Li Jiu never believed that he would lose his mind to such an extent because of the appearance of a pure woman... How to say that it is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves.

When did Master take off the mask?

On the sofa in the living room sits a peerless beauty, looking twenty-three or four-year-old, a stunning jade face that is enough to pour the world without a trace of pink, melon seed small face with fragrant cheeks, crescent-like willow leaf eyebrows, a pair of clear and deep azure blue eyes, and the two attractive delicate and soft lips.

Chu Xinyu is not inferior to her own spiritual pet at all in appearance, and the icy temperament of detachment and pride attracts Li Jiu's attention even more, just like the ice lotus in the ice sky pool that does not stain a trace of the world, which can directly ignite the most primitive desire for conquest in a man's heart.

Her skin is very white and white, not an uncomfortable paleness, but flawless mutton fat jade, as white as the purest ice and snow, the light of the lanterns in the house is not strong, but the snow white of her whole body is as dazzling as the aurora reflected by the glacier.

The half-cut jade arm exposed by the faded solid robe flows with a silky luster like porcelain jade, which makes people can't help but feel playful.

Pure white shirt blue jeans, obviously very ordinary dress, strong contrast almost suffocating.


Li Jiu, Li Jiu, how can you be a rebel disciple of the jockey ancestor?

But LSP's eyes looked down, her figure was even more enchanting to the extreme, Li Jiu had seen all the human women in the two lifetimes, and no one compared to it, a snow bundle wrapped around the slender bee's waist.

The white shirt on the chest is just the right bulge, and a pair of full ups and downs are not big or small, just right.

The delicate buttocks on the side are even more heavyweight, and the master is obviously the kind of casual relaxed sitting posture, and the rounded and towering softness outlines a thrilling curve.

Chu Xinyu gives people the feeling that she is obviously a cold lotus that is out of reach on the glacier outside, and this kind of dress that has faded her pure white coat at home is actually a banshee comparable to Yan Wan?

"Master..... No, Master.

Li Jiu just looked at Chu Xinyu, who was fully dressed, from a distance, a kind of surging qi and blood flowed wildly, fortunately, he also had a woman of the same level as her, which made him wake up abruptly.

Li Jiu dared to guarantee the ticket, as long as this woman hooked her fingers like this, she didn't have to perform low-level magic at all, and at least 95,000 out of 100,000 men were willing to become ministers under the skirt.

And the remaining five thousand are either sexually problematic, or their aesthetics are different from most people, right?

Such an alluring glacier goblin, is it really my master?

Only then did Li Jiu understand why Chu Xinyu kept covering her face, and why she stayed on Tianji Peak all day long.

The spiritual favor that brings calamity to the country and the people will not cause people to rob it, because God does not allow it.

But a woman who captivates can be crazy!

"Xiaojiu, what are you looking at?" Chu Xinyu's cold voice pulled Li Jiu back to reality.

Fortunately, Chu Xinyu has hardly intersected with any man, and she does not understand the peculiar look in Li Jiu's eyes.

Otherwise, someone Li would have to be educated on the spot by Chu Xinyu today!

Do you want to be a deceitful disciple on the first day of worship?

Li Jiu quickly made up a lame reason, "Master, it seems that a giant cockroach passed from there just now..." Who

Cheng thought that Chu Xinyu's face changed greatly after hearing this, and even her body trembled slightly?

Could it be that Chu Xinyu is afraid of cockroaches?

Unlikely, right?

"Master, don't listen to this kid: He clearly said...," the flower fairy who shrunk his body sat on the sofa next to Chu Xinyu and said with a smile.

Li Jiu shouted that he was finished, and he quickly took out various flavors of lollipops from the system space that had already been wholesale!

"This beautiful fairy, what do you think this is?"

"What's this delicious?"

The flower fairy follows Chu Xinyu every day, where has he seen such a good thing?

Li Jiu looked at her reaction, there was a play!

So he took advantage of Chu Xinyu's confusion to come to the flower fairy and stuffed a handful of lollipops into the flower fairy's hand: "This is delicious, sweet, hard, and delicious." Yan

Yu in the spirit pet space stomped his foot angrily: Master of color, take my lollipop to soak other spirit pets, I'm going to cry

, he~ The flower fairy is eating the lollipop given by Li Jiu, naturally he won't say anything.

"Master, are you all right?"

Chu Xinyu's face was as usual: "It's okay, Master Wei was just a little tired just now."

"By the way, I came to you to tell you why I took you as an apprentice."


"Xiaojiu, this world is composed of 7 kinds of 'things' containing special powers, and the Supreme Xuanling Art is only the same as '7', I just broke through a few days ago, so I tried divination."

"The stability of 7 has quietly changed, and now [Conversion] and [Blood Battle] have come to you, and there is a rule that

I can't understand..." Chu Xinyu looked at Li Jiu with a little worry: "My purpose in taking you as an apprentice is not to change you, I just hope that you can maintain your heart in the future, and don't forget what you said to me on the bridge just now." "

Don't worry, Master, I'm an honest thief."

Li Jiu's wristband rang at this time, "Red rain is splashing with memories how to dive~

" "I'm sorry Master, an elder from the school called."

"Well, you take it."

Li Jiu stood up and faced Chu Xinyu, and the holographic projection of Old Chu came over: "Li Jiu, where did your kid run again?" I just arrived home before my ass was hot, and Lao Lu asked me to pick you up.

"Thank you Uncle Chu, I have escaped from the inside."

"By the way, my master is going to take me to cultivate in the deep mountains and old forests for a while, trouble you to tell Principal Lu about the situation, I will leave tomorrow, I'm really sorry."

"Huh? Are you leaving again? I heard that you killed all sides at the gate of the murderous land, and it seems that you have provoked the enemy? Lao Chu asked in surprise.

"Uncle Chu, it's really troublesome for you to run so many times, my master shot and killed them all."

Old Chu saw that Li Jiu was in the hotel and nodded reassuringly, "It's just that, I'm relieved to see that your kid is okay." "

I already know how to refine pills, and next time I go back to school, I will bring you some big pills to apologize."

"Haha, then I'll wait for the future alchemist who moves the Hua Kingdom!"

"See you later!"

"Well, remember to call me if you have something."


A trace of shock flashed in Chu Xinyu's eyes, and she looked at the black-haired young man with a hippie smiling face in front of her again.

This kid came from a grassroots background, and reaching this level at less than twenty years old was already shocking, and being able to hold out under two level 40 spirit masters for so long showed that his strength was extraordinary.

Will he also refine pills?

Chu Xinyu clearly knew that high-level alchemists, their control over their spiritual power could only be described as perverted.

This cheap apprentice who is protected by mysterious rules is really a freak!

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