A little doubt appeared on Sakura's bright cheeks, and the oriole-like voice came again.

"Huh? How do you know? "

I also saw a cherry blossom mark on your butt."

Li Jiu took out the delicate little red box from the system space and said lightly: "It's like this, I met the talking husky in the park a few days ago, and it wants to return this to you."

Those beautiful big eyes showed a look of regret, and she said a little sadly: "That dog, I was also angry on the head that day." "

This girl is a temperament!

"Does it still blame me?"

Li Jiu handed the [Shengmen] to Ying Ruoxue: "No, it can't control the instinct to tear down your home, Yun Fan wants to return this to you, but he can't find you anymore."

Ying Ruoxue's will was a little depressed, and her eyes were blank: "Yun Fan?" It never told me its name.

"Stop blaming yourself, it's so grateful for taking care of you for those few days."

"It's alive and well, and we'll see you again later, for you."

Li Jiu placed the red box in her smooth and soft little hand.

Unexpectedly, Ying Ruoxue seemed to be getting more and more angry when she looked at the red box?

Her little face is about to bulge into round buns!

What is beauty? It's cute to look angry.

٩(๑'^ ́๑)۶

Li Jiu asked softly, "What is this?"

Ying Ruoxue quickly took a deep breath, silently thinking that she couldn't lose her temper in someone else's house.

Endure, endure.

She adjusted her mentality and said with a smile: "This is what my rogue father mailed to me, saying that it is the holy relics of the Inoue family for me to keep closely." "

It's just that the smile is a little stiff and very unnatural.

"You'd be asking, why did you lose it?"

Li Jiu nodded approvingly.

The endless anger in her black eyes seemed to be able to devour others, and she gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Because my rogue father killed my mother, I hate him."

"So I don't take the last name Inoue and follow my mother's last name."

Li Jiu continued to ask tentatively, "You don't know what it does?"

"Well, I'm too lazy to ask for this broken thing, I'm going to lose it!"

"He used my mother's GH as a blackmail, and knelt down for me to beg me to join the new soul on behalf of the Extreme Group, and I was almost sold today!" Sakura Ruoxue became more and more angry, and wanted to open the window directly and drop the red box.

"He definitely wants to kill me!"

Li Jiu didn't expect Ying Ruoxue to look quiet, her temper was actually so hot?

He quickly grabbed Sakura's snow-white jade-like wrist and said, "If you don't want Sakura, put it here with me."

"I still want to use it to commemorate Yun Fan."

Yun Fan: ( ́⊙ω⊙')? Lao Tzu is not dead yet.

After hearing this, Ying Ruoxue thought for a while, and her anger subsided a little, and she handed the small box to Li Jiu: "Li Jiujun, then give it to you, anyway, I will never go back to that home." "

What happened over there in the new soul?" Li Jiu felt that she seemed to have a falling out with the organization.

"I don't know who sold my information to the Chen family, so they dared to do something to me."

Ying Ruoxue recalled the scene at that time and said slowly: "That satyr Chen Bo didn't dare to touch me at all before the will of others.

"I suspect that either the Extreme Group and the New Soul have broken up, or someone wants to kill me."

"In short, I will never return to the New Soul and Extreme Group again, and it is quite good in China."

Sakura Ruoxue felt comfortable and reassuring around Li Jiu that she had never felt before, and she wanted to get a little closer to this side.

Yu Guang, who was on the side, had already discovered the body of this girl's master, before the master agreed.

No color!

Yan Wan gently hugged Li Jiu's neck and said lazily: "Master, don't you still have to go to school at night?" It's not early.

"Yes, Sakura, shall we go?"

"Huh? All right. The

black mist slowly appeared and quietly entered her sister's body, she still didn't like to be seen by others.

In this world, only the sister and the master deserve her.


On their way to school side by side.

Ying Ruoxue asked curiously: "Li Jiujun, your spiritual pets are really beautiful people, I envy them."

Li Jiu asked alertly, "Huh?" What do you envy? "

Could it be? She likes to grind tofu?

"They love you very much, and they must be happy to be by your side every day, right?"

Sakura looked up blankly, looking at the stars that were constantly shining in the night, and muttered in a low voice, "When will I find my happiness?"

Li Jiu looked at the black-haired beautiful girl beside him who was in a daze, and he nodded: "Sooner or later, it will be."

Ying Ruoxue looked at the black-haired young man in front of her, and she wanted to ask boldly: Na, Li Jiujun, can you be someone's boyfriend?

The words were on her lips, but she still prodded.

Hesitate and you will lose.

Li Jiu asked lightly: "Sakura beauty, do you know what the Soul Leaving Tower is?" "

Just call me Wakayuki, Sakura beauty or something is too outrageous."

"Okay Ruoxue."

She said a little happily: "The Soul Tower is in the neon area, and the detailed information is not clear."

Li Jiu clapped his hands vigorously and said loudly: "I have decided that when we finish this freshman competition, we should be able to get a place to go to [Peach Cherry Academy], and I plan to go to the neon area to have a look."

Ying Ruoxue bowed her head slightly with her hands behind her back: "Hehe, Li Jiujun is interested in the Neon District?" Can we go now? I have privileges.

"It's a bit troublesome to go through the back door without a proper identity, but I still plan to go the right way."

She smiled happily: "Okay then, I'm going to go back with you to be your tour guide, and see my mother by the way." "


Li Jiu said, "Then let's go to the freshman competition first, right?" "Good


The two of them talked and laughed and rushed to the Spiritual Heart Academy.


7:50 p.m.

There were only nineteen students in the class, and everyone was exchanging information with their partners, intending to make a difference in the freshman competition.

Achieve a blockbuster effect.

What if you can get the first place?

Be a man and have a dream!

Give it a shot, and the bike becomes a motorcycle.

Zhen Meng wore a purple military uniform and strode into the classroom.

"I'm about to leave for Tenglong City, and now start the roll call."

"Li Jiu."


"Sakura Wakayuki."


"Chen Bo."

No one responded.

Liu Hu: I know this well.

Ying Ruoxue and Li Jiu's faces did not have any waves, as if they had nothing to do with them, and the latter was even fiddling with their mobile phones.

It's all professional!

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