Xiao Cui, who was far away in the grass, took Miss Young's hand and asked nervously, "Miss, is Ye Wuxiang!

Just as I heard that the Ye family was faintly rising, what 'three-year period has arrived' 'greeting the Supreme God of War

'?" "Wouldn't it be beautiful to kill two birds with one stone?"

Xiao Cui looked at Li Jiu's back, and said with some worry: "What if he loses Ye Wuxiang?

Qin Wujie stared coldly at the battlefield that was about to explode in the distance, and spoke: "If you die, you will die, the Holy Spirit Star is full of talents, geniuses are, and epic spirit pets are also available, and only when they grow up can they be useful to the Qin family."

"If it can't develop or is harmful to my Qin family, it will be ruined."

"Miss wise. "


This side of the battlefield.

"Oh, which big brother is coming?" Li Jiubiao said his acting skills and quickly stopped the women behind him.

"Ye Jiaye has no regrets. Ye Wuxian put away the killing intent in his eyes and said with a smile.

He is also probing Li Jiu's current state, and if he can't kill with one hit, he will bring disaster to the Ye family.

Such big things cannot be sloppy.

And Li Jiu also plans to buy a little time for the girls, he wants to make Ruoxue's spiritual power as full as possible and maintain the best condition against the enemy.

Because the smoke generated during the battle may attract more fierce spirit masters, even if there is Yan Yu's recovery, but after all, it is a slow recovery effect, and he does not want to experience the feeling of being embattled.

"It turned out to be the Ye family, disrespectful and disrespectful, looking up for a long time. Li Jiu hugged his fists and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Wu felt like he had taken a reassuring pill in his heart!

This kid also kicked his subordinates a few times before, and now he wants to please the Ye family?

"Little brother need help? I see you look pretty tired.

Li Jiu looked at the three people and 4 pets in front of him, and spoke, "Thank you Big Brother Ye for your help." Ye

Wuregret took a few steps forward and suddenly smiled evilly, and there was a touch of the demeanor of a crooked mouth dragon king

!"In that case, let's go on the road

!" "Whoever insults my Ye family will be killed!" As

Ye Wuregret's order was given, the four strange spirit pets behind the family servant jumped towards Li Jiu!

Li Jiu fixed his eyes and saw that it was actually four white-haired monkeys with a black ❤ type mark on their chests, each holding a thick iron rod and shooting towards Li Jiu's Heavenly Spirit Cover.


[Tiangang Ape]

Grade Elite Level


Introduction: A very powerful melee type beast, good at using stick weapons, strong and afraid of pure spiritual power attack

skills: Heavenly Spirit Strike, sweeping thousands of troops, frustration roar (range damage)

Li Jiu smiled slightly, this stupid guy is so easy to take the bait?

You have already entered Ruoxue's range

! Li Jiu flashed sideways with the feather light beside him, and the rod of the Tiangang Ape smashed into a meteorite burned by flames!

Burning Star directly crashed into Ye Wuregret's direction with two unfortunate Tiangang Ape!

"How is it possible? How can he still use this powerful skill!" "

Ye Hui, Ye Yu, up!" Ye Wuregret gritted his teeth and summoned all his spiritual pets.

"Yes, young master. "

They were greeted by several lightning-fast arrows of light, and Li Jiu manipulated the duo to easily shoot through the severely injured and dying

Tiangang Ape! The divine order effect coupled with the burning of the Void Flame was equivalent to spreading cumin on the barbecue!

The water spirit summoned by Ye Wuregret performed healing techniques towards the dying Tiangang Ape and the Ye family slave, and Yan Yu saw the opportunity to quickly throw out the demon chain blade.

The chain blade flying through the air was like a cunning poisonous snake entangled the poor water elf, dragging her directly to the other side of the battlefield.

"Xiao Ling!" Ye Wuxian shouted in pain.

"Jade can ah, will be robot Q." Li Jiu laughed.


" "Don't worry about the water elves, worry about yourself first!" These

Tiangang apes with brute strength did not have any superb combat skills, and the two living apes began to constantly wave their iron rods and constantly turn in circles to attack Li Jiufang.

The wooden dragon binding and the prisoner dragon shot at the same time, easily fixing the two acrobatic Tiangang apes in place

, and a cloud of fire quickly appeared above the forest! A retreat step of the feather light sensitively, she slightly raised her arm The arrow of light was ready to strike, as long as she helped Ying Ruoxue mark [Battle Command], the effect was victory! As Ying Ruoxue's

red eyes flashed, several blood-colored demon flames fell madly, instantly igniting the Tiangang Ape and the nearby forest.


" "How is this possible?" Everyone inside and outside the field was stunned by Ying Ruoxue's combat power.

It turned out that he still had a hole card in his hand that had never been used?

At this moment, a blood-red flame exploded in the direction of Ye Wuregret's three, Ye Wuregret had already sent a spirit pet protective body, and the other two unlucky ghosts were burned into fire men on the spot!

The flesh on Ye Wuregret's face continued to shake, he had no water system spirit pet of the battle system to fight against, and the only milkmaid who added blood was also hooked away by the opposite side.

"Don't underestimate Xuan Ling Master!" Ye Wuxian rushed up with two spirit pets!

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