On the podium of the venue.

Liu Lao of the Spirit Master Association looked at Lu Biehe, who was lying next to him playing with his mobile phone, and he coughed lightly: "Old Lu, don't play, the game has begun."

Lu Biehe quickly put down his mobile phone, he looked at the big screen on the venue and said, "Thank you, old Liu." "

On the big screen, the city in flames stands tall, as if telling the tragic past.

A trace of doubt flashed in Lu Biehe's eyes, and his tone changed a little: "Huh? Isn't this place sealed? Did you use it as an assessment map? Is it really not going to happen?

Liu Lao caressed the cat in his arms and laughed: "Waste reuse, it has been silent for more than ten years."

Lu Biehe said with a palpitation: "But that place.

"This secret place is indeed a little strange, and no one can carry that strange fire."

Elder Liu said lightly, "However, I have asked Xiao Wang to leave the Eye of the Storm in the opposite position in that area.

"Children are not fools, they will not go to die in that sea of fire."

"Also, there is nothing terrible about the sealed secret realm."

"In other words, how is Li Jiu with you?"

"It's good, it's a bit resource-consuming."

Lu Biehe seemed to remember something, and he quickly said: "By the way, Old Liu, can you help me ask that old immortal for a phantom elixir?" "

Magic Elixir? What do you want that thing to do?

"It's not Li Jiu, this kid, pickpocket."

Liu Lao thought for a long time, and said cautiously: "Okay, I'll try, I can't help his donkey temper."

"Then thank you, and give you some good health back to your hair."

A spring color flashed on Liu Lao's face, and he spoke, "How good-looking?" "

Hey, hey, you know."


Li Jiu successfully entered a desperate situation, and just landed, he found that his teammate was not by his side?

It seems that in order to prevent students from forming teams without permission, the Spirit Master Association forcibly separated everyone.

Li Jiu summoned Yuguang and Yan Yu and carefully examined the surroundings, and the three of them were in the very center of the map, which was called Fufengpo.

Li Jiu gently stroked the blue bracelet on his left hand, which was a special empty stone prop made for this competition, and you could see a map of the desperate situation on it.

According to the map, a red dot flashes in the distance far to the north, which should be the location of Sakura Wakayuki.

Li Jiu carefully observed the surrounding environment, this was supposed to be an ancient human city?

It is surrounded by walls that are five meters high, and towering arrow towers are erected every short distance, but they all show some signs of ruin.

The feather light sensing was extraordinary, and she quickly detected the nearby enemy: "Master, someone is coming!" "


Li Jiu pulled out his weapon and looked in the direction of Yuguang's vision with his two pets, and there was a black figure behind the city wall on the right.

Yuguang and Li Jiu stood side by side with bows to charge their power, and Light Fury and Light Feather were ready.

The pink-haired and red-clothed young man in the corner felt that he had been discovered, and he called it too unlucky to meet the first in this session today!

"Come out, Flame Marten!"

A small red marten came out in response.

【Flame Marten】

Grade Elite

Level Level 16

Introduction: Fire Warcraft, average strength.

Skill: Flame Claw Centrino Fire-breathing

powder haired youth still wants to continue to summon the second pet to attack Li Jiu, but there is no chance anymore.

Yan Yu flicked the chain blade and quickly entangled the sudden flame marten, and she threw the poor little marten directly onto the surrounding city wall with all her strength, splashing a trail of blood.

Not letting people kill doesn't mean not letting them kill spirit pets!

Light Fury exploded directly under the pink-haired youth's feet, and the red wristband on his wrist shattered in response!

The whole person turned into white light and was forcibly teleported out, leaving a package box in place.

Pick one lucky player at random to exit!

Open it and take a look.

[Red Fire Suit]: In the absolute territory, the body temperature of the equipment person can be greatly reduced and the mind can be kept clear.

Wearing this red dress, with the most intuitive feeling is that you have an air conditioner on your body, and the irritating burning feeling is gone!

At this time, in the sky, a burly eagle flew by at high speed!

Inside the venue.

The Spirit Master Association has set up high-level flying spirit pets as cameras in key locations in the territory, including Fu Fengpo!

Every move in these important places is broadcast live online.

The live broadcast of the match on the big screen of the venue was divided into several small screens, and in some places it was already a scene of chaos!

Presenters from various live streaming platforms of all sizes are quickly explaining the battle.

"Oh oh, the players of the Red Fire Academy and the Tenglong Academy have officially begun to fight at the Fire Spirit Peak!"

Zhang Lan picked up the microphone and shouted hoarsely: "The places where our Spirit Master Association set up surveillance cameras are all places to place equipment, these equipment are very important in desperate situations, some can reduce the temperature of the human body, can improve the speed of movement, defense!" "

The players of the Spirit Heart Academy are looking for their companions, and no one seems to be fighting?"

"Look, that's Lin Tiannan, he easily killed two wind thunder players alone, and he has already sent each other out of the picture!"

"Lin Tiannan, I love you!"

"Where are the high-profile Li Jiu players?"

"He's already sent an unlucky ghost out!"

Some melon-eating people had already discovered Li Jiu's figure, and quickly shouted: "What is that beautiful spirit pet beside Li Jiu?" Angel I know, how can this beautiful girl with black hair also take shape?

"Lying groove, how does he have two shape-shifting pets? Are they all epic?

"My mother, envy me to death."

"Why can't my goblins become girls?"

Woo hoo~


Li Jiu looked up at the eagle that was constantly circling in the sky, and said coldly: "Let's go, it's very annoying." "

Behind them was a tall four-story building, at least 20 meters high!

Yan Yu just came out and entered the state of the true body of the seven sins, and he didn't consume spiritual power anyway.

She closed her eyes lightly, sniffed the air, and said softly: "Master, there seems to be a familiar aura here?"

Li Jiu said casually: "Yuguang? Is there a demonic breath here?

Yu Guang quickly shook his head: "There is no other living being's breath around here, it should be just a few of us."

"Yan Yu, what breath do you feel?"

Yan Yu pointed into the distance and said, "It should be Crimson Gluttony, one of the Seven Sins Devils.

Li Jiu was a little shocked, "Seven Sins Demon? Can we have fought?

"Its aura is very weak, it should be sealed?" Probably located in the south.

Yan Wan's crispy voice reached Li Jiu's heart: "Master, as long as you defeat the other Seven Sins Demons, you can greatly enhance the effect of advent."

"Let's go then, let's explore this secret realm thoroughly, just as I also want to try the power of that spiritual storm."

It's not self-defeating, there is still a chance that the double recovery plus the fire system of the fox's blessing will reduce damage.

According to the map provided by the bracelet, there is no sign of the spiritual storm yet, and Sakura's location has changed, she should be fine.

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