"This is?" The clerk was shocked and petrified again when he saw the mysterious blue QQ candy on the counter!

He picked up the Holy Spirit seal and sniffed it, and his hands began to tremble violently...

Medium grade Holy Spirit Seal!

The Holy Spirit Seal that countless spiritual masters flock to can strengthen the skills of spiritual pets, and a lower grade Holy Spirit Seal can fetch a high price of millions.

The starting price of this Chinese Spirit Seal is estimated to be 1000W!

This thing is not against the sky, but almost no one chooses to sell it, because only the monsters of the secret realm have a chance to drop the Holy Spirit Seal, and the high-level spirit master who enters the secret realm is not bad?

They all tried to improve their spiritual pet combat power, one spirit pet can be strengthened five times, high-level spirit masters can't wait to strengthen all their spirit pets once, how can they take out such rare things to sell?

Even the inferior Holy Spirit Seal is almost no one chooses to sell it, unless its owner is a poor ghost with good luck.

With the mysterious alchemist identity of the black-robed man in front of him, then there is only one answer.

People simply can't look at this Chinese Spirit Seal and choose to sell it.

The clerk felt that his three views had been impacted, how awesome people would dislike the Chinese Spirit Seal?

"Say, how much is this worth?" Li Jiu asked nonchalantly, his voice revealing a bit of indifference, as if he was selling cheap pork.

"This... Distinguished guests, please wait a moment, this matter is too big, I can't be the Lord. The clerk wiped the fine sweat that had come out of his forehead.

Today I met a nobleman and became rich.

The middle-aged man hurriedly shouted to the teller at the counter next to him: "Xiao Qi, go and ask Supervisor Ning, there is a big business." "

Good, good~"

Before his words fell, a tall and beautiful woman came over.

emmm... It's a tablet.

The woman's eyes seemed to be gentle with a smile, but the slightest cold light was filled with sharp light, this was the director of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce of this place—Ning Shui.

"Xiao Wang, what's the fuss? Don't disgrace our Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce. The woman's voice was full of arrogance, and she walked over with cat steps and glanced at Li Jiu and the two.

"Supervisor Ning, look, this..." The clerk surnamed Wang quickly picked up the Holy Spirit Seal and handed it over.

Ning Shui rolled his eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "You are really getting more and more unproductive, the more you live, the more round, a pill makes you excited like this?"

"What if people outside see it and think we're all turtles they've never seen?"

While pulling her face to reprimand Xiao Wang, the woman carefully looked at the Holy Spirit Seal in her hand, and when she confirmed that the 'elixir' in her hand was the Holy Spirit Seal, a high-pitched scream filled the entire floor.

That voice was several times sharper than Xiao Wang just now...

"This is, the Spirit Seal of the Middle Grade!"

The clerk smiled kindly, and greeted this woman a hundred times in his heart, you TM called louder than me!

Ning Shui found that she was out of shape, she quickly adjusted her emotions and looked at Li Jiu carefully: "This distinguished guest, this Chinese Spirit Seal is relatively expensive, it can be put into tonight's auction ceremony, what do you think?"

"The Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce will package this item perfectly, and will definitely give you a satisfactory price, 5% of the auction price as a handling fee, is that okay?" The woman withdrew her pride and said with a kind face.

"Okay, anyway, it's my first time to come to the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce." Li Jiu said lightly.

"Distinguished guests, please over here."

The woman took out a purple-gold box and carefully packed the Chinese Grade Holy Spirit Seal, and there was no longer the slightest arrogance in her tone, but she explained the auction rules for Li Jiu with a pleasant face.

Because she can take a 2% commission, she will definitely make a profit tonight!

No one is going to live with money.

Chu Xinyu, who was also shocked behind Li Jiu quietly, did not continue to choose to follow Li Jiu inside, because there may be some old monsters sitting inside, and this stealth behavior is equivalent to provoking the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Coming forward directly on his own will also cause trouble for the apprentice.

Chu Xinyu left the gate of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce and waited quietly, because it was very safe here, and no one dared to spread wild in the auction hall of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Anyway, she has long been used to waiting......

Ning Shui took Li Yu and the two of them up to the second floor through the heavily guarded ornate spiral staircase.

You will be greeted by an incomparably vast auction hall with a crowd of people, with only a few seats in the first row still empty.

"This distinguished guest, you are in the first row to watch the auction ceremony, maybe there are also your favorite goods." The woman giggled.

"This Holy Spirit Seal can definitely be the finale, trust me."


Ning Shui quickly took Li Jiu to the first row, helped him find two 'precious' seats, and instructed the attendants in the venue not to slack off before leaving through another exit.

At the same time, Liu Ba and Liu Jiu had already arrived in the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce following the blood mark of Liu Cheng's heart before his death, and they walked around the door of the auction hall with their faces livid and their hands clasped.

"Why don't you let us in? We are from the Northwest Willow family! The

woman Ning Shui looked at the two ragged old men in front of her, and said proudly: "What kind of home do I care about you, and you are your back garden when the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce is your house?" Come when you want, go when you want?

Liu Ba glared at Ning Shui angrily: "How can we enter the auction hall?" "

The smell of blood coming from inside is enough to make the two crazy, who murdered Young Master Cheng?

Ning Shui said with a smile: "The tickets at the auction site of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce have long been sold out, if you must go in, you can buy a station ticket, 50W spirit coins."

Liu Ba clenched his fists fiercely, he couldn't wait to lift this venue, but here even their master Liu Zhenhan had to obediently obey.

"You're grabbing money."

Ning Shui explained, a pair of fingers pointed to the sign not far away, "This guest said this badly, the tickets of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce have always needed to be snapped up in advance, and this temporary station ticket is indeed 50W spirit coins."

Liu Ba and Liu Jiu looked at each other, and Liu Jiu spoke: "Old Ba, forget it, let's wait outside, I still don't believe that this person doesn't come out of Crimson City?"

Liu Ba looked crazy and refused his teammates: "I must go in and take a look, this is 50W."

"Are you crazy? It's just a family task, go back and be punished at most, I will explain to the master, the young master was killed in the murderous land, and it has nothing to do with you.

"No, I have my own plans."

Liu Ba took out a bank card with some pain, Ning Shui smiled and helped him swipe the card to pay the bill, and then handed over a small yellow card, "Distinguished guest, this is your station ticket."

"Old Eight, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Ba entered the auction alone in Liu Jiu's doubtful eyes...

In fact, there has always been an unspeakable secret in Liu Ba's heart.

Liu Cheng is his biological son.

The story begins with the affair that happened to Liu Zhenhan's incomparably hungry concubines and servants one day when he was away from home.

The result was a striking shot.

Although Liu Ba was pointed at by Mr. Liu every day, he groveled like a slave and lived.

But he knew that the Liu family had handed over the most important ancestor and Xuanling art to their son, and that pride and refreshment from the heart were the inner secrets of this old man.

What shit Liu Zhenhan, not yet to help Lao Tzu raise a son?

As a result, this time his own son encountered an accident in the murderous place, and Liu Ba's inner pillar completely collapsed.

He swore that he would definitely find that Wang Ba, and he couldn't let him escape today!

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