When it comes to lifespan, Li Jiu has never worried about it, because with the Supreme Xuanling Technique, his guaranteed lifespan is 1W years.

Others are miserable.

Spirit masters who have not reached level 20 do not live more than a hundred years like ordinary people.

Level 30 can have a lifespan of 150 years, level 50 200 years, and the rest is multiplied, and the legendary spirit master who reaches level 100 can reach 10,000 years of life!

However, compared to Warcraft of the same level, human life is still too short and like a blip.

Li Jiu is not yet 20 years old, he is not in a hurry about life, and this white and fat ginseng was put back into the system space by him.

[Huh? You actually didn't eat it directly? It is rare for the system to take the initiative to talk.

[When I am old, I will eat now, and I am not in a hurry. ] 【

Are you so confident in yourself?】 】

【Please, I have you, if you are like ordinary people again, wouldn't it be a shame for the protagonists in the novel world?】 Li Jiu yawned and covered with a quilt.

[Hmph, you actually know to praise me, count you a little conscience. ] One

night without a word.


Li Jiu was woken up by a burst of squeezing sensations, and opened the quilt to find Yuguang and Yan Wan secretly discussing something inside.

"Group: People, early. Yan Wanwan looked at Li Jiu with silky eyes.

"Huhu~ It's so hard to have breakfast."

Li Jiu skillfully untied the tail on his neck, and gently patted the tender and juicy peach with his left hand, "Stop playing, it's time to get up." "

The right hand is no longer conscious, and Yan Yu's girl is still so big and small when she sleeps.

"Hmm~ color master, I'm sorry."


Li Jiu gently rubbed her little face: "Little lazy cat, are you still sleepy?" Let's sleep a little longer if you're sleepy.

Yan Yu nodded happily, and she ran to the spirit pet space, where she continued to sleep on the grass that made her comfortable.


After washing up and packing his luggage, Li Jiu came to the organ that Sakura Ruoxue said last night.

On the wall of the chamber there are two symmetrical wall lamps that can be twisted.

The flame above was blown out by Sakura Ruoxue last night, so don't worry about hot hands, Li Jiu held the wall lamp and twisted outward.


The whole wall slowly unfolds like a gate, and there is a bronze-colored quaint gate hidden inside.

The suddenness of the seven strange shapes carved in the middle of the gate constantly exudes a strange aura that shudders!

[Supreme Gate]: Only those who possess the Supreme Xuan Spirit Art can open the path to the inheritance land, and there are seven paths here.


Is this the legendary backdoor?

Only those who possess the Supreme Xuan Spirit Art can enter, isn't this talking about me?

Li Jiu carefully observed the strangely shaped patterns, and one of them looked like a scale that caught his attention.

This may represent [conversion], right?

Li Jiu tried to exert the power of transformation on the pattern of the scale, and sure enough!

When its spiritual power turned into a white raptor and roared out, the bronze ancient gate seemed to tremble with excitement as if it had found a family, and the gate that had been sealed for thousands of years opened again.

The familiar film-like blue spiritual power is also a mysterious portal that can take people through.

Li Jiuruo guessed correctly, the scope of the secret realm here is quite large, and it is a good place to upgrade monsters with peace of mind.

However, this gate has seven paths in the whole secret territory, and if the purple hair of the Liu family also discovers other gates, he can also enter the inheritance land through the fast channel to capture the treasure.


Li Jiu sighed slightly, it's time to help the uncle export his evil qi, the Xiao family and the Liu family are entangled, he must find out what is going on.

Li Jiu's figure disappeared into this secret room, and the doors slowly closed one after another...


In the extremely dangerous Warcraft Mountain Range in the northern region of the Hualong Kingdom, on the Tianji Peak.

A stunning woman who looked about twenty-three or four years old from her appearance was meditating and cultivating, and the spiritual power covered by her body had reached the realm, and her energy purity could be seen with the naked eye.

"Finally broke through to level 70, and finally can use the Heavenly Machine Secret Method." The woman said with a faint smile.

A beautiful spirit cat beside her turned into a beautiful woman with black hair, and after careful comparison, she found that the spirit pet incarnation was not as good-looking as the owner?

"Master, congratulations."

The woman smiled slightly and did not speak, she urged the spiritual power of her whole body to begin to communicate with the heavenly realm, and a brilliant spiritual light went straight into the sky along the peak of the Tianji Peak.

"Where is the murderer of the sea wolf?" The woman frowned slightly.

A pure and cute flower elf flew over with a smart phone, and she said playfully: "Master master, you are outdated if you don't go online."

"Hua'er will give you an analysis, this sea wolf murderer should be the recently rumored seething neon fierce place."

"A Heaven-Sent Secret Realm at the level of the Human Grave appeared on Wolf God Island, and many elites of the Chinese Kingdom entered it, only to find that it was a fierce place!"

"Hehe, it's fun now." The flower elf kept circling around the woman.

The white cat spoke: "Master, are we going down the mountain?"

"7 variables, the variables of the world are there, I have to go there." The woman got up and looked at the far east and said slowly.

"The '7' of the Holy Spirit Star has been subverted, the power of 'transformation' has undergone metamorphosis, and if things are allowed to develop like this, the stability of '7' will be lost."

"As the guardian of order, the descendant of the 'Heavenly Machine', I must go and see it."

"Let's go, let's go, the mainland side will be fascinated by you again." The white cat changed back to its body and squatted on the woman's shoulder.


Li Jiu successfully stepped into the inheritance land through the gate, and the beauty here is like a fantasy land!

Looking at the blue starry river under your feet, white starlight rises faintly from below, and several emerald green trees set off each other, as if in a nine-day dream.

Magpie bridge, white clouds, full moon, reflections...

The orange Kong Ming lantern constantly floating in the sky is like a small gem set on the sky, densely intertwining bits and pieces of light intertwined, dotting the bleak night sky, constantly inducing people's desire to explore, making people unconsciously enter the fairy tale world.

I'm not here to see the beauty, where is the inheritance?

"Oh? This Firefox turned out to be a nine-tailed fox? A slightly surprised male voice came into Li Jiu's ears.

Li Jiu followed the voice and looked at it, and at the end of the Magpie Bridge on the left stood two figures.

Take a closer look at the man among them is Liu Cheng, next to him stands a red-robed black-haired woman wearing a phoenix crown, her face is pale and lifeless, and her appearance is one grade lower than Yuguang.

"I didn't expect it, it doesn't take any effort to break through the iron shoes, the epic bones, the supreme art are all on you?"

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