"Yuguang, Yan Yu, clean up the battlefield. "

Okay~" Yan Yu nodded obediently.

Li Jiu looked at the black shadow left by the three members of the Ye family and shouted, Ying Ruoxue's Void Flame was too strong, and this fire burned all the precious rings on their bodies.

Although you can't get the treasures within the Space Ring Soul Forbidden, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are also meat!

It seems that in the future, you can't rely too much on the range attack of Sakura Ruoxue, and the bodies of those three-eyed monkeys are also burned to ashes, leaving only a shining crystal nucleus.

It's a little uncomfortable to beat the monster and can't get rid of the materials!

"Woo~ honey, do you dislike me?" Sakura Ruoxue suddenly flew to Li Jiu and pressed him to the ground, her big furry tail dancing anxiously.

"Ruoxue, it's okay. Li Jiu quickly calmed her emotions.

"The spiritual cores contributed by these three-eyed monkeys are also a great fortune. "

Li Jiu carefully counted, there are fifteen fourth-order ordinary spirit cores here, let's mention the combat power of Yuguang first, right?

There are also several three-eyed monkey corpses killed by Yuguang are relatively complete, these monkey skins, monkey brains, and the claws of bandaged werewolves are all excellent materials.

One of the three-eyed monkeys also rolled out a yellow sac, and Li Jiu picked it up.

[Monkey Oil]: An extremely precious alchemy material that can improve the quality of elixirs

After cleaning up the battlefield, Li Jiu walked out of this frustrated woodland in the direction where Ye Wuxian came.

Hundreds of meters along this trail, the nearby monsters were all frightened thousands of miles away by the three-eyed monkeys who had previously acted collectively.

The road was quiet, not even a ghost shadow.

Li Jiu fed all the large and small spirit cores to Yuguang after conversion, and all the women experienced the round of leapfrogging battle levels just now to varying degrees.

[Holy Wing Angel

] Grade: Legendary Level: Level 24

Sync Value: 90 [Saint Flower Fairy & First Charm

] Grade: Epic Level: Level 23

Sync Value: 71&77

[Chiyan Evil Fox]

Grade: Shinra Level

: Level 16

Sync Value: 70

Sister Yan Wan upgraded a little faster due to the passive reasons of Gemini, and the synchronization value of other spirit pets except for Yuguang was increased a little through the fierce battle just now.

It's OK.

"Master, there seems to be the sound of running water ahead. A pleasant voice came from above.

Although Yuguang was temporarily limited in this fierce place, her hearing and sixth sense were not covered.

"Go check it out. Walking

hundreds of steps, the scenery in front of him stunned Li Jiu.

A spectacular waterfall resembles the Milky Way, rushing down and plummeting for thousands of miles.

The surrounding trees are moisturized by the pool, the branches are luxuriant, and the birds and flowers around them are like a fairyland on earth.

The rushing waterfall is full of splashes from the boulders below, and the pool is crystal clear.

It was not these beautiful scenery that attracted Li Jiu's attention, but the most important thing was that there seemed to be two women bathing in the waterhole, and

a large number of hateful currents wrapped their slightly hazy and beautiful bodies tightly.

Water Law: That's right, exactly underneath.


Inside the waterfall pool.

"Woo~ Miss, why am I doing this?" said Xiaocui holding the three most important places in her body, her face flushed.

Qin Wujue was standing in the pool wearing clothes, the surrounding water was manipulated by the water turtle under her feet to form a shelter, the little cui in front of her was stripped clean, and the hazy scene that Li Jiu saw was fake.

Oh, woman.

Anyway, he can't see clearly, I've asked the water turtle to use skills to cover this place. Qin Wujue grasped it.

"Miss, don't..."

"Yes, yes, that's the expression. Qin Wujue smiled, and then gently twisted the spring water in his fingers.


hehe~" "This kind of little boy will continue to watch when he sees a beautiful woman bathing, and I must grasp this ambiguous experience." Qin

Wujue had secretly observed Li Jiu's battle from a long distance, although she had not completely seen Li Jiu's full strength.

There is no doubt that Ye Wuregret has been completely killed by him, anyway, it is just a lackey of the Liu family, it is better to die all of them.

The potential value of the black-haired young man outside the water realm is very high, and for the sake of the Qin family, she wants to thoroughly attack Li Jiu and make him a son-in-law.

But the dignity of the Heavenly Lady and the eldest lady made Qin Wujie unable to let go of his body to perform the seduction technique, which could only aggrieved Xiaocui beside him.

Xiao Cui muttered weakly: "If... What if he doesn't agree?" she

knew the deepest secrets of this beautiful young lady, and Tachibana was very good.

Qin Wujie smiled slightly, gently leaned against Xiaocui's ear and whispered, "If the other party does not agree.... After going out, join forces with the Qin family experts to destroy him, all restless factors must be eliminated!"

"Before he reaches level 50 comprehension domain skills."



It is a pity that this play performed by Qin Wujie was completely seen through by the fire-eyed Ying Ruoxue, and this relatively low water illusion technique could not block the sight of the Shinra-level spirit pet at all.

The big fox couldn't wait to slap Lieyun to kill these two troublesome women, they actually wanted to use such inferior means to seduce Darling

?Li Jiu immediately sensed Ying Ruoxue's mood change, and quickly asked in his heart: Ruoxue, what's wrong with you? You want to kill them? Ying Ruoxue

still cares about Li Jiu's feelings, she stopped releasing Lieyun's hand: Honey, there are two women in the water, one wearing clothes and the other not wearing clothes, it should be trying to seduce you.

"Seduce me?" Li Jiu nodded in surprise.

Li Jiu quickly thought about it, since they wanted to seduce themselves after seeing the scene of killing Ye Wuregret, the purpose should be to bring the relationship closer, and they should not be enemies for the time being.

Presumably, through the battle just now, he discovered the strength of the spirit pets in his hand, so do you want to kill them to avoid future trouble?"

Sakura said in her heart.

"The extraordinary people who can enter this place, Ye Wuxian just now has key life-saving skills, these two women will not lose their wits and come to die, they definitely have hole cards in their hands, don't act rashly first." "

Blindly starting a war will only offend more enemies, and if you don't succeed in killing them, you will offend a Ye family and a Qin family at the same time.

"I listen to you. Sakura Ruoxue forcibly resisted the desire to kill in her heart, she didn't want to leave Li Jiu with the impression of an indiscriminate murderer.

Fortunately, his heart has not touched any other woman, and these two are still lilies.

If there really was such a woman, Sakura Ruoxue did not dare to guarantee what she would become.

The best way is to pretend not to see it, Li Jiu does not want to be involved with any Xuanling Master family, if they find that they have the power to transform, they will definitely abandon their old face and snatch it.

"Ruoxue, let's go.

Sakura Ruoxue changed, and Li Jiu immediately rode the evil blood-red nine-tailed fox out of this beautiful waterfall.

As a man, if he can't control his brother, he wants to rub it when he sees any kind of woman, and the final outcome is to die in the hands of women.

"Miss: They seem to be gone..." Xiaocui looked into the distance uneasily, and quickly patted the rabbit.

Qin Wujue's eyes were full of chill as he looked at Li Jiuyuan's back, not knowing what she was thinking.

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