
huge statue exploded directly on the spot, and the debris collapsed on Li Jiu's face.

Li Jiu was shocked for a long time before he came to his senses, why did the statue blow up by itself?


A clear and ethereal voice came into the ears, and the tone seemed somewhat familiar.

"You... Stop fighting..... Li Jiu

turned around and asked, "Is Ruoxue you?" With

a bang, his brain died! There

are still fairies in the world who are not inferior to their own spiritual pets?

The long red and silky hair is scattered at will, the phoenix eye, the moon eyebrow, the jade nose, the lips, and the red hair on the right sideburns is woven with a beautiful fox ornament.

Ice muscle jade bone, also illusion and reality, also heavenly color.

The jade neck is tied with a green magical hook jade, a loose red and white kimono tightly wrapped the delicate and convex body, the snow shoulders are exposed, and the divine jade peak on the chest is high and bulging.

The red pupils under the moon's eyebrows are full of fierceness, and there is a pair of furry fox ears on the head, which makes people can't help but stroke two.

A pair of slender jade-like pink legs were exposed to the air, slender jade feet stepped on the ground, and nine big furry tails dangled behind them.

Her appearance is 6 points similar to Sakura Ruoxue, more like her many years later?Sakura Ruoxue's

soul state is quite unstable, and after returning to the essence of this life, it seems to be dripping like a sea, blinded by endless hatred.

She couldn't control her emotions a little, and her voice was filled with anger: "I don't know, I don't know!" Those

red eyes burst out with a powerful red light.

"I'm going to kill all of you, kill everyone, kill all..." Li

Jiu slowly leaned over, and the refreshing aroma came to her face, and her expression was a little hideous.

[Chiyan Evil Fox]

Grade: Mythical

Level: Level 40

Introduction: The evil evolution form of the Holy Yan Divine Fox when it fell into despair, abandoned the divine light, and all that remained was the endless flame of destruction, the defense was extremely fragile, and it was good at large-scale fire attacks.


: Burning Star: Charge 2S, Causes Range Fire Damage Rain in a straight line ahead

: Charge 3S, Causes Range Fire Damage to the target and its surroundings Blood Cloud: Charge 1S,

Spits Blood Cloud and Causes Independent Burning Effect (can be stacked)

Blood Hate: All damage comes with a high-pain Burn Effect

Void Flame: All damage ignores fire resistance

TIP: The current mental state is extremely unstable, the strength has plummeted, playing the emotional card may have a miraculous effect

from the system's assist!

Li Jiu bravely rushed up and hugged her soft and delicate body tightly in his arms.

"Don't be afraid Ruoxue, I'm coming.

"You don't blame me, do you?"

Sakura was about to slap the hateful human in front of her who intended to blaspheme her.

Suddenly, the memory fragment of being with Li Jiu as a human slowly came to mind.

"Li Jiu: Monarch. Her sandalwood mouth opened slightly, and she exhaled like a lan.

"You've regained your freedom, let's get out of here first."

Li Jiu felt that her hostility towards herself did not seem to be so strong, and grabbed her hand to leave.

A complicated look appeared on Ying Ruoxue's face, and her hatred of humans and her love for Li Jiu were constantly fighting.

At this time, noisy and chaotic footsteps sounded outside the door.

"Lying groove, why is this leopard so strong?"

"This is the remnants of the leopard god, we don't seem to be able to withstand it!" "

Run away!" "Ah!" A

panicked head flew into the square, and the people above could not withstand

it!" "Hahaha, well done leopard god, after the matter is completed, our iron hand group will worship you as a true god!"

A group of organizations with red cloth belts rushed in, and densely packed spirit masters entered the hall.

Their average grade is around level 25.

Everyone who came in gasped when they saw Sakura Ruoxue in shock!

"My mother, this fox girl is so beautiful

!" "This!"

"Is this Lord Fox God?"

"What fox god-sama? It's Leopard God-sama!"


Ying Ruoxue's originally cold pupils were filled with strong killing intent



! She felt her past power from this group of disgusting people!

"Afraid of a fart

!" "Up!" Some

spirit masters who did not know whether they were dead or alive rushed over with spirit pets, Li Jiu felt a little bad, and he quickly hid behind Ying Ruoxue.

"Go!" The

fire meteorite burned with blood-red flames all over its body, and it flew towards the doorway, ignited by the flame of nothingness everywhere it went.

Even the air emitted a miserable scream

! Ephemera shook the tree

! Those spirit masters in the iron hand group who lost their wits and rushed forward were smashed into meat sauce on the spot by a burning star, and the power of the fire meteorite was undiminished and it exploded at the gate of the square! The

lucky spirit master was ignited all over the body by the flame fragment of nothingness, and the pain that carried through the heavenly spirit swept through the whole body!

The stench and unpleasant burning smell spread all over the four underground floors.

Li Jiu grabbed the sleeve behind Ying Ruoxue in a daze, is this the power of the mythical level?

More than ten spirit masters and more than thirty spirit beasts, with one blow, died on the spot.

"Damn it, it's not enough!"

said Sakura Ruoxue voluntarily.

"Hmph, is it a fox? Your power has become so evil and cruel. A

man in a blood-colored robe walked in, with long flowing purple hair and trembling leopard eyes.

[Royal Thunder Swift Leopard]

Grade: Legendary

Level: Level 40

Introduction: One of the three neon divine beasts, just out of the seal strength plummeted

skill: purple thunder thunder claw Flashing (displacement spurt) Spiritual power burst (burst) Ghost body shape (lock blood to reduce damage)

"Fox, it's all to blame on you. The

purple-haired man rushed over with a strange body technique, and the Z was in position.

"Because of you, the wolf and I have been captured!" "Because of you,

the power has been taken away by the hateful humans

!" "Die!"

Sakura Ruoxue quickly took a few steps back, trying to charge her own trick.

Seeing this, Li Jiu immediately turned on the advent mode, but he couldn't let this stinky leopard hurt his precious fox!

The Royal Thunder Swift Leopard never expected that there was a man hidden behind the enemy? How could a human body exude such a powerful aura?

Facing the Royal Thunder Swift Leopard

rushing to his face, Li Jiu smiled, and a prisoner dragon steadily fixed his slightly surprised body.

"Time has helped you, Ruoxue. Yuguang

threw a glowing anger at this place not far away, and Li Jiu quickly pulled behind Sakura Ruoxue, and now she is not her own spiritual pet.

As soon as the AOE is sent down, hang the lottery properly.

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