Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 259 Ghost Terrorist Organization

Then everyone immediately got in the car and followed the third car.

In the third car, Huang Kailong and the female president were sitting together.

There was a man sitting in the co-pilot, who should be her spiritual master, but this spiritual master obviously did not have a high status, and he listened to the president's words throughout the whole process.

But this is normal, and the contract method dominated by weapon spirits is not unknown in this world.

"There is a car following us." At this moment, the man in the passenger seat said.

"Don't worry about them."

The president said coldly.

This is Mingyue City, and she is the underground emperor. She is not afraid of anyone at all, not even the border guards.


The man turned his head and stopped talking. He just kept staring at the vehicle following behind him.

But Huang Kailong was a little scared, "These people are probably from the Ye family, and they came here specifically to kill me. Are you sure you don't need to worry about them?"

Hearing this, the president didn't even bother to look at him, his expression was indifferent.

With Huang Kailong's timid appearance, she didn't believe he could get that thing at all.

However, she had to waste some time on this.

Behind the car, Xiao Zhan's team followed closely.

"This president is so arrogant, he doesn't even take us seriously," Xiao Zhan said.

"What do you mean?" The team members were still a little confused.

Xiao Zhan explained, "They have discovered us, but they are not afraid of us at all."

"Did they discover us?" Meng Fei was surprised, "That's impossible. We are very capable of covert tracking. How did they discover us?"

The task Xiao Zhan gave him was to track and monitor.

Now Xiao Zhan actually said that they had been discovered. Doesn't this mean that his working ability is very problematic?

So he was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Zhan smiled and did not mean to blame him. He comforted him, "This world is not just about technology. It is normal for such a big person to have some anti-tracking capabilities."

Just like Xiao Zhan himself, his perception ability is like an enlarged version of eyes and ears. As long as he is willing, he can know everything within the range.

Meng Fei also knew that Xiao Zhan had this ability, and when he heard what he said, he felt a little better.

But he still said, "It's my fault. I didn't investigate clearly."

Xiao Zhan immediately waved his hand, "Okay, don't worry too much about this problem, it's not a big deal."

Then, Xiao Zhan said, "Let us guess where they are going on this route?"

Meng Fei immediately analyzed it on the computer, and soon he came to a conclusion.

"They are going to Mingyue Port, where Huang Kailong can be smuggled to the Kimchi Federation."

"Inform Li Wu and ask him to arrange for people to go to the port. This woman is not even afraid of us. There must be many of her people there."


Xiao Zhan is also a powerful person now. He can rely on external forces, so why should he work so hard on his own?

The end result is the same anyway.

Soon, the car in which Huang Kailong and the president were sitting drove out of Mingyue City. They left the city without stopping and continued towards their destination, Mingyue Port.

"President, they are still following. I just contacted the city lord of Mingyue City, and he said he didn't know who this person was. He should be sent by the Ye family." The man in the co-pilot reminded again.

Hearing this, the president frowned slightly. He didn't expect to be targeted by the Ye family so quickly.

But she is not afraid, even if someone comes from the Ye family.

A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. In Mingyue City, she has the final say.

However, although she was not afraid, it would be troublesome to follow them all the time. She asked, "How far away are they from us?"

"About three kilometers."

Three kilometers.

She thought for a moment and then said, "After crossing the bridge in front, blow it up."


The man responded immediately.

The bridge was the only road leading to Mingyue Port. Blowing up the bridge would not stop Xiao Zhan and the others from following them, but it would be enough to delay them.

Moreover, after crossing the Mingyue Bridge, we reached the port within a short distance, so the delay was enough.

By the time Xiao Zhan and the others arrived, the day lily was already cold.

Behind, Xiao Zhan's car.

Xiao Zhan's senses heard their conversation, and his face changed slightly, "They are going to blow up the bridge!"

"Blow up the bridge?"

After hearing this, the expressions of all the team members changed.

Meng Fei quickly looked at the advance map on the computer, "There is only one way to Mingyue Port. If they want to blow up the bridge, we will most likely be unable to catch up, and Huang Kailong will be sent out of the country by then."

"What to do Captain?"

The team members looked at Xiao Zhan with questioning eyes.

Xiao Zhan frowned slightly, but he only thought about it for less than half a second before making a decision, "Go at full speed and catch up with me!"


The team member responsible for driving immediately turned on a button, which used the monster crystal core as the power to accelerate. Then he used the power of control to pull the car, and the car suddenly burst out with strong power and shot out like a rocket.

A distance of three kilometers is not a long distance according to today's technology.

But Meng Fei said worriedly, "If we catch up now, we have no reason to arrest the president. Her identity is special. If she is taken away by force, I am afraid it will cause a dispute between the two federations."

This was true. Although they were sure that the president was colluding with Huang Kailong, they still needed evidence to arrest her.

Without legitimate reasons, this behavior will rise to the level of the two major federations.

Although the Long Xia Federation is not afraid of the Kimchi Federation, after all, they are all members of the same human race.

Procedures are required to do things.

But when Xiao Zhan heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he turned to look at Meng Fei, with an evil smile on his lips.

"Let me ask you, besides Li Wu, who else knows we are here?"

Meng Fei was slightly startled when he heard this question. Why did he ask this question?

But then a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he seemed to understand what Xiao Zhan meant, but he didn't fully understand it yet.

To be precise, he wanted Xiao Zhan to speak more clearly.

Because Xiao Zhan is the leader, he will be responsible if something goes wrong, hehe.

Therefore, he thought for a while and replied seriously, "We came here in secret. No one except Li Wu knows, including the city lord and the border guards."

Xiao Zhan said, "That's alright. Since no one knows we are here, what reason do we need to arrest someone? What evidence do we need?"

Everyone understood that this was a trick.

Seeing that they all understood, Xiao Zhan looked at them with a smile, "Let me ask you, what are we called?"

"Ghost Team?" A team member replied tentatively.

Xiao Zhan shook his head.

"what is that?"

All the team members were confused.

Xiao Zhan said word by word, "Ghost terrorist organization!"

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