Ye Anu also saw the timely transmission of the scene.

In the picture, the secret realm was empty, like a desolate place without human habitation. Not a single strange beast appeared, not even a mosquito.

Only the ground remained with pools of blood that had not yet dried.

"How is this going?"

Looking at this scene, Ye Anu heard a confused voice.

This was the first time he had seen such an empty secret realm. This is not a beautiful and relaxing welfare secret realm, but a real secret realm of exotic beasts.

He let people control the drone and follow the blood trail to see what happened.

But the drone just flew forward and soon the bloodstains disappeared.

Lost traces.

This made Ye Anu even more confused. What happened to cause such a scene to happen?

"What should we do now?"

the adjutant asked from the side.

Ye'an frowned angrily, and he didn't know what to do.

Unaccustomed to the feeling of relaxation after tension.

"Let the drone guard the exit and report immediately if there is any movement. Send another drone to go in and check the situation."

Ye Anu could only say this.

He didn't know what happened in the secret realm, but he couldn't be so careless, so for safety reasons, he sent out a drone again.

And with the arrival of this drone.

Xiao Zhan is currently killing Zheng Huan in the secret realm.

In this secret realm, the most powerful thing is only the seventh-grade beast, but the seventh-grade beast is no match for Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan can take it down easily.

Xiao Zhan never thought that he would extend his life in this way.

This is no different from the star-absorbing method.

After dealing with another group of alien beasts, Xiao Zhan absorbed them and converted them into his own energy. Then he simply took a rest and rushed towards another group of alien beasts he sensed.

This secret realm is not small. It is still a bit difficult for Xiao Zhan to clear out all the strange beasts.

It takes a lot of time.

But there was no need for him to clear out all these strange beasts.

First, he doesn't need to do this. Weak alien beasts can't break through Zhenbei City's defense line. He just needs to deal with these threats.

Second, his time is not allowed to be wasted on these weak beasts. The energy that the weak beasts can provide him is too small. Thousands of them added up are not as large as the amount of one seventh-grade beast. No need.

In addition, there are other secret realms outside that will appear from time to time, and Xiao Zhan has no time to waste time in this secret realm.

One day passed quickly like this.

Over the course of a day, the sky gradually turns from day to night.

On the defense line of Zhenbei City.

Ye Anu has lowered the alert level. If the level one alert is maintained, it will also be a huge drain on the soldiers.

But even though the alert level was lowered, his condition never relaxed.

Especially when he stared at the pictures transmitted by the drone in real time, he frowned so much that he looked ugly.

Because the drone has been flying in the secret realm for almost a day, but it hasn't captured any useful footage, either a pool of blood or a pool of blood.

Not a single exotic beast.

This made Ye Anu wonder for a while whether this was a secret realm of strange beasts.

He turned his head and looked at the adjutant, "Where's Xiao Zhan? I've been calling you all day, why hasn't he come yet?"

"The Xiao Mansion sent word that General Xiao Zhan left early in the morning."

"Going out early in the morning?"

Ye'an was surprised, why haven't you come yet?

A sudden flash of lightning flashed in Ye'anu's mind, as if he thought of something, he looked suddenly in the direction of the secret realm.

at the same time.

The sound of beeping came from the drone.

Everyone's spirits trembled and they all looked at the picture transmitted by the drone.

In the drone screen, I saw a pair of handsome men and beautiful women walking towards the exit of the secret realm. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, an excellent combination.

When everyone saw these two people, their brows suddenly wrinkled.

On the one hand, it's because two people actually walked out of the secret realm of the alien beasts, and on the other hand, it's because these two people turned out to be Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong!

Ye Anu's eyes widened.

"When did they get in?"

Ye Anu was shocked. He had just heard the adjutant say that Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong had gone out early in the morning, and a thought came to his mind, that is, is it possible that Xiao Zhan went into the secret realm alone?

He had no idea that as soon as his idea came out, it would come true!

Looking at the two people taking a leisurely stroll in the picture, Ye Anu knew that the scene in the secret realm must have been created by the two of them.

He couldn't help the anger on his face.

His eyes were fixed on Xiao Zhan.

Other people around him also realized what happened, and suddenly they all exclaimed.

Xiao Zhan actually swept through the entire secret realm by himself!

Oh my god.

This is incredible!

They watched with bright eyes as Xiao Zhan walked out of the secret realm and walked towards the defense line.

When Xiao Zhan appeared in front of them, they immediately surrounded him one by one.

"General Xiao Zhan, did you destroy all the strange beasts in the secret realm by yourself?"

"General Xiao Zhan, you are really too strong. You are simply the patron saint of Zhenbei City! With you here, we can definitely defend Zhenbei City."

"General Xiao Zhan..."

All kinds of heartfelt words came out of everyone's mouths.

After Xiao Zhan heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

To him, this could only be regarded as a small matter, but in the eyes of these soldiers, it was a big deal, a matter related to their lives.

"Brother, why don't you look happy?"

Xiao Zhan saw Ye Anu's stern face from the crowd, thought something was wrong, and asked with concern.

Ye Anu stared into Xiao Zhan's eyes, looked serious, and said in a very serious tone, "Do you know what you are doing? It is very dangerous for you to do this!"

I thought it was something, but it turned out to be this.

Xiao Zhan put his arm around Anu's shoulders and said, "Come on, let's go back and let the soldiers take a rest now. They are probably tired too."

Seeing that Xiao Zhan had a good attitude and adhered to the principle of not hitting the smiling person, Ye Ah Nu restrained some of his anger.

He waved his hand to let the adjutant take off the alert and just patrol and guard normally.

Then he and Xiao Zhan returned to the room.

After going back to the room.

Xiao Zhan told him about himself and Ye Youlong.

He originally didn't plan to tell him, but he thought that Ye Anu was the commander of Zhenbei City after all, and his life and death was now related to the survival of Zhenbei City.

He still needed to tell Ye Anu to know.

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