At this time, there were 47 people remaining in the territory.

A pair of Wind Thunder Academy players were the first to arrive at the scene, and they immediately discovered the demon guard who had completely recovered its strength.

"Wow, it seems to be really a treasure guard, we are the first to rush over, hurry up."

His companion looked around and said cautiously, "Why is there only one monster? And how can there be traces of explosions nearby?

"This place is so far from the wind and sand circle, how can anyone have come in advance?"

"Isn't it right to help us fight monsters?"

"Well, too."

They commanded their spirit pets to attack the stupid demons, and in a short exchange they found that their spirit pet totem wolves and wood spirit tree people could hardly harm this demon guard?

"What kind of perverted defense is this? Groove. "

The combined stunt of our two spirit pets can't actually break his defense?"

"Here, big brother!"


These two are also smart people, and they quickly recalled the spirit pet and planned to retreat.

Another squad arrived at the scene, and before they could make a move, other squads arrived at the scene one after another.

In just three minutes, at least eight teams gathered in Fufengpo's small courtyard.

Everyone did not dare to kill the demon guards, for fear that someone would take advantage of the fight against monsters to steal the treasure chest.

He will be hit by both demons and players, in that case, the immortals will be difficult to save.

Fortunately, this demon guard has a very low IQ, and he didn't notice that his companion had already burped, and he was still guarding the treasure chest behind him in a daze.

Change to a clever demon beast, and it has long been scared away by the dozens of spiritual pet auras around it.

Just as the situation froze, a fire arrow shot quickly into the butt of the demon guard.

Local tricks.

The demon screamed, holding his butt and holding a big mallet to look behind him.

This was a young man with long red hair over his waist, his appearance was unremarkable, and his eyes flashed with extraordinary confidence.

Li Jiu had already put away the feather light, and he took Yan Yu, who was in an ordinary possessed state, to stand on the highest observation platform nearby to watch the battle below.

"Yes, it's Huo Ruyun who is here."

"What should I do? We can't beat him. The various squads hiding in the courtyard whispered each other.

"Do you just give the treasure away?"

"Damn it, wait a minute."

This red-haired young man named Huo Ruyun really had strength, and his spiritual power level had reached level 17 at a young age, and he was one of the trump cards of the freshmen of this Red Fire Academy.

His God-given Spirit Pet is a majestic fire colt with strong and powerful limbs, with handsome mane, and its four hooves are constantly burning with red flames.

It is the dream horse of most men!

I just don't know if it will be ridden at night?

Huo Ruyun saw that no one dared to step forward to stop him, and drank lightly: "A bunch of garbage." He

walked majestically towards the wounded demon guard, completely oblivious to the others.

"How can he be so arrogant?" Some people can't help but backstab.

"You know a fart? I heard that the Heavenly Gift Secret Treasure of the previous Tsukasa level was obtained by this kid, do you think people are fools? "

Groove? So awesome? "

In the face of an extremely powerful enemy, they provoked.

Three or four squads left here without returning after hearing the news, intending to bypass this evil god.

After hearing this news, Li Jiu took out twelve points of spirit, and finally had fun!

Because what the final inheritance of that Heaven-given Secret Realm was, even he didn't know.

Huo Ruyun shouted: "Flame! "

This Huo Ruyun was the first genius that Li Jiu had seen who could successfully reproduce the spirit pet skill, and a fiery red spear condensed from the palm of his hand, which was then thrown out by him with great effort!

The flame was like a striking flame, like a streak of red under the setting sun, pressing the surrounding space air out of the scream, and sounded.

The combined attacks of Huo Ruyun and Fire Gelding were quite skillful, and they easily and severely damaged this demon guard, and the other players around gasped when they saw this scene.

The strength of this sub-is extraordinary and can only be described as terrifying.

"Whoops.." The body of the demon guard is like a reddened soldering iron, red in the black.


The demon's screams were even more violent, and the shrill voice continued to echo in everyone's ears, miserable and sharp.

"It's me."

Huo Ruyun easily killed this demon guard, just as he was about to pick up the box.

Abrupt abnormalities.

A small blue bird less than half a meter tall flew by at a gallop, and three feathers with wind spiritual power cut out, accompanied by a shadow of a giant bird, quickly cutting through Huo Ruyun's fingers.

Another identical blue bird attacked towards the treasure chest, which was knocked far away by the blue flow technique.

He said to a pair of beautiful twin girls on the roof opposite: "Are you declaring war on me?" Tsing Yi? "

The voice is thick and calm.

Huo Ruyun didn't care about the injury in his hand, nor did he feel irritable because the treasure flew away, because he was confident that no one dared to snatch something from him, even that Lin Tiannan might not be his opponent.

"Sister sister, the red hair is angry."

"Hee-hee, let's send him back."

Two beautiful and cute twins appeared in Li Jiu's field of vision, with short cyan hair, slightly bulging green dough, and the two wore a set of green gauze that looked the same.

8 points, Li Jiu gave the score in his heart while nibbling on the apple.

Qingyi Bird, a very rare ruler-level spirit pet, has a high growth qualification and belongs to the leader-level leader.

The two women actually have exactly the same Qingyi bird, which is really peerless and rare.

Huo Ruyun smiled arrogantly, his face was full of arrogance, and he summoned a four-winged female angel.

Li Jiu, who was sitting on a high place and nibbling on apples, stopped the movement under his mouth and looked solemn.

This is the ultimate treasure in the Heaven-given Secret Realm?

This angel has a broken chain around her white neck, blonde hair and blue eyes with a small halo on her head, her figure is plump and wonderful, only wearing a thin gauze robe, and the snow-white peaks are about to come out...

Li Jiu looked at the aura above her head, did this angel condense the spiritual core?

The last time the power angel grade level did not arrive, and the spirit core was not generated.

Yuguang has not yet tasted the core of the spirit suit, since he and Cami are destined to be mortal enemies, then weaken his power as soon as possible.

【Loyal Angel】

Grade Monarch

Level 16

Introduction: The middle angel fell to the monarch level for unknown reasons, representing the existence of loyalty and chastity, and has various means of recovery.


: Holy Healing: Instantly heals a few injuries of the target, and the consumption of spiritual power is proportional to the degree of injury:

Fatal damage does not die immediately for ten seconds.

Protection: Share 50% of any damage for the owner

Collapse Mountain Slash: The power breaks through a thousand pounds

, and Li Jiu looks at her attributes, with the appearance of this coquettish body, this TM is called a chaste angel?

He seriously suspected that it was a bicycle in Cami's back garden.

However, she is also a middle angel, and her first form is a human form, not those strange sarcomas.

The audience outside the venue commented on the loyal angel: "This angel looks very strong, and he looks so beautiful."

A senior old color embryo pushed his glasses and whispered: "There is no holy light to fight the horse, there is no soul." "

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