Li Jiu had a strange dream.

In the dream, he returned to the familiar earth again, and the colleagues around him couldn't help laughing when they saw him in a daze: "Li Jiu? "

This is the earth, where are my spiritual pets?

Suddenly, Li Jiu's eyes were constantly changing again, the space was torn apart, and that familiar sense of crossing hit again.

Li Jiu opened his eyes again, and he was surrounded by endless starry sky.

"Congratulations on crossing over!" came an inaudible male or female voice.

Li Jiu: "..." Looking

back, a black-robed man with a mysterious and powerful aura stood in front of him.

"This is?"

the man in black opened his mouth and said: "Master~ wake up soon! Come and help others apply sunscreen~"


everything in front of him turned into darkness, Li Jiu opened his eyes again, the sky was a familiar turquoise blue, and white clouds like cotton candy slowly floated...

Li Jiu was woken up by Yan Wan, and he found that Yan Wan was wrapped around him like a beautiful snake and looked at him with a smile, and those blue eyes were full of different pure temptation.

She stretched out her small hand and gently touched Li Jiu's cheek, "Master, why are you dumbfounded, are you disturbed by others in your spring

dream?" Li Jiu tried to recall the illogical dream, "I seem to have dreamed of things before, but I woke up at a critical moment."

Yan Wanwan'er smiled and rode on Li Jiu, "It's all people's fault~ Please punish and punish me well?"

Li Jiu pinched his face, it still hurt.

"Master, I'm hungry again.

"Didn't you eat a lot last time?" Yan

Wan gently bit Li Jiu's ear, "Well~ the master will help me and Yu'er apply sunscreen."

Li Jiu scratched his head: "Hmm. Isn't your skin spiritual maintenance?" "

Hehe, I'm not satisfying your fantasies about the color of the sea~ The master really has no conscience." She sucked in slowly.


Yan Wan smiled slightly, untied the ribbon and flung it on Li Jiu's face, and the leisurely fragrance hit the door.

She was lying obediently on the mat, the plump and round peaks were squeezed and deformed, and the tail was very playfully patted on Li Jiu's slightly strong body.

Li Jiuyu did not deliberately go to fitness, but through continuous fighting and a large amount of pill accumulation, the outline of several abdominal muscles was revealed.

"Yu'er come quickly, the master agreed

!" "Good!" He

is not the former junior brother who blushed when he saw the body of the beautiful woman, after all, he looks at it every day.

Yan Yu leaned over with a coquettish look, and she nervously unfastened the swimsuit strap and covered her chest with her hands.

"Master..... I'll trouble you to help. "

What are you doing, it's not that you haven't seen it." "


One in one hand, Li Jiu helped them apply the sun protection all over their bodies more normally.

I have to say that this sunscreen oil is really smooth and tender, really good.

"Thank you master~"

Yan Wan quickly got up and directly hugged the master's head and rubbed it, this is really a murderous luck...

This witch ran away immediately after molesting the master, leaving Li Jiu, who looked confused, and could only slowly reminisce.

What did I just dream about?"

"Master, take me for a walk." A

pure white light flashed, and Yuguang stood quietly beside Li Jiu.


Well, we haven't walked alone in a long time." "

Last time it seemed to be the first time he returned to Black Dragon City after going out of the city to fight, Li Jiu took the feather light around the nearby park.

Li Jiu grabbed her white jade hand, and the two strolled barefoot along the beach by the sea.

As Yuguang walked, he took Li Jiu's arm, leaned on his shoulder and muttered, "Master, I'm so happy." "

I'm happy that the feather light has changed so much.

A faint uneasiness flashed in the pair of golden eyes: "There are more and more spiritual pets around the master, I don't know why I am inexplicably sad."

"This emotion sometimes makes me sour here. She said, covering her left chest.

Li Jiu held her cheeks with both hands: "Is Yuguang jealous

?" "Well, isn't it jealousy?" The

archangel still didn't know much about people's spoken language, and she thought that she was a little afraid of being jealous of others.

"Because I like it, I am jealous, and no one can control their seven emotions and six desires.

Li Jiu pointed around the empty space and said, "I like you guys, so I don't want any other men to see you."

"Is Yuguang too

selfish?" Li Jiu smiled and gently stroked her silky blonde hair: "People are selfish, and if you can have this thought, it shows that you are more and more like a human."

"It's good to be jealous, which shows that Hakoko likes me."

"Hamitsu always loves the master.

Li Jiu gently kissed her red little face: "Obedient ~ Oh." The

two talked and laughed around the beach, and Yuguang told Li Jiu what he thought in his heart, which made him laugh.

Li Jiu didn't expect that the simple Yuguang actually wanted to conjure up a little furry tail to please himself.

At this time, six large red crabs were scattered diagonally not far away, and there were many mysterious protrusions on their bodies.

【Imperial Snow Crab】

Grade No

Level 10

Introduction: A delicious crab

skill: turn red and taste delicious

"We have dinner and have fallen, let's eat some roasted crab tonight, right?"

"Hmm!" "

How can such ordinary ingredients be the opponent of Li Jiu's old thief?

After putting away these precious ingredients, the two returned to the beach for five people.

Li Jiu played crazy with the spirit pets for a long time, what beach volleyball, chopping watermelons, swimming, taking photos, monopoly, etc...

Yan Yu pushed down the master excitedly and skillfully, "Master Se, Yu'er really thank you, it turns out that the outside world is so fun."

Li Jiu pinched a handful of peaches that were about to come out of the water, "Oh, you guy is not big or small, do you know what it means to push down the owner?"

"Woo~ master, I was wrong...."

Ying Ruoxue looked at the two with a smile but thought in her heart, will you push Li Jiujun down tonight?

The sun is gradually setting, and the red fire clouds are shining with a trace of dreamy purple light, which can really be described as: hundreds of dusks claim the sea, and the red sun is lovely at this moment.

It's a pity that there are no poets in the history of the Holy Spirit Star.

Li Jiu urged: "Let's go, it's cool to play when it's dark."

Yan Yu said with some reluctance: "Okay~"

Li Jiu glanced back, Yan Yu likes to stick to Ying Ruoxue, Yan Wan and Yuguang's relationship doesn't know when it became much better

? The two looked at the sea side by side and seemed to be talking?

It's really good~

one black and one white, the same angel face devil body represents desire and pure love.

If together.....

After the sun set, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the sea breeze blew on the bodies of ordinary people, carrying a little biting chill.

Li Jiu and several people talked and laughed along the road to find accommodation.

"Master, look, there's a white cat in front~" Yan Wan said.

Li Jiu looked in the direction she pointed, a dexterous and beautiful little white cat wandered on the side of the highway, this is a level 30 white spirit cat, which belongs to the spirit pet of the general public.

"Maybe it's just the little cat released by the spirit master, right?" The

little white cat turned his head and found someone behind him, and with a slight meow, he stepped on the cat and walked into a well-decorated homestay not far away, and the overall decoration style of this house was not very big from the previous Fox God Peak.

"Let's go, it looks pretty good here. Li

Jiu walked to the door of the homestay and knocked slightly, the overall decoration style here was not very big from the previous Fox God Peak.


owner here is a short, white-haired old woman, she trembled and opened the door, "People, guest officer, please."

Li Jiu was surprised: "Mother-in-law, you opened here just after the Crimson Rebellion?" "

With the help of Lord Fulu, although this shop is only taken care of by the old man, these are minor problems.

Only then did Li Jiu notice that the old woman in front of her had no spiritual power fluctuations, indicating that she was just an ordinary person, and the white cat behind her was indeed a rare-grade spirit pet!

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