Li Jiu looked at the several old men in front of him, they should all be old opponents.

Soon, the other spiritual students also arrived at the playground in turn.

Tenglong Academy welcomes personnel collective petrification!

Good fellow, is the strength of Spirit Heart Academy so strong?

The average number of people sent to pick up and drop off are level 40, all flying spirit pets, the leader is still a level 50 Yalong?

Listening to what Director Zhang meant, these old men are all security guards of the Spirit Heart Academy?

That's too strong, right?

Zhang Lan adjusted his mentality, and he said to everyone in the spirit heart with a kind face: "Welcome everyone to Tenglong City to participate in this freshman competition, we have prepared a high-class hotel for you, and you can eat and drink for free." "

In order to promote the two schools.....,"

Old Chu spat out the smoke ring lightly, and said with some impatience: "Zhang Lan, isn't the Spirit Master Association not so polite?" Hurry up and lead the way. "

Good, good, good."

Zhang Lan smiled on the surface, and MMP inside!

You old immortal fellow, you used to overwhelm me with everything.

If it weren't for the sake of Tenglong's face this time, I would have wanted to humiliate you well.

Let me wait and see, this time let all your souls go out of the line, let you go home with a zero egg.

Zhang Lan didn't say anything more, and he immediately took everyone with the spirit heart to the most expensive Tenglong Hotel next to the academy.

As the proprietor, the best of the four academies, the face has to be done!

Li Jiu followed everyone to this gorgeous hotel with golden decoration, and I have to say that the overall economic level of Tenglong City is really crushing many small and medium-sized cities in the northern region of China!

At night, Tenglong City Avenue is full of traffic, people come and go, and the river flows endlessly.

Compared with it, Black Dragon City is a little chilly, after all, Li Jiu's hometown is just a crystal resource city.

This prosperous city in another world has exploded in the north of the world.

Entering the hotel lobby, the young lady at the front desk smiled and said to the Spirit Heart players: "Are you all distinguished guests of the Spirit Heart Academy?"

Lao Chu stood at the front of the line and said, "Well, Miss Trouble, please help us check in as soon as possible." "

The real purpose of these security masters coming to Tenglong City this time is to protect the seed players of the Spirit Heart Academy.

With a trademark smile, the service lady picked up a tray with room cards prepared in advance: "Okay, our Tenglong Hotel has been prepared in advance, these are all luxurious double rooms." "

You can get it with the player's ring."

Lao Chu continued: "Okay, let's open a few ordinary rooms for us old guys.

Zhang Lan pretended to say, "Old Chu, do you need me to treat you?"

"No need."

Old Chu Lisuo took out a credit card, Spiritual Heart Academy will be poor?

The service lady did not change her service attitude because of the simple clothes of several uncles, and still greeted with a smile: "Okay sir." "

Li Jiu and Ying Ruoxue successfully verified the identity of the contestants and got the room card.


For some reason, the male students around stared at Li Jiu with a murderous look.

Lao Chu said to them in a leader's tone: "Students, you are free tonight, but if you want to go out of the hotel, you must contact us."

"Yes." The students replied in unison.

Zhang Lan, who was standing at the entrance of the hotel, looked at the back of the students leaving, and couldn't help but clench her fists, and her green muscles burst out.

Damn, I originally wanted to give these little dolls a special set of services, and I could deceive a group of people.

It's just that I didn't expect that the old thing of the spiritual heart is so vigilant?

Forget it, I'll talk about it tomorrow.

"Then I will take my leave."

Zhang Lan hugged Lao Chu and left the Tenglong Hotel with breathless steps.


When he and Ying Ruoxue walked the stairs, Li Jiu casually asked, "Ruoxue, are we going to live in a room?" Lonely, that's not good, right?

Ying Ruoxue said with a grin, "Li Jiujun, haven't you read the email sent by the Spirit Heart Academy properly?" "


"Now that the Spirit Master Association advocates the partnership system, living together is of course a trivial matter."

As it was, no wonder the herd of animals were jealous of themselves, and it was exciting for them to think about living with Sakura Ruoxue.

Enter the 301 room, at least 100 square meters of space, two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, which is not bad.

Ying Ruoxue ran into a room excitedly and said loudly: "The layout of this hotel environment is really good, it has a special flavor."

"You can do it if you like it, I don't care."

Since Ying Ruoxue knew the existence of several women earlier, there was nothing to hide, and Li Jiu released the spirit pets.

Yan Wan and Yan Yu hugged each other and watched TV, and they were not so resistant to Ying Ruoxue.

Hamitsu squatted aside and teased Sakura's two baby foxes.

Li Jiu originally wanted to go out at night and listen to Lao Chu's words, it seems that there is a murderous intention hidden outside, or stay in the hotel honestly.

The spiritual pets are very happy to enjoy life, and being by the side of the master is their greatest happiness.

Li Jiu walked to the balcony and looked up at the bright starry sky, he was thinking about tomorrow's battle.

Ying Ruoxue quietly walked behind Li Jiu.

"Li Jiujun, I have something I want to tell you."

"Huh? What's up?

She walked to Li Jiu's side and stood side by side, and said softly: "Regarding the information about the new soul, I have not long joined, and I don't know much.

"The slogan of the New Soul Organization is to create a new world, the detailed goal is not clear, they want to generate powerful spirit pets in batches to improve their combat effectiveness, and they are still in the research and development stage."

"I heard Steward Hu say that there are seven star monarchs in the organization, which are Greedy Wolf, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, and Broken Army. They are the core leaders of the organization, and I have never met them. "

Hu Guan?" Li Jiu heard a slightly familiar name.

Ying Ruoxue said, "Well, the steward is a direct subordinate of Xingjun, and it was Steward Hu who went with me to talk about cooperation with the Chen family that day."

Li Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "If memory serves, it was Hu Guanshi who made trouble in the Jingxi stronghold, and he had a big toad under him, which was quite powerful."

Ying Ruoxue quickly looked at Li Jiu and said in surprise: "How do you know?" Guan Hu probably has the level of spiritual power level 40.

"There is also Steward Chen, about 30 levels, I now suspect that Steward Chen is a member of the Chen family, he knows your angel intelligence and did not choose to report upward, maybe he is doing something strange, right?"

Li Jiu looked at the Big Dipper in the sky and said coldly: "Then this Chen family can't stay."

"The last time I searched the internal terminal of the New Soul Organization, there is no information about the angel, you don't have to worry too much."

Ying Ruoxue spread her hands helplessly and spoke: "After all, all the energy of the organization is researching, developing, and transforming spiritual pets, and the existence of angels with their own beliefs cannot be mass-produced.

"The New Soul Communicator was completely destroyed by me, and I don't know anything else."

Li Jiu turned his head to look at the black-haired girl beside him, and he said sincerely: "Thank you, Ruoxue." "

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