
Li Jiu kicked the short knife in Lin Tianhua's hand, stepped on his body fiercely, and said coldly: "Obviously, you can choose to summon the spirit pet to resist, but you choose to act cowardly.

"You don't say it, do you?"

Li Jiulian slashed several times, the knife avoided the point, and then let Yan Yu continue to treat his injuries...

Oriental Battle Helper called the insider!

Within a few minutes, the pampered young master surrendered directly!

"I say, I say! You don't cut it! It hurts!

Lin Tianhua said with a gloomy expression: "The Lin family I am in is a side branch family attached to Tenglong City, and the Lin family is the spokesperson of some of the big families above... I don't know the details. "

Because you stabbed out Lin Meiyu's crushing of the Spirit Master last time, causing the Spirit Master Association to thoroughly investigate the Lin family, and the side branch family I belong to is behind the black pot.... Sent to a place where this bird does not poop to do these thankless chores.

"At this time.. The Devil Soul Organization also called the people of the New Soul Organization to come to the door, saying that as long as we do things for the new soul, we can revive our former glory.... We who were snubbed by the Spirit Master Association naturally agreed.

"That's it..... Outsiders thought that I was completing the task of surveying the vein issued by the Spirit Master Association, but in fact, I came to the dwarf tribe to see the artillery, Xiao Guan... He said that as long as he made a semi-finished cannon as a sample and offered it to other families who were not welcomed by the Spirit Master Association, he could make money lying down. "

The others.... I really don't know.

"Okay, give you a pain!" Li Jiu saw that he was truthfully entertained, so he took advantage of Lin Tianhua's lack of attention and quickly wiped his neck!

Yan Yu tilted his head and asked, "Master Se?" How did you kill him so quickly?

Li Jiu said with a solemn face: "It's not safe here..... People from the Spirit Master Association may come over at any time.

"Aren't they good people?"

"Yu'er is still too simple, where in this world are there any good people and bad people?" Li Jiu quickly rushed towards the conference hall.

Yan Yu nodded as if he didn't understand: "That's right, Master Se is very good to me... Sometimes the bad ones bully me. "

How can a simple girl film understand the complexity of people's hearts?


In the conference hall, timid dwarves hid under tables for fear of angering the evil gods in front of them.

Li Jiu stomped his foot and shouted, "Get out of here for me!" Especially what kind of patriarch is that! Li Jiu stomped his foot and shouted.

Since the other new soul warriors in the dwarf tribe were all killed by Ying Ruoxue's pure flame, the dwarf warriors basically had no combat power, and Li Jiu was the existence with the highest combat power here.

"Ahhh Jia San Patriarch! Come out quickly!

"Yes, Patriarch, he came to you."

"It's none of my business!" The dwarves honestly climbed out from under the stools.

These so-called radicals are actually 'dog lickers' and have no position to speak of.

A brightly dressed, narrow-faced fat dwarf was pushed out by the other dwarves, his face was quite ugly, as if he had eaten a pound of shi.

Jiasan boldly spoke, "Respected human beings..... Are you looking for me for something?

Li Jiu glanced at him and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, where is Patriarch Jialan detained?" The

dwarves had all seen Li Jiu's means, and Jiasan was so frightened that he lay on the ground: "It's underground.. My lord, I have a message that I don't know if I can change my life? A

dwarf quickly kicked over the table, and there was indeed a secret door on the delicate floor...

Li Jiu said indifferently: "I have no entanglement with your dwarf race, if the information you said is really useful..." Jia

San kowtowed like garlic and offered a design drawing: "Sir, we just helped the new soul and never mutilated a human being, and the artillery drawings were sent by the new soul's people... And... Just now, that steward Hu said that he was going to a nearby enchantment to look for some Lord Xingjun.

Li Jiu's face did not change, put away the drawing, and asked coldly: "What Xingjun?"

Jia San raised his head in fear and looked at Li Jiu and said, "It seems to be called Wuqu Xingjun, their new soul organization seems to be chasing some kind of righteous angel?" Say that it is to find something heavenly machine or something.... I didn't quite understand it. "

Tianji? Could it be that he found the Tianji Sect where the master was?

Not good!

Li Jiu's heart instantly panicked.... Although the master is very strong, according to Jiasan's description, Angel Xingjun and Hu Guanzhi.... I'm afraid it's not difficult to fight with two fists and four hands.

No wonder there are no strong enemies in the dwarf tribe, could it be that they all went to Tianji Peak?

Li Jiu's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but cut off Jiasan's head with a knife, and the latter looked incredulous, as if to say: Say yes and spare my life?

Li Jiu clenched his fists, his green tendons burst out, and said fiercely: "You said it too late, the crime deserves death!"

"You're all new souls' doglegs, right? Let's accompany him! After

a dazzling sword shadow, all the dwarves in the conference hall were killed by Li Jiu.

"Ruoxue, go." Li Jiu anxiously rushed to the exit.


When Li Jiu passed by the unformed cannon, he thought of the nuclear weapons of the upper world, and the birth of this thing was also a disaster for the world.

War, there are no winners.

"Ruined it."

Ying Ruoxue nodded quickly, and a precise burning star shot completely destroyed this cannon.

The radical dwarves lay on the ground as if they saw their own liferoots flying, crying bitterly....

Li Jiufei rode on the back of the fox and left here without returning.

Only one cold sentence remained: "Your patriarch is locked up underground in the conference hall, Kahachi... Let this civil strife be calmed by yourselves.... I still have something to leave, and he will visit again in the future.

Jiaba looked at the distant Li Jiu and couldn't help but burst into tears, and began to purge these traitors who were willing to become slaves of others with the rebel forces that had already been organized.

The other dwarves of the Patriarch faction had long had enough of the bullying of the Jia San faction, and now that the thief had fallen into disarray, without the help of external forces, their rebellion easily put an end to this civil strife...

Li Jiu, who ——————

left the dwarf tribe, quickly changed rides and rode onto Xiaoying's back, and said very nervously: "Xiaoying... A little faster.

Xiaoying, who did not understand human feelings, couldn't help but ask: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Someone who is important to me may be in danger."


Xiaoying really felt the anxiety in Li Jiu's heart, and quickly urged the spiritual power of his whole body to rush back to Tianji Peak with Li Jiu at the fastest speed.

Li Jiu looked at the ice and snow below, and for the first time felt a hesitation in his heart.

Master... Don't have an accident..... The apprentice hasn't helped you find the flowers of this life.

Chu Xinyu is the only person in this world who really cares about herself, and although her life in Tianji Peak is dull to a little boring, it is the day that Li Jiu yearns for....

The Snow Moon Double Blade is just a weapon, no matter how important it is, it is not as important as a living master!

Damn, when he heard angels and demons in Lin Tianhua's mouth, he should be the first to contact him!

Could it be that Yan Wan's evolutionary aura triggered the nearby angels?

How did the angels get involved with the New Souls Organization?

Can't figure it out!

Ying Ruoxue in her arms could clearly sense Li Jiu's state of mind, and quickly comforted Li Jiu: "Honey, don't worry first, Chu Xinyu will be fine if she is so powerful." Li

Jiu shook his head: "No, the master will definitely not use the Tianji Technique to seek benefits for herself, she is used to being cold and lonely, she must still be waiting for me in the Tianji Sect, I must go back as soon as possible."

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