Li Jiu looked at the scarred anti-falcon in front of him, its wings and body had suffered different degrees of heavy damage, and its green wings were stained with black blood...

Yan Yu had a good relationship with it, and asked with a worried face: "Little Blue Bird, who are you going to fight with again?" The

emerald green resuscitation wind covered the little blue bird's body, and with its own recovery passivity, it didn't take long for it to become radiant.

Li Jiu rubbed his hands excitedly: "Little Blue Bird, you are already level 30, you can become a human, right?" Let me be well-kang! "

The little blue bird is arrogant and doesn't look too lazy to take care of Li Jiu, but it has already had the ability to leave here, because she is a little reluctant to leave Tianji Peak because of the fledgling plot.

Its goal is ambitious, that is, to become the world's most powerful Warcraft!

"Little blue bird, be obedient, let the sisters see." Yan Yu gently stroked its proud head to soothe the dissatisfaction in its heart.

This guy is quite arrogant, except for Yuguang and Yan Yu, no one can touch his head.... The strange-looking man... At most, let him touch his wings!

"Babbling~" Accompanied by a high-pitched bird call, a sky-rushing blue light wrapped its body.

It took Li Jiu a long time before he dared to open his eyes.

What came into view was a beautiful green-haired little loli, who was not mature at first glance, and looked like thirteen or fourteen, with long cyan hair exceeding the waist, extremely soft and silky.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a handful of beautiful curved dull hair standing on the head...

She was dressed in a blue coat, through the fluffy blue coat was a delicate and slender jade body, the girl's body was very delicate, not much up and down, and the chest was only slightly bulged so little....

Underneath, a pair of slender jade legs were exposed, and there was no trace of fat on Saixue's delicate skin.

Li Jiuxin said: At least I can play () years.

The green-haired little loli's face is as white and beautiful as ice and snow carving, she is a girl who is enough to make the sun and the moon lose its color, her face has not completely taken off her immaturity and ignorance, but she gives people the feeling of complete cold, without any emotion.

A pair of eyes are like crystal clear emerald gemstones, faintly shining with a faint black light, these eyes seem to contain endless sky, once they fall into it.... It's all gone.

What a cold little loli.

"Wow, the little blue bird has become so beautiful." Yan Yu happily held her head and rubbed it.

"Nope: Want. The little blue bird escaped from the rolling peaks.

Li Jiu rolled his eyes and said in a coaxing tone: "Little Blue Bird, do you want to be my spirit pet?" Delicious, delicious, and two sisters accompany you every day! "

Nope." She said categorically, without mercy.

Li Jiu had long expected her to refuse, and continued: "You are only level 30 now, if you leave Tianji Peak, the level of monsters outside is very high, and you only have two active skills when you continue to transform, and the people outside are very bad and not as good as me.

The little blue bird was silent: ".....

" "Look at you fight with people every day, without the help of Yan Yu and Yuguang, you still have to rest for a long time, the two sisters have healing powers?"

Yan Wan smiled ambiguously behind Li Jiu, and said in her heart: "Master, you don't blink when you lie to girls now, I think it was the beginning..." Li

Jiu's face did not change, and he replied in his righteous heart: "Where did I lie to her?" "

Heehee~ The owner has finished playing with people, do you want to change the taste?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The little blue bird nodded, as if this was the truth.

"In this way, if you want to try to make a contract with me, I will also be half your father, if you think I am not good for you in the future, you will leave."

"The spirit contract of the Holy Spirit Star is not the kind of overlord clause, oh, I still have the girl's favorite here..." Li Jiu said as he took out a spare doll, a sugar cube, from the system space.

The little blue bird raised his right arm and pointed at Li Jiu, and the cyan wide sleeves fluttered in the wind, revealing a thrilling white tender little hand.

"You, fight me." A crisp and pleasant voice came.

Li Jiu said a little helplessly: "What's called, you yours, according to common sense, you should call me brother." A

trace of doubt flashed in the little blue bird's eyes, and he scratched his head very cutely and said, "Is it?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Yan Yu echoed very sensibly.

"Brother, you fight with me, as long as you win, I will agree to your conditions."

Little Blue Bird's eyes flashed with proud fighting intent, don't overdo it: "If you lose, don't mention it again in the future."

"Good." Li Jiu agreed to her conditions.

This unruly bird needs to educate her on its own.

The little loli transformed into a medium-sized anti-falcon that flew into the air, constantly circling and chirping a few times.

Ying Ruoxue looked at her for a long time and finally spoke: "Master, use me to help arrest her and educate her?"

Li Jiu smiled: "No need, I'll come by myself."

He skillfully hugged Yan Wan's slender waist, which turned into a black mist and entered Li Jiu's body...

Li Jiu entered the advent mode and pushed his hair back, and said seriously: "Little Blue Bird, I don't bully you either, I will use the power of half a spirit pet and my own skills to fight you!"



Li Jiu quickly took a step back, gathered his whole body strength to summon the long-lost golden longbow from his hand, and pulled it with all his strength, and the momentum was like a rainbow!

The little blue bird cried out happily, her body bloomed with a brilliant blue light, and her wings flapped hard!

For a time, the snowflakes on the top of Wangri Peak were flying, and the ice and snow storms visible to the naked eye continued to absorb the surrounding air and roll towards Li Jiu at high speed!

Li Jiu smiled indifferently, and after the arrow left the string, it was like a tracking system, constantly dodging the fierce and powerful storm, and striking in the direction of the little blue bird with various impossible trajectories!

The little blue bird has never seen Li Jiuzhen's combat power, and this arrow still has a turn?

She turned around and turned into a spiraling top towards Li Jiu, and Li Jiu who came down to the mode at such a fast speed could not react!

"Master, do you want to liberate the state?" Yan Wan's gentle voice came from Li Jiu's mind.

"No, it's too monolithic."

The cyan afterimage continued to fly in the air, and the surrounding cedars were blocked and broken by the splashing attack of the roaring clouds, and the incomparable green mangs slammed into the top of Guan Sun Peak, and the entire heaven and earth seemed to be torn apart.


One after another, sharp claws hit Li Jiu's body and constantly left bloody scars, but Li Jiu didn't care about these.

Her roaring cloud sky is a four-shot combo, just defeat her when she is most proud!

The little blue bird attacked several times in a row, and found that Li Jiu seemed to be not afraid of pain and did not dodge, and seemed to be adapting to his speed?

The places on his body that had been scratched by himself constantly flashed with red ominous spiritual power.

Could it be that he also has the same passive recovery ability as himself?


The little blue bird decided to be serious, and she didn't want to deal with Li Jiu before...

The little blue bird's speed climbed to her current extreme, and the whole bird was like a sharp flying sword constantly tearing through the surrounding air, and there was a thunder in mid-air!

The dazzling light was like ten days in the sky, causing the other spirit pets to take several steps back.

Yuguang steadily put on a pair of sunglasses and complained like a barrage veteran: "It's over, the little blue bird is going to lose."

"Yes, her attack power and attack speed are very strong, but when Darling and Yan Wan are combined, they are indeed a little too perverted."

Yan Yu applauded excitedly: "Finally not my youngest!" "

Little Blue Bird: ???

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