Qin Wujue refused to accompany the Qin family's bodyguards, and after leaving Lingyun Square alone, he summoned Lei Yanju to look for Li Jiu's traces.

She was lucky enough to easily find the black-haired youth and angels who were wandering around the stronghold north of the town.

Since 'Li Jiu' had agreed to join the Qin family, Qin Wujie suppressed his arrogant young lady's temper, and the resentment of the past temptation failure also dissipated.

Her figure caught up like the wind, "Li Jiu, you wait for me, I have something to ask you!"

The black-haired boy turned back slightly, and after seeing the comer, he smiled and said, "Oh? Big beauty wife, do you want to talk about feelings with your future husband? We can go to the hostel and talk slowly.

Qin Wujue looked shocked, and then immediately refused: "No."

"So what do you want to do?" Fake Lijiu kept looking at the beautiful woman with short cyan hair in front of him.

Qin Wujue looked at the disciple in front of him and said hatefully: "Li Jiu, where is the Chu fairy who took you away in Neon?" I have a little personal matter to find her. A

hint of surprise flashed in the black-haired boy's eyes, because he didn't know what Chu fairy was.

He only saw Li Jiu's appearance at the freshman competition that was broadcast live on the whole network, and he could become Li Jiu's appearance and deceive. (Special live broadcast, no recording.) Seeing

that his disguise was about to be revealed, the black-haired boy seemed to think of some brilliant solution.

He took the initiative to approach Qin Wujie and said with a sincere expression: "Chu fairy? She's still waiting for me outside the city.

Qin Wujue's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he quickly asked, "Is it true?" Can you take me to meet her? "

Qin Wujue wants to confirm whether there is any trick between Chu Xinyu and Qin Shuang?

Want to confirm if my father has betrayed my mother?

But Miss Qin was still too tender, and she didn't pay attention to the lie in the eyes of the black-haired boy in front of her in a hurry.

"Beauty Qin, look at me..." The fake Li Jiu suddenly smiled evilly, and a strange pink glow shot out from his eyes that ordinary people could not see!

Qin Wujue, who had been wandering thousands of miles, just raised her head and directly attacked, and that pink light instantly completely occupied her green eyes, and her own original consciousness fell completely silent...

The black-haired boy laughed in a low voice with a lewd light in his eyes: "Hehehe, it doesn't take any effort to break through the iron shoes, I still want to wait for the wedding day to eat this charming little beauty of yours, I didn't expect you to actually send it to the door yourself..."

My lady. He took Qin Wujie, who had lost his mind, towards the north gate of the stronghold north of the town.

Qin family slaves or doormen passing by found that Qin Wujue, their dream lover and master, was taken outside the city by a hateful guy with a small hand, and couldn't help but ask out loud: "Miss? Are you going out of town? It's too dangerous outside!

"I'm Li Jiu, I'm taking my wife out of the city to level up, do you have an opinion?" The black-haired boy smiled evilly.

The Qin family couldn't help but gasp when they looked at the counterfeit goods, and said, "Li Jiu? You are Li Jiu?

"Yes, I will be your young lady's husband in the future, don't get in the way."

Qin Wujue said mechanically, "Step back... None of your business.

"Well..." The

Qin family visitors and house slaves did not dare to disobey the future Qin family master, Qin Shuang's only daughter, and could only leave quietly as if they had not seen it.

After the three of them left the north gate of the stronghold in the north of the town, the 'Yuguang' next to the black-haired boy spoke: "Brother, this time the woman should let me play first, right?" "

This loli sound, very tumultuous....

"Little sister, you shut up first, this is the safe area of the main human city, wait until you enter the Sunset Forest."


Qin Wujue's eyes were expressionless, as if he had lost his soul, and followed behind the two without saying a word...


After the demonized Li Jiu put on the Xuanhei Qiao to hide his breath, he tiptoed in the direction of Yuguang's point.

Li Jiu's strength in his true body state has greatly increased, and the wind and grass within fifty meters around him can be easily perceived by him, even ordinary mosquitoes and slight centipedes.

Li Jiu, who had excellent eyesight, saw that there were 3 people in the open field a hundred meters away, 2 women and 1 man, it was a guy pretending to be himself and Yuguang, and one turned out to be... Qin Wujie?

How could they fool around?

Sakura Ruoxue in her arms said coldly, "Honey, let's kill them together?"

Li Jiu wanted to agree, but suddenly a very evil thought came from his mind.

It shouldn't be difficult to kill Qin Wujue with his own combat power, and those two impostors couldn't detect the system panel because they were too far away.

However, according to Li Jiu's guess, the enemy with the ability to change appearance should be Warcraft.

"Don't worry, master, their spiritual power is not particularly strong." Yu Guang, who was following behind Li Jiu, spoke.

Yan Yu clenched his pink fist at this time: "Master Se, there are many of us, rush up and beat them for a second."

Xiaoying's voice came from Li Jiu's heart: "Fight! Fight!

Li Jiu shook his head abnormally: "Yan Yu is still honest in the back to play assist, I plan to let Ruoxue and Xiaoying exercise more to train the fighter skill, Yuguang is on standby, if we are in danger, immediately strike." Li

Jiu quickly suppressed the 1V2 Xiaoying of the intention, and rode Sakura Ruoxue towards the three like a flash of fire.

The enemy in front of him was getting closer and closer, and Li Jiu's thoughts were calm.

If you kill Qin Wujiu now, the Qin family definitely knows that Qin Wujiu followed 'Li Jiu' out of the city, and now Li Jiu can't uproot the Northern Region overlord Qin family.

If Qin Wujie really hung up, Li Jiu could only cower and hide back to Tianji Peak to practice for hundreds of years.

But now Qin Wujue seems to have been controlled by those two strange methods using strange means, and wants to do evil things to

her, and at this time, he used [Mind Control] on this proud young lady to turn her into his own slave... Definitely more meaningful than killing her.

Revenge, there is no need to fight and kill....

If the props fail, after killing the two beasts, the scene will be shown to other spirit masters, and it is the other demon beasts that will transform into Qin Wujiu, not Li Jiu himself.

It's not a loss yourself.

That's it!

'Rescue' this little maid within her ability and let her know that there are things in the world that are more terrifying than 'death'.

A numbing voice sounded in Li Jiu's ears: "Master..... You're laughing like the devil now.

"I wasn't a good person either... Hey. "

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