"In order to ensure the survival rate of spiritual masters, China advocates a team system, so in response to national policies, everyone must find their partner as soon as possible."

"Maybe another lone ranger has to ask again, what if I don't want to find a teammate?"

"Then I'll say something ugly, so I can do it myself."

Li Jiu looked at the freshmen who were confused, and he still chose to be a lone wolf.

The male teacher said mysteriously: "By the way, I will disclose something in advance." "

I heard from the principal that our school has something to do with the [Peach Sakura] Academy in the Neon District, and there may be exchange students visiting Neon to study, and all of them are female students."


"My DNA moved!"

"Sister Neon, I'm coming!"

The satyrs below howled with ghosts.

Li Jiu understood that this Holy Spirit Star was different from the earth, and there were three chain islands in the east of Hualong Country, not the neon area called in Japan.

The people of Neon District are the Chinese people sent to land on the island in the early days of Hualong Country, and there is no hatred between the two, and Neon District is one of the most prosperous areas of Hualong Country.

The three mysterious islands continue to improve the physique of the people on the islands, the men are handsome, the women are beautiful, of course, their teeth are good, unlike a certain country.

Because of that mysterious island, the transportation between neon and the mainland is very inconvenient, and it is strictly forbidden to cross the border without a valid reason!

The male teacher looked at Ying Ruoxue and said, "If you don't believe it, we have neon exchange students in Spirit Heart Academy." Ying

Ruoxue stood up generously: "Hello everyone, I am Ying Ruoxue, from the Neon District Extreme Group, Peach Sakura Academy does have a good relationship with Spirit Heart College, my father asked me to come to the mainland to study, I also hope to become good friends with everyone and make progress together." "

The extreme upper group, the second in command of the neon area, the second family, speaking and doing things is to represent the neon area!

No wonder I felt the noble temperament from her, it turned out to be the second princess of Neon, a little rich woman!

"Sakura Wakayuki! I porridge you! "Some young ladies have already lived in Bengbu.

"Love, love!"

"It's so beautiful, it's too nice to speak, if you are an actor, you will finish off other people!"

"Please establish a correct view of love." The male teacher quickly coughed.


The storm brought by Sakura Ruoxue has finally subsided.

Li Jiu had already felt the resentful gazes of all the male students present.

Jealousy separates their plasmic walls!

Among them, there are many eyes with strong hostility, some because of the cherry blossom next to them, and some are afraid that they know their first identity, right?

"Sakura beauty, I'm very uncomfortable when you do this." Li Jiu said lightly.

"Hmph, let you ignore me?" She looked at Li Jiu and smiled sweetly.

Abominable, good looking means being able to do whatever you want?

More jealous eyes swept over, fortunately Li Jiu's face is very thick, just look at it?

"To get back to the point, you must find your regular teammates, there may be special matches after a while, and you need two people to team up to pass the trial to complete!"

When Li Jiu heard this, there was no way, so he could only turn back to find a meat shield-type spirit master who looked pleasant.

The red fox was in the neon area, and he was worried about how to get the pass order before, and the principal of this Spiritual Heart Academy had some skills.

"Okay, the brief explanation has been said, follow me in one class, and the teachers of other classes will come immediately." The male teacher beckoned.

The students of the first class quickly got up, and Li Jiu, as the last row, naturally fell to the end of the line.

After going around in circles, he went back to the teaching building on the side, and followed the team Li Jiu to his class.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhen Meng, and I am the person in charge of everyone's Spiritual Heart Academy."

"Rules, I already said it just now, I'm too lazy to ink on small things."

Zhen Meng said lightly: "There are only 30 people in our class, let's introduce yourself, as your training teacher, you must choose your partner today!"

"Did anyone volunteer to be the first?"

"I'll come." Li Jiu said lightly.

Anyway, you can't hide, let's face reality, and it's not inexperienced.

"What do we start with? Good, everyone applaud!

Li Jiu walked to the front of the crowd and said lightly: "Big guy, my name is Li Jiu and it's nice to meet everyone, the spirit pet is a light attribute damage type, I hope to find a spirit master who specializes in the defense department to partner with me."

After speaking, Li Jiu confidently returned to the queue.

"Very good, next."



"Everyone has finished the introduction, now I recommend that you find suitable teammates through the self-introduction just now, which is also a test of your intelligence analysis ability."

"If you are a partner, you naturally have to study together, and I don't bother to think about the troublesome thing of dividing seats, hahaha."

The students chattered and discussed.

Li Jiu looked at a rather handsome-looking purple-haired young man, his name was Qi Feng, and he didn't say much, his God-given Spirit Pet was a defensive type, and he was suitable as his partner.


Li Jiu had just spoken, and before Feng Zi could speak, he was grabbed by a hand.

"Li Jiu, be my partner!" That pleasant voice came from behind him.

Li Jiu said, "Beauty Ying, I want to find Qi Feng as a partner, I'm sorry." "

Everyone around me has seen it, and most of the boys want to find Sakura Ruoxue as a partner!

What is the first moon near the water?

"Why?" She asked puzzled.

"I need a defensive Spirit Master partner."

"I'm a Level 13 Spirit Master, how do you know I don't have a defensive spirit pet?"

"You are so beautiful that you will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

A strange light flashed in Ying Ruoxue's eyes: "The strong will solve the trouble, and I will definitely not hold you back." "

That taciturn Qi Feng was taken away by a sweet-looking weak girl!

Li Jiuxin said: It's hateful, this kind of quiet teammate is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"I'll make it, Sakura beauty is the first, we are out of drama."

"Lean, not the first, I'm on..... It doesn't seem to work either...?

"You know what, this Li Jiu is the highest score in the Northern Region!"

"So cowhide?"

Although the people around are very unconvinced, they are not fools, and they all know that Li Jiu's first strength cannot be underestimated.

In just a few minutes, the other 28 people actually found a partner?

Could it be providence?

Although Li Jiu also likes this cherry blossom beauty, named [Spirit], and even wants to see if there is a cherry blossom mark on her butt.

However, this is bound to be an enemy to find fault.

Hey, I just want to be a quiet beautiful man, why is it so hard?

"Please advise, Li Jiujun."

The beautiful girl in front of her smiled like a cunning fox.

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