The black six-tailed tiger and the white six-tailed fox are two extremes.

The black six-tailed fox is cruel by nature and loves war by nature. It sucks the essence and blood of humans and monsters to enhance its strength. It is known as a disaster like Daji.

White symbolizes auspiciousness. It is a kind of monster with a very gentle personality. It never harms humans and monsters. It is kind-hearted and often heals injured humans and monsters. It has powerful healing abilities.

Generally speaking, if you see a black six-tailed fox, you will kill it if you can.

However, the black six-tailed fox was also very cunning. When Ye Wudi killed the Fire Wolf, it fled behind the tide of monsters.

As it retreated, it drove many monster beasts to stand in front of it.

In just a blink of an eye, it disappeared among the monsters.

Ye Wudi wanted to kill it because he felt that the Thunder Ape King led the monsters to launch a wave of monsters, and there was a high probability that this black six-tailed fox was causing trouble.

But in this situation, he obviously can't chase it down.

Taking Ye Ajian with him, he quickly ran outside.

The remaining monsters are all small soldiers and generals. Although there are many in number, they can only be cannon fodder in front of Ye Wudi.

Almost effortlessly, Ye Wudi successfully brought Ye Ajian to a safe area, but it was not over yet. Ye Wudi took him to the exclusive passage again.

Only by sending Ye Ajian back could he feel completely relieved.

Fortunately, the distance was not very far. While he was rushing forward with all his strength, there were also supporting soldiers within the defense line heading towards him.

Soon, the two parties met. After Ye Wudi handed Ye Ajian to the soldiers, Ye Wudi immediately rushed towards Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan was still worried about containing the seventh-grade monster by himself.

But when he rushed to the location of the monster beast group again, he found that Xiao Zhan, who was fighting here just now, was no longer here.

Ye Wudi immediately opened the communication and shouted, "Where is Xiao Zhan and others?"

The voice of the monitoring soldier came from the communication, "He and the Thunder Monkey Dynasty went northeast."

Ye Wudi couldn't help but rush towards the northeast.

His seventh-level strength and speed were no slower than Xiao Zhan and the others. He was like a stream of light in the snow, approaching them quickly.

at the same time.

Xiao Zhan is here.

After running a certain distance, the Thunder Ape King finally caught up with him. His fist was electrified and hit Xiao Zhan hard on the back.

This fist was bigger than Xiao Zhan's whole body, and when the thunder and lightning was released, it seemed like a binding force appeared in the air, restricting Xiao Zhan from making dodge movements.

Xiao Zhan felt the stagnation from space and was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the Thunder Ape King not only controlled the power of thunder and lightning, but also controlled the power of space.

But it's a pity that you met me.

When it comes to playing with space, you’re still far behind.

Xiao Zhan chose to remain unchanged in response to all changes and ran without looking back.

The Thunder Ape King's fist fell mercilessly on Xiao Zhan's body, but there was no sound of a heavy blow. Instead, Xiao Zhan's figure disappeared like an illusory shadow.

Thunder Ape King's red eyes widened with a trace of doubt.

The next second, Xiao Zhan's figure appeared out of thin air, holding a black magic sickle, with a slender figure and an elegant smile, stepping on its fist.

The Thunder Ape King suddenly became furious.

The other arm raised a palm and slapped Xiao Zhan, trying to kill him like a mosquito.

Xiao Zhan knew the strength of the Thunder Ape King, and did not dare to confront him head-on. He used teleportation, jumped out of thin air, came to the face of the Thunder Ape King, and struck her big black nose with a sickle.

The Thunder Ape King had no time to react as both of its hands moved. It could only instinctively lean back to avoid Xiao Zhan's move.

But Xiao Zhan had already predicted its movements, and the movement of swinging the sickle with both hands immediately changed to swinging the sickle with one hand. In this way, the attack distance would be lengthened.

It's not much lengthened, but the distance is just right.

The blade of the magic sickle cut across the big black nose of the Thunder Ape King. The seventh-grade monster had extremely strong defense, but under the sharpness of the top weapon spirit, the big black nose was still cut open like tofu.

In an instant, blood shot out and rained down!


The Thunder Ape King let out an extremely painful cry, and quickly covered his nose with both hands, his eyes spitting fire, and the thunder and lightning on his body crackled, venting his anger at the moment.

Xiao Zhan succeeded with one blow and did not hold back.

A ball of death energy was released, covering the entire head of the Thunder Ape King.

Then he teleported, pulled away, and quickly escaped into the distance.

He had no confidence that he could kill the Thunder Ape King. The seventh-grade monster was very powerful. Xiao Zhan just had an information gap. Once it was on guard, it would not be that easy for Xiao Zhan to succeed in a sneak attack.

So after succeeding, Xiao Zhan chose to retreat without hesitation.

His strategy is clear, he just needs to delay.

The Thunder Ape King slapped away the aura of death on his face, and immediately locked his gaze on Xiao Zhan, with anger burning deep in his eyes.

He frowned again and found that the wound on his nose actually had a corrosive force.


Anger surged up, and he slammed his fists on the ground, causing a heavy snow storm.

Then his thick thighs exerted force, and there was a burst of thunder and lightning, and he rushed out as fast as lightning, leaving a piece of charred black on the ground under his feet, and the remaining thunder and lightning flickered on it.

Xiao Zhan ran ahead, his energy suddenly tightened, and he was very surprised that the speed of the Thunder Ape King had increased again.

Feeling the Thunder Ape King approaching quickly, Xiao Zhan also exerted all his strength, but no matter how much his control power was pushed to the extreme, he still couldn't get rid of the Thunder Ape King.

The Thunder Ape King came behind Xiao Zhan again and hit Xiao Zhan again with the same punch.

But this punch made the space around Xiao Zhan feel more stagnant.

It could be seen that this Thunder Ape King was really angry and used all his strength.

It's a pity that its control of space is far from Xiao Zhan's opponent.

Using teleportation and micro-distance control, Xiao Zhan easily dodged the punch.

But the next second, Xiao Zhan felt another danger coming. He had no time to teleport again, and jumped to the side with his instinctive reaction.

The moment he landed, a bolt of lightning fell on his original position.

The energy of thunder and lightning was scattered, Xiao Zhan was affected, his body lost his balance, fell to the ground, and rolled out like a ball.

Xiao Zhan quickly climbed up from the ground.

Looking at the Thunder Ape King, he was tense.

Sure enough, as he expected, this guy was prepared after a hard time.

When the Thunder Ape King saw Xiao Zhan being beaten to the ground, looking embarrassed, he immediately roared arrogantly at him, which was both cathartic and taunting! (End of chapter)

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