Xiao Zhan looked at the team's expressions and felt that they were all a little solemn, as if they were worried.

However, he didn't ask any more questions, just assuming that they were worried that the fourth-level monsters would be difficult to deal with.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the suburbs.

There were no traces of the monster on the ground. It seemed that it was hiding now. After Xiao Zhan and others landed, they planned to go directly to find the monster according to the information provided.

Where they were now was a plain, and as far as the eye could see it was all white snow, without even a second color.

"Captain, please wait here while I go to investigate the situation." said a team member in charge of the investigation.

The monsters living here generally have strong hiding abilities, and this place is vast, so blindly searching like this is not possible.

"No, I'll just come."

Xiao Zhan stopped the team member's actions.

The team member suddenly looked puzzled.

Just come?

You are the captain, how can you do this kind of investigation alone?

And as the captain, if you leave, who in the team will make decisions?

The team member was puzzled and a little angry at the same time.

He thought that Xiao Zhan's commanding ability would be poor, but he didn't expect that he would be so poor. He didn't even know the most basic common sense and responsibilities, so he was unqualified for the important task.

When the other team members heard Xiao Zhan's words, they couldn't help but frown, and were very puzzled by Xiao Zhan's behavior.

Two people directly set their sights on Meng Fei, hoping that he would stand up and say a few words. After all, Xiao Zhan's decision could affect the life or death of their entire team.

Meng Fei also sighed at Xiao Zhan in his heart. After this week of contact, he found that Xiao Zhan's mind was quite smart.

But after all this fuss, he shook his head in denial.

But just when he was about to speak, Xiao Zhan suddenly took action. A ball of death energy was seen emerging from his feet, and then spread out around him, like a rushing wave.

The speed is so fast that people can't react.

However, the color of this death energy is different from what Xiao Zhan released in the past. It is not the purest black, but a faint gray color.

It's extremely light, much lighter than the fog when you wake up in the morning.

Only in this white world can we slightly tell that the mist is gray.

This is when Xiao Zhan began to use the characteristics of the death energy to explore the location of the monster.

When the team members saw this scene, they all showed puzzled expressions, wondering what Xiao Zhan was doing.

Meng Fei, who had just been about to speak, did not dare to speak easily at this time. He could only wait until Xiao Zhan finished the action before he dared to speak.

The aura of death continued to spread, like a carpet, and soon it covered the surrounding area visible to the naked eye.

And it is still spreading into the distance.

The team members couldn't help but show surprised expressions.

Although they still didn't know what Xiao Zhan was doing, they were already very shocked when they saw that the death energy controlled by Xiao Zhan could cover such a large area.

Is this the horror of genius?

One by one, they held their breath for fear of disturbing Xiao Zhan.

After a while, Xiao Zhan stopped moving his hands.

He raised his head and looked at everyone and said, "The monster is in a cave at the eleven o'clock direction, five kilometers and thirty-six meters away. It seems to be injured and is recuperating. The injured position is on the front left side." leg."


When everyone heard Xiao Zhan's sudden words, everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Xiao Zhan as if they were looking at a monster.

Just release a ball of death energy, and then you can find where the monster is?

Precisely five kilometers away, in a cave, and then you even know that the monster's front left leg is injured?

Are you sure this guy is a human?

Not a scanning machine?

"Team...Captain, how did you know?" Meng Fei stuttered.

Just now, he thought Xiao Zhan was ignorant, but he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything out loud, otherwise it would have been a big slap in the face.

Xiao Zhan didn't know their psychological changes, so when he heard him ask, he said, "It's nothing, it's very simple, it's just an extension of my skills."


this is very simple.

That's all.

Look, is this human language?

You can measure it with an accurate range of five kilometers and thirty-six meters. Is this nothing?

If your claim is nothing, then what is the point of our method that still requires people to investigate?

Meng Fei felt really ashamed.

He also suddenly had an idea of ​​how powerful this new captain was.

At this moment, the communicators on everyone suddenly sounded, and a voice came out.

"The latest news, according to the description of a hunting witness, the monster is in a cave five kilometers away from your eleven o'clock direction. Please go quickly to eliminate the threat."

This is the voice from the command room.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked at Xiao Zhan again.

The initial shock turned into deep admiration.

"Oh my God, Captain, you guessed it right!" A slightly younger team member exclaimed.

"Whether he can speak or not, why is the captain just guessing?"

Another team member next to him slapped him on the back of the head.

The young team member immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing. He lowered his head and looked at Xiao Zhan awkwardly.

Five kilometers might be a guess.

But five kilometers and thirty-six meters, can you call it a guess?

Isn't this a joke?

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