The causal injuries in Chu Xinyu's body caused by Li Daitao's stiff feedback were completely repaired under the combined efforts of the master and apprentice, and Li Jiu dared to go out to find medicine.

But Li Jiu didn't know that Chu Xinyu chose to freeze himself to extend his life, and after he left the Cold Jade Room, he immediately rushed to the Beiqing Mountain Range with his spirit pets to find this life flower.

Beiqing Mountain Range, night falls, the frozen snow still emits a faint fluorescence at night.... Xiaoying carried Li Jiu through the air.

Yesterday, I searched along the Beiqing Mountain Range in front of me for a long time, but I didn't see any caves.

Mountain range... Cave.

Li Jiu suddenly had a flash of light: By the way, maybe the dwarf guys know?

The Heaven Devouring Beast also once said that the cave where the flowers of this life were found was near the dwarf tribe, and it happened that his weapons had not had time to be repaired, so go there first and ask about the situation?

Xiaoying let out a long sound, and vibrating wings carried Li Jiu quickly towards the direction of the dwarf tribe.

Only a cyan meteor flew north in the night...

Li Jiu did not encounter any obstacles along the way, and the new soul warriors and cadres in the northern land were all annihilated by the master's spirit pets, and only Wuqu Xingjun did not know.

Li Jiu came to the dwarf tribe again, the familiar huge mountain road.

At this time, there was no trace of humans in the dwarf tribe, and the red blood stained the ground under his feet, and a great purge had taken place here!

Li Jiu's face was cold and slowly walked into the tribe: "Where is Jia Ba?"

A dwarf warrior said angrily, "Bold humans, and dare to intrude into our territory."

The companion beside him quickly held his hand and said anxiously: "Are you stupid? This is yesterday's warrior Li Jiu! "

Li Jiu?"

When the nearby dwarves heard Li Jiu's name and saw the evil Sakura Ruoxue beside Li Jiu, they immediately knew that he was the warrior who rescued the dwarves from fire and water yesterday.

All this is of course the credit of Kahachi, who molded Li Jiu into the image of the savior of the dwarves.

These ragged dwarves leaned towards Li Jiu and knelt on the ground, and said reverently: "Thank you Li Jiu, the dwarves have escaped the future of being enslaved again because of your help."

"Thank you, Li Jiu will always be a friend of the dwarves!"

Li Jiu waved his hand: "No need, I just want you to help me repair my weapons."

Jiaba, who had already changed back into the craftsman's robe, squeezed out from the crowd and said with an excited face: "Li Jiu, you can be counted as coming."

Li Jiu has always been worried about Chu Xinyu's safety in his heart, his face is not very good, and his tone is slightly anxious: "Jiaba, it's not a secret, I'm in a bit of a hurry, let's talk about it later."

Kaba smiled slightly embarrassed: "Uh-huh, you are now the savior of the dwarf race, all depend on you."

Li Jiu said, "Then I'm getting down to business, do any of you know where there are caves in the Beiqing Mountain Range?" The

originally noisy dwarves suddenly became silent, and they looked at each other and thought.

"I don't know..." "

What about you?"

"I'm building cannons every day, and I don't go out to mine..." Li

Jiu looked at the dwarves around him with a confused look, they really didn't know, their hearts sank, did they really have to spend a lot of time rummaging through the entire Beiqing Mountain Range?

In that case, I also need to find drugs that increase life expectancy to continue the life of the master...

At this time, a dwarf who was much older than Jia Ba Cang came from the back of the crowd, and he glanced at Li Jiu excitedly: "Hello honorable human friend, I am the dwarf patriarch Jialan."

Li Jiu asked a little anxiously, "Hello Jia Lan Patriarch, do you know the location of the cave?"

Jia Lan touched his long beard, and his old eyes shone brightly, "When I was imprisoned in the basement, I once heard Jia Ba talk with his subordinates that there was a strange cave a hundred meters to the left side of the sealed place, and there was a strange enchantment protection at the door, which should be the cave that Li Jiu found.

Li Jiu's eyes were full of joy, and he pulled out his legs and was about to leave: "That's really thank you!"

As soon as he turned around and took two steps, he remembered that he still had to repair the weapon, and quickly turned back and said, "Patriarch Jialan, I have a pair of broken lower grade Lingwu and want to ask you to repair it." Jia

Lan was slightly excited when she heard this, because casting is the favorite of dwarves.

"Lower grade Lingwu? OK.

Li Jiu bowed slightly to show his gratitude, and then he took out the broken Snow Moon Double Blade from the system space.


Patriarch Jialan suddenly straightened up with a body that was about to 50 degrees, and an incomparably hot light flashed in his eyes: "The casting technique is quite rusty... But this weapon material is simply a treasure of heaven.

"What a waste!"

"Li Jiu, I am excited and honored to be able to recast this thing, oh yes, by the way, you can bring any other material to me to cast, don't look at my age, my craft work is a must.... No matter what strange stone is in my hands, it can be turned into a blade!

Li Jiu didn't say anything, his face was as usual.

Jialan suddenly remembered that the other party was still in a hurry, and quickly apologized and claimed that he was too excited.

Jia Ba stepped forward and patted his chest and said, "The necessary materials for reforging them are recast stones, high-level spring water, the corpses of high-level monsters, and leave the other materials to me."

Li Jiu spoke, "What kind of high-rank?"

"Rare and exotic water is better, as for Warcraft, of course, the higher the grade, the better, and the leader level above is the best."

Li Jiu smiled slightly after hearing this, and took out a bottle of 'mineral water' from the system space, the recast stone, and the corpse of the Neon Leopard God!

"This and this, can you fix it?"

When the corpse of the leopard god appeared in front of the dwarves, many dwarves gasped in unison!

Even outside the realm, Warcraft of this grade is extremely rare, and it can be called the ultimate forging material!


"The corpse of a high-level Warcraft!"

"Also TM is complete!"

Li Jiu said lightly: "This leopard was originally a mythical level, but for some reason it fell to the rank, and it is currently a legendary level. "

The complete corpse of a mythical Warcraft!

These big words made the dwarves' whole bodies shake and almost faint, and the Jialan patriarch rushed to Li Jiu's side at an amazing speed, changing his previous attitude: "Li Jiu, please let us help you reforge this martial art!" The

other dwarf elders leaned in one after another, each of them wanting to create a powerful piece of equipment!

Jialan and Jiaba raised their necks and stared at Li Jiu with burning eyes, afraid that he would regret leaving this place.

"Of course it's up to you."

Li Jiu didn't expect that the cold pool water could actually be used to reforge weapons...

"Lower grade earth treasure, legendary beast!"

"That's right, this leopard's body is colorful, this breath... The best material for enchanting weapons!

Li Jiu nodded: "Then trouble you, how long will it take?"

"Within three days, I will return you a guaranteed medium-grade Lingwu!"

Li Jiu thought about it, he still had fragments of the water dividing treasure armor: "And this, Patriarch Jialan, can you reluctantly cultivate without seeking to be promoted?" "

Zhongpin Spirit Costume!? This is a treasure armor made of water-dividing silk? It's a pity.....,"

Li Jiu waved his hand and rode Sakura Ruoxue away: "It's over to you, if you can't fix it, forget it." "

As for what the dwarves do, it's all up to them, and they can't escape anyway.

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