"No need for her, we have already made our choice, thank you for your kindness." Xiao Zhan refused.

Liu Xin looked at Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong in confusion, not understanding why they were willing to die rather than live.

Moreover, in the current situation, their death not only represents their own death, but also represents the safety of the entire Zhenbei City.

Liu Xin did not believe that Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong would be so selfish.

"Well, since you have already made your choice, I can't say anything."

Liu Xin said, and then turned and left.

Xiao Zhan looked at her back, and there was nothing to say. He returned to the room, washed up and went to bed.

The next day.

Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong came to the defense line.

The damaged defense line was repaired in an orderly manner under the command of Ye Annu, and the people of Zhenbei City also joined in the repair. They all knew what the collapse of the Zhenbei City defense line meant.

However, some people moved inland in advance.

However, this disaster was nationwide, and no one could say for sure where it was the safest.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Zhan came to Ye Annu and asked. Ye Annu looked at the distance with a worried look on his face. The sky in the distance was turbulent and thunderous from time to time, and it seemed that it was ready to move. Ye Annu shook his head and said, "The situation is not optimistic. According to energy data monitoring, an unprecedented energy group is coming. If this energy group is from the secret realm of strange beasts, it may bring us a catastrophe." He turned his head to look at Xiao Zhan, "By then, let alone Zhenbei City, the entire Longxia Federation may be destroyed." "So serious?" Xiao Zhan couldn't help but take a breath. He had imagined the severity of this crisis, but he didn't think it would be so serious. "Is there any way to solve it?" "Solve?" Hearing this question, Ye Annu showed a look of surprise on his face. Then he said bitterly, "There may be a solution, but it is definitely not something I can think of." He shook his head. When the secret realm came, they could only wait passively. He had never heard of taking the initiative to solve it. It has never appeared in the historical records of the Longxia Federation.

Xiao Zhan pondered for a moment, then summoned Jose Liuxin and others to discuss countermeasures together.

Liuxin looked at the scene on the horizon and said, "The secret realm will appear and disappear. Although it is a world, strictly speaking, it is more like an independent space. When the energy of this space weakens, the secret realm will disappear. In my estimation, as long as the power is strong enough, the secret realm can be destroyed."

"How much energy is needed to destroy it?"

Everyone asked.

Everyone believes that the secret realm can be destroyed. In this world, as long as the strength is strong enough, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed.

Although they have no record of destroying the secret realm, it does not mean that the secret realm cannot be destroyed.

"There is another question, what kind of energy attribute should be used to destroy the secret realm energy group."

Someone else asked.

In the federal data records, there are records of destroying the secret realm, but the record is only a process, and the result is that it has not been destroyed.

At that time, the most advanced energy cannon in the Federation was used to launch the strongest attack on the secret realm, but the secret realm was like a ball of calm air, swallowing the energy easily without causing any waves.

After trying several times, the result was the same, so I gave up.

After research, it was found that ordinary energy has no effect on the secret realm.

When the secret realm appears, it is like a ball of invisible air. Your attack will only penetrate it, but it will not cause any damage to it.

After the secret realm appears, your energy will directly penetrate into its interior. The destruction inside cannot cause real destruction because of the existence of the origin of the secret realm.

Therefore, in the history of the Federation, there has never been a case of destroying the secret realm.

No matter what form the secret realm is in.

"I do have a way to solve this problem, but it is only a temporary solution." At this time, Xiao Zhan suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him.

"What method?"

Xiao Zhan looked at the strange scene in the distance and said, "It's very simple. To describe it in three words, it is to block the spring eye."

"Block the spring eye?"

Everyone was a little confused.

Liu Xin was the first to react, "You mean, don't you want to let the army rush into the secret realm and fight those strange beasts? Use attack as defense?"

Xiao Zhan hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, I don't mean to let the army rush, but I will rush."

"You rush?"

Everyone widened their eyes.

"You go alone?"

"Yes, I will go alone." Xiao Zhan nodded firmly.

"No, it's too dangerous." Ye Annu immediately rejected it.

He admitted that Xiao Zhan's strength was very strong, but it was a very risky behavior to rush into the secret realm alone.

If Xiao Zhan had any accidents, what would they do? What about the entire Zhenbei City?

The core spirit now is Xiao Zhan.

When he is here, the confidence of the soldiers will be greatly increased, and the people will feel safe. If he is not here, the morale of the army will collapse, the people will be panic, and the defense line will be vulnerable. He can't let Xiao Zhan take this risk.

But Xiao Zhan has his own ideas.

He looked at Jose and asked, "Based on the data, when will the next secret realm appear?"

Jose looked at the data and replied, "If nothing else happens, it will come tomorrow. There is a high probability that it will be a secret realm of alien beasts."

"How strong is the energy?"

"Preliminary speculation, seventh level strength."

Generally speaking, the higher the intensity, the more powerful the strange beasts that appear inside will be, and the higher the level of the spiritual fruits and elixirs that will appear.

But there are also some special situations, but such situations are relatively rare.


Xiao Zhan nodded, and then said to everyone in a consultative tone, "Be prepared tomorrow. I'll go test the water first."


Ye Ah Nu flatly refused, with a very serious look on his face, "You absolutely can't go! Do you know that you have the entire Zhenbei City attached to you now?"

"I know."

Xiao Zhan persuaded, "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life. I must have my intention to do this. Besides, even if I can't fight, can't I still run? I'm not going to die." , as long as I want to escape, no strange beast can keep me."

Xiao Zhan's tone was very confident.

Ye Anu was immediately shaken. Xiao Zhan's strength was indeed what he said. Even if he couldn't beat him, could he still not be able to run away?

But he still refused.

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