Ying Ruoxue's voice came from the rear, and Yan Yu and Li Jiu quickly withdrew to the left and right after hearing it.

The Chiyan Demon Fox that turned into a real body had long been ready for battle, and the Thunder Dragon warrior who rushed to the front was smashed into meat mud by several burning stars, and the Void Flame quickly devoured it completely.

"Hmph, but more than ten doppelgangers died in battle."

A multicolored light flashed in the crowd of Ryuzhan again, and more than twenty newborn Thunder Ryu warriors once again stepped up.

Li Jiu couldn't help but shout perverted when he looked at everything in front of him, it was originally a group of monsters who also gave birth to their own energy and sent them to death, this is also too strong, right?

Changing other spiritual masters will be consumed alive by this rogue tactic....

"It's useless!" The Chiyan Demon Fox opened its mouth, and the condensed Burning Star once again devoured all the group of Thunder Ryu warriors in front of him...

"As much as you can kill, I can make as much as I can!"

Li Jiuxin said, "Ruoxue is ruthless, do a good job of destroying them in one breath, otherwise the infinite avatar will consume our spiritual power."


The awe-inspiring nine-tailed fox raised its head and let out a roar, and countless spiritual power flames ignited on Ying Ruoxue's body, and the huge spiritual pressure was released at the same time to shock the audience.

The warriors immediately showed horror when they felt such a strong spiritual power fluctuation, although the Western Pole Mean Beast can create a doppelganger, it also consumes spiritual power, and the bulls blown out are fooling people.

Who releases skills without spiritual power?

The soft and handsome Chiyan Evil Fox's blood hair fluttered in the wind, and one by one the burning stars smashed towards the Ryu warrior formation as if they didn't want money, forcing them to keep stubbornly sending them to death.

The Western Pole pariah did not dare to let that terrifying flame ignite its formation.

Now is a competition between the comprehensive spiritual power of the two, but Yanyu and Yuguang are not vegetarians, the two work together to separate functions, and the cold jing sitting lotus and the light fury arrow continue to destroy the formation of the ryu warrior group.

Finally, the replication speed of the West Pole pariah could not keep up with Li Jiufang's carpet bombardment, and the ratio of 4 to 3 dead made the West Pole pariah anxious.

Why is this guy so range-attacking?

Although my level is mixed with moisture, this black-haired kid TM has not reached level 30, which is too outrageous, right?

"You lost, give me your spirit core!"

An incomparably blazing firestorm swept through the entire Xinghe Square, and the terrifying spiritual power caused the temperature to rise suddenly, and all the remaining Ryu warriors sensed that something was wrong.

The Ryuyu warriors could only bite the bullet in the face of Sakura's big move, and those water system Ryuya who held shields quickly hugged together to form a strong line of defense and protect the others in it.

Those tall and strong shields emitted the light of water spiritual power, and the dragon head in the middle of the shield opened its mouth wide, and the rough flood burst out.

The ice system battle that should have been combined with this technique has been exploded by Yuguang Yanyu one by one.

At the same level, even the water system battle technique released by 'Ryu' itself may not be able to gain the upper hand against the Void Flame of Shangying Ruoxue, not to mention that this is a group of impostors who are indiscriminate?

The flood of the sky against the few meteorites that emitted blood-colored fiery heat did not last for a few seconds before they were instantly evaporated into water vapor by the flame of nothingness........

The misty water vapor reversed the situation on the battlefield, and the Ryu warriors lost their skills in a daze but did not hit anyone.

Two white birds with a large amount of light spiritual power cut through the surrounding mist space and shot towards the battlers, they could not avoid it, let alone use their shields to resist the attack.

Pure white balls of light covered most of the Ryu warriors' bodies, accompanied by two crisp birdsongs, playing the march of purgatory.

The next moment, a large number of blood-colored clouds appeared above the heads of the Ryuu warriors!

"This can't be! Such a large-scale combat technique requires at least 5S or more, how can it be so fast?

"Frog at the bottom of the well!"

With a snort from Sakura Ruoxue, the crumbling strong barrier defense line on the periphery was easily crushed by the rain of fire falling from the sky.

The Divine Order Vulnerable Injury, combined with the Feather Light Vulnerable Injury, the continuous rain after strengthening was like magma from a volcanic eruption, easily flooding the Ryu warriors below.

Any defensive measures are vulnerable under this devastating offensive.

"This can't be! I have the power of the legendary ryu! How is it possible to lose?

Li Jiu withdrew the chain on his chest and said lightly, "I'm tired of hearing this.

"My target hasn't been..."

Yuguang next to her heard Hou Wan'er smile, she easily opened her curved jade finger like an elegant conductor, but for the Ryu warriors who were struggling to breathe, this had already pressed the life-killing trigger in the hand of the Shinigami.

It's time to eat!

The shocking Divine Yan tore through the starry space and set off a storm of spiritual power, and it successfully hit the endangered and dying West Pole pariah.

The power of Divine Yan bloomed like a blooming lotus flower, devouring all the things in the space of more than ten zhang in a blink of an eye, and the Western Pole pariahs could no longer wail under the double torture of Void Flame and Divine Yan.

They have only one end, and that is to turn to ashes.

If it weren't for the fact that the magical pet egg had been protected by Peng's secret method, Li Jiu would not dare to use such a gorgeous skill to finish up.


The smoke in the sky was blown away by the wind, the mysterious galaxy river has been restored as before, and the West Pole pariahs have disappeared, leaving only 3 fifth-order ice spirit cores.

Li Jiu picked up the big furry fox and gently stroked her silky and shiny blood-colored long hair, "This is also too picky, the devil knows how many pariah animals Ruoxue has killed." "

The sync value of Ding~ and the Chiyan Evil Fox has been increased by 1 point, and the current sync value is 72."

The hearty battles and the master's praise made the big fox's sync value increase a little again.

"It's all the credit of Yu'er, my spiritual power has been completely destroyed." The fox in his arms shook his body.

"Everyone is great, go out and invite you to eat delicious."

"The host is so nice!" Yan Yu excitedly pushed down Li Jiu and sprinkled.

Yuguang looked at her master with a smile on her face and then silently cleaned up the battlefield, and she flew to the ancient tree to bring the bird's nest to Li Jiu.

Li Jiu 'difficult' got up from the soft and sweet waves, and there was a spirit pet egg containing mysterious patterns in the bird's nest, and a sparkling Holy Spirit seal hidden underneath.

[Need for Spirit Seal]: You can randomly strengthen the skills of spirit pets, and the demand synchronization value is 40

[Mysterious Spirit Pet Egg]: You can randomly hatch flying spirit pets of unknown grades, and the time has not come.

Enough Ben!

"Can this egg be eaten?" Yan Yu looked at the spirit pet egg with the eyes of food.

"No, you snack." Li Jiu pinched her round little face.

How is this thing going to hatch?

It is best if a domineering and mighty big peng bird can carry itself to shake thousands of miles, then there is no need to envy Lao Chu's swift wing dragon anymore.

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