Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 254 Kill instantly with one move

When Xiao Zhan heard the movement, a faint smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"Let me test the power of this seal with you!"

Then the aura on his body increased, and the rich aura of death was released. A black mist enveloped Xiao Zhan's whole body, revealing only his extremely cold eyes and a death scythe that seduced the soul and demanded life!

As he got closer, Xiao Zhan could clearly see that it was a monster beast covered in black hair.

The body is like a tiger, but the body is much stronger, more than twice as big.

The limbs are as thick as a tree, and the muscles are bulging when running, full of explosive power. The whole body is black, except for the soles of the feet, which are clean white, a bit like walking on snow.

Two sharp fangs sprouted from the corners of both sides of the mouth, nearly twenty centimeters long. The bloody mouth opened wide like a basin, enough to bite off any head in one bite.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape, the sharp fangs can easily penetrate a person's body and cause fatal injuries.

The top of its head is different from ordinary tiger monsters. It has a single horn that shoots straight into the sky. I don't know what it does.

It rushed out of the cave and saw Xiao Zhan waiting for it with a sickle in his hand. Without any hesitation, it went straight towards Xiao Zhan and bit him.

This attack relies on body size and inertia, and its momentum is so powerful that most people would choose to avoid its edge.

But Xiao Zhan stood still and didn't move.

But the aura on his body continued to rise, the aura of death became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the Death Scythe in his hand became even colder.


The monster beast spit out a fishy stench from its mouth, and had no intention of getting used to Xiao Zhan's indifference. It was bound to bite Xiao Zhan to pieces in one bite!

Just when its mouth was about to reach Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan finally moved.

The air of death around him spurted out, like an octopus spitting out ink, and swept towards the monster. Once it met, the monster was enveloped in it.

At the same time, the imperial power in Xiao Zhan's body was activated, the meridians expanded, and the imperial power was rapidly compressed. Xiao Zhan tried to use the move he used against the black-robed man.

In a thousandth of a second, Xiao Zhan immediately felt a large amount of energy being extracted from his body, flowing directly into the Death Scythe along his hand.

It felt like I had taken time out.

At the same time, at the moment when the energy was injected, the magic sickle in his hand suddenly released a rush of wild energy, slashing down on the monster wrapped in black mist in front of him!

The magic sickle passed by, carrying the scroll and surging!

Death is like the wind, roaring!


It was extremely smooth, and the Death Scythe split the black mass in front of him into two!

The screams of death were heard, and the blood splashed with the air of death like plum blossoms falling on the ground. The white snow on the ground was suddenly dyed with red plum blossoms.

The corpse of the monster fell to the ground with a bang, landing on Xiao Zhan's left and right sides.

It is extremely symmetrically divided into two, and even the horns on the head are accurately divided into two.

The flesh and blood and internal organs were exposed, the corpse was emitting heat, and a large amount of blood flowed out, connecting the blossoming blood plum blossoms into one piece.

At the same time, it also declares the end of the battle!

At this moment, the team members who were ambushing around were shocked when they saw this scene.

They had just prepared their charging posture, and before they even stood up, they stopped abruptly.

Looking at Xiao Zhan, who was standing on the snow, exuding black energy, like a death butcher, their eyes were as wide as bells, and their mouths were even more surprised.

This is too scary!

one move!

With just one move, the fourth-level monster died.

And instead of being beaten to death slowly, Xiao slashed him cleanly in half!

Their scalps instantly felt numb and their faces were cold, even colder than the surrounding air that was 30 to 40 degrees below zero!

You know, not long ago, their entire team encountered a sneak attack by this monster. Then their captain died trying to cover their retreat.

But now, this monster appeared again. They thought it would be a difficult battle, but they didn't expect that it was easily solved by the man in front of them.

So, is Xiao Zhan really a fourth-grade spiritual master?

Then why is the former captain so miserable despite being a fourth-grade spiritual master?

At this moment, they were deeply shocked and impressed by Xiao Zhan's fighting power!

Before, Xiao Zhan used his death energy to detect the location of the monster. They were only a little admired, but not convinced yet.

But now, after seeing Xiao Zhan's terrifying strength, they were completely convinced.

Xiao Zhan is their captain, nothing to say!

Xiao Zhan looked at the corpse on the ground and felt that most of the strength in his body had been drained. He shook his head in disappointment.

"What a big deal."

Collision based on the force just now.

Xiao Zhan analyzed that he actually didn't need to use almost three-quarters of the imperial power in his body at once. Although the fourth-grade monster was strong, it was obviously no longer on par with Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan can easily kill it without the help of that ability.

Even if Xiao Zhan wanted to pursue a one-hit kill, he didn't need to use nearly three-quarters of the energy compression just now.

However, this is not because he wants to compress so much, but because his current ability can only achieve successful compression every time, but he cannot control the amount of compression accurately.

After all, the method of compressing energy takes place in an instant and requires extremely detailed control. One bad thing is that all the power is drained out.

In battle, what is particularly taboo is not leaving any room for detours.

After all, without the power of control, a spiritual master is no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Xiao Zhan analyzed it carefully and found that he only needed to compress one-tenth of the energy to easily kill the monster with one blow.

He shook his head.

It seems that I still have a long way to go before mastering this move.

Xiao Zhan knelt down and picked up the crystal core of the monster beast.

Monster crystal cores will be found in fourth-grade monsters and above, but not necessarily in third-grade monsters and below. It depends on the probability.

The crystal core of this demonic beast is completely black, and it is also rare to show the attribute of death. It is suitable for Xiao Zhan's use, so Xiao Zhan accepted it unceremoniously.

The crystal core of the monster beast can not only increase its own strength, but also give the spiritual master a chance to obtain some unexpected abilities.

However, the chance of this ability appearing is very low.

Generally, it is obtained either by absorbing high-level monsters, or by absorbing a large number of monster crystal nuclei of the same type.

But these two, no matter which one they are, are extremely difficult.

Of course, Xiao Zhan didn't want to gain any unexpected abilities from this crystal core. He just needed to increase his own strength.

After all, he now has outstanding fighting ability, but his strength is extremely lacking!

Just as he was about to put it into the dimensional space, Bai Di suddenly jumped in front of Xiao Zhan, his eyes lit up as he looked at the monster crystal core in Xiao Zhan's hand.

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