Two hours passed.

Chu Xinyu's beautiful eyes were closed, and the fragrant sweat on her forehead slowly dripped down the bridge of her beautiful nose.

After all, the process of guiding her spiritual power was quite difficult for her, not to mention that this was Chu Xinyu's first time... Two-way practice.

Li Jiu absorbed the remaining spiritual power of Chu Xinyu in his body without distraction, and easily managed to reach the 31st level of spiritual power with the help of Chu Xinyu.

Chu Xinyu didn't say anything to Li Jiuhao, it took half a day of hard work for her own cultivation to not increase at all, and one-tenth of the success of her cultivation in two hours fell into Li Jiu's hands, and the efficiency of this cultivation method was quite low.

This dual cultivation essence is equivalent to Chu Xinyu feeding Li Jiu a mouthful of ready-made rice, and for Li Jiu, these are the spiritual power cultivation practices picked up in vain.

It is that there are hundreds of millions of points of cold in this cold jade room, and it is so frozen that Li Jiu can't move at all...

Li Jiu's voice came from the master's ear: "Huhu~ It's over." A

hint of light aroma entered his nose.

"Thank you... Master. Only then did Li Jiu slowly open his eyes.

Through a systematic explanation, Li Jiu understood the good intentions of the beautiful master in front of him in his heart, and his favorability towards her unconsciously skyrocketed again.

Li Jiu followed Chu Xinyu and left the Cold Jade Room.

Chu Xinyu's tone was no longer as cold as before, and her eyes were gentle and contained endless care: "Xiaojiu, is it frozen?" It's really hard work for you.

"Where is it?" It is the master who works hard.

"From today onwards, you will practice here with me for 2 hours every night." Chu Xinyu took Li Jiu up the stairs leading to the second floor.

"This... Master, you are tired, right?

"Not tired for the division."


Arriving on the second floor, Li Jiu looked around, the second floor of the Tianji Pavilion was not much different from the overall layout of the first floor, except that in the center of the second floor there was a statue of a woman holding a long sword.

Chu Xinyu looked at the statue and muttered, "Xiaojiu, I must guard this Tianji Peak, there is no special reason why I can't go down the mountain, I hope you won't dislike that the master helps you too little."

Li Jiu bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Master is already very good to me.

Chu Xinyu bowed slightly to the ice crystal statue and saluted, "This is the ancestor of the Tianji Sect.

"You should also salute the grandmother-in-law, so that you will be the next generation of the head of the Tianji Sect."

Li Jiu was very obedient and clasped his fists: "Disciple Li Jiu, meet the ancestor." "

Fortunately, the Tianji Sect does not have the rule of three knees and nine knocks, presumably the ancestor is also a free and free powerhouse.

Chu Xinyu turned around and smiled gently: "Since you have all met the grandmother-in-law, I can also tell you some real world secrets."

"Today's conversation, you don't tell anyone, the heavenly machine must not be leaked....... Otherwise, it is the life of the teacher and you who will be damaged. "


Chu Xinyu looked at Li Jiu and said, "According to legend, the entire world we are in is constructed of strange energy generated by seven mysterious 'substances'.

"As for who created the seven substances and their operating rules, we small human beings do not know, the '7' known to the Tianji Sect are: [Supreme Xuan Spirit Art, the Skeleton of the First God, and the Power of the Stars. "

You already know the Supreme Xuan Spirit Technique, there are seven."

"Legend has it that it can resurrect the target and reverse the [recovery] of the rules of life and death."

"The [world] where time stops and controls everything."

"Ignoring all prohibitions, seals, and even the [breaking law] that shuttles through space."

"There are also [Gemini] who can copy spirit pets or separate spirit pets."

Chu Xinyu hurriedly reminded: "Xiaojiu, these abilities are legendary abilities, the real situation is unknown, don't leave a first impression to solidify your thoughts."

Li Jiu nodded suspiciously: "Hmm."

Chu Xinyu continued: "This remains of the First God, I don't know what it is, according to the literal meaning it should be the corpse of the First God?"

"I don't know what the power of the stars is."

Li Jiu felt normal, how could this kind of world be prying eyes on by mortals? The master is already very powerful.

"Master, what will happen if you gather together the seven substances?"

Chu Xinyu said worriedly: "According to legend, if someone can gather the power of 7, they can gain control of the entire world, and have the ability to change everything and create everything, so that they can sense the existence orbit of other 7 things in the Heavenly Mechanic Technique."

"Except for the bloody battles and transformations on your body, everything else is natural and normal development..."

"Master, what about the other substances?" Can't even calculate the Heavenly Mechanics?

Chu Xinyu closed her eyes and said: "Xiaojiu, this is a matter of the origin of the world, the Heavenly Mechanism Technique cannot accurately calculate the existence beyond its own grade, and the existence of the same Supreme Art is quite vague, and being able to sense the world's orbit is already the maximum snooping on the Heavenly Machine." "

That is to say, as long as Li Jiu ruthlessly sacrifices the life of the master, he can also get the whereabouts of several other supreme arts, but Li Jiu will definitely not do this.

Chu Xinyu spent 100 years of life at that time to calculate that the nature of the [conversion] had changed and gradually deviated from the original track.

In the days she spent with Li Jiu, she saw that the skill of [Transformation] could actually be released against the enemy, and it was already incredible that it could change the attributes of material spiritual power.

Even if it is only five seconds, it is equivalent to attacking the enemy forever attribute restraint, and the enhanced Supreme Art faintly surpasses other Supreme Techniques.

[Blood Battle] is even more perverted, from the very beginning of the lock blood can not be subjected to any attack and treatment to can be treated... From a desperate skill that fights for life to a skill that sells blood and self-harms, combined with Li Jiu's two active recovery abilities, it can only be described as perverted.

"Although the Heavenly Mechanic Art cannot be regarded as the origin of the world, if it falls into the hands of villains... It was a catastrophe for the world.

Chu Xinyu sighed helplessly: "So, the Tianji Sect is the cage of the Tianji heir, and we are not so much the guardians of the Tianji Technique, but the sinners carrying extraordinary treasures..."

Li Jiu nodded: "This is not to blame the ancestor mother-in-law, if you don't establish an isolated Tianji Sect in this place where birds don't, the Tianji heirs would have died a long time ago." "

The truth that Pifu is not guilty and bears his guilt, Li Jiu still understands.

It takes 100 years of life to know the Achilles heel of hostile forces.

If it falls into the hands of some people with evil intentions, the entire Holy Spirit Star will be completely enslaved by them, after all, the flame of resistance will be directly extinguished.

Chu Xinyu looked at the statue again: "Yes, the cultivation of the grandmother-in-law is far beyond our conceptual understanding, creating this isolated Tianji Peak like a god, and she also has the ability to deduce the Heavenly Machine... It is the guardian saint who protects the inheritance of the heavenly machine.

Li Jiu's eyes widened: "Huh? "

Only one person has created a huge Tianji Peak?

What kind of peerless powerhouse is this?


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