Everyone felt confused.

Thunder, little rain.

Isn't this a secret realm of strange beasts?

Only people like Xiao Zhan knew that this seemingly peaceful peace was actually just the calm before the storm.

Sure enough, just when many people were about to relax their vigilance, suddenly a large group of flying beasts flew out of the secret realm.

They are huge, about ten meters long. They are all black, but have no feathers. They are all skeletal skin. They look ferocious, somewhat similar to pterosaurs, but their heads are in the shape of ghosts, and their fangs are bloody.

The speed is extremely fast, and it rushes straight towards the defense line of Zhenbeicheng!

And their number is also very large, densely packed, like bats flying out of the cave.

There are thousands of them.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers couldn't help but be shocked. There were so many strange beasts from the beginning. This is indeed the largest secret realm that has been in existence for a long time.

Their minds were quick and steady, and they immediately started shooting without a moment's hesitation!

Energy cannons shot at them like colorful marbles, hitting them and knocking them down from the sky one by one.

"Fortunately, weapon attacks are useful."

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not afraid of anything except that their weapons are useless against these alien beasts. In this case, they are equivalent to ordinary people who are unarmed and can only let the alien beasts slaughter them and die in despair.

Xiao Zhan released his senses and scanned these strange beasts.

I felt a little relieved.

Each of these strange beasts looks huge, with a wingspan of nearly thirty meters, but their level is not high, only around the fourth level.

With such strength, it is impossible to break through the defense line that has been heavily strengthened.

Boom boom!

Sure enough, as these alien beasts approached, one after another, they suddenly fell from the sky like hailstones for free. In less than a few minutes, these numerous alien beasts became soldiers. dessert.

The soldiers eliminated all these strange beasts with single-digit casualties.

These didn't even break through the energy cannon's defenses.

Even if a few were lucky enough to break through, they were quickly wiped out by the fighters waiting for the opportunity.

After dealing with these strange beasts, the soldiers only breathed a sigh of relief, and then it became more serious.

After experiencing several battles, they clearly knew that this was just an appetizer and the real battle was yet to come.

Sure enough, their idea has not yet come to fruition.

Another group of strange beasts flew out of the secret realm.

This time, the size of this group of alien beasts is not large, only about one to two meters in size. Their appearance is very regular, not particularly different from ordinary flying alien beasts, and they also have feathers on their bodies.

But their speed was very fast, like a black stream of light, drawing a line in the sky. In just the blink of an eye, these strange beasts appeared in front of everyone.

And in the blink of an eye, he appeared within their defense range.

If he blinked again, he would probably break through the defense line.


Fortunately, before the third blink of an eye came, someone opened fire first.

A cannon was fired, but what was surprising was that the cannonball, which was clearly aimed very well, did not hit the leading beast. The speed of the cannonball was slower than it, and it easily dodged it.

Boom boom boom!

Fortunately, a shot is fired, a shot is fired!

A volley of artillery shells was fired. Although the strange beast dodged the first shot, there were too many shells and it was still hit.

The moment of impact.

There was a bang.

This strange beast turned into pieces!

So vulnerable.

"The Streaming Light Eagle is as fast as the Streaming Light. Its only advantage is that it is very fragile. As long as it hits, it is almost certain to die. But the problem is that it is difficult to hit."

Liu Xin's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Ye Anu immediately issued an order.

"Switch to attack mode, heavy fire mode, fast fire mode!"


An order was given.

The soldiers suddenly started to work like mechanical gears. The weapons in their hands switched instantly. The originally thick barrels suddenly turned into multi-barreled barrels like Gatling!

Bah! Bah!

As the trigger is pulled, the energy cannon also makes different sounds.

They are light and agile, not as heavy as the previous ones, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they sound very beautiful!

With the change of attack mode.

The heavy machinery in the turret installed on the ground suddenly became very flexible. The 36-degree non-side leakage protection gave the leaders of the Zhenbeicheng Command Center a full sense of security.

Less than three minutes to go.

These alien beasts with the ability to move quickly were all shot down. Occasionally, a few flew into the defense line, but were directly destroyed by the rising energy network.

This second round was even faster than the first round.

This immediately boosted the soldiers' confidence.

After everyone was happy, they did not forget that there would be a more serious battle next, and focused their attention on the entrance and exit of the secret realm again.

Xiao Zhan knew that continuing like this was not an option. If he waited for the secret realm to send out alien beasts to attack one after another, Zhenbei City would be breached sooner or later.

The size and level of this secret realm are not at the same level as the secret realms encountered before. The two rounds of strange beasts that died now are at most a hair on the body of a cow.

If you want to completely solve this secret realm, you still have to implement the original plan.

"You guys resist for a while."

Xiao Zhan told Ye Anu.

Ye Anu also knew what Xiao Zhan was going to do, so he nodded without saying anything.

Xiao Zhan looked at Qin Yuehan, and Qin Yuehan also knew what he was going to do. The two nodded, and immediately ducked and appeared in front of the entrance to a small secret realm.

It is slightly safer here. If the attention of the alien beasts is attracted to Zhenbei City, it will be difficult to notice them.

They immediately began to continue to understand and study.

But at this moment, a huge sound came, and a strange beast that was fifty or sixty meters tall walked out from the exit of the secret realm.

This strange beast is covered in barbs and looks like Godzilla, but it is covered in black scales and has a very long barb on the top of its forehead.

At the same time, there are also two extremely sharp and thick barbs on its two hands!

"Seventh grade strange beast!"

Liu Xin exclaimed on the defensive wall.

Everyone’s expressions also changed accordingly! Then he became very solemn!

When they looked at this seventh-grade strange beast, they didn't seem to expect that a seventh-grade strange beast would appear in this secret realm so early!

The earlier the seventh-grade strange beast appears, the more terrifying it is in this secret realm. If it appears so early, what kind of terrifying monster will appear later?

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