Li Jiu rushed back to his room excitedly, and he smelled a unique and fresh fragrance, which belonged to Chu Xinyu.

After a day and a night of lingering, he became familiar with everything about Chu Xinyu.

Remembering the pair of plump sweet peaches, Li Jiu used great perseverance to shake off the chaotic pictures in his mind.

The master is really ..... Too astringent.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Li Jiu scanned the room and was surprised to find a white letter and a warm white jade pendant on the desk.

Li Jiu let the spirit pets rest at will, and sat alone in the chair to watch.

The font on the paper is very beautiful, it is Chu Xinyu's handwriting.


Xiaojiu, when you saw this letter, Master Wei was already practicing in retreat.

In fact, on that day, the grandmother-in-law calculated that there was a calamity in the life of the master, and left a pill that could last for ten years, and the master had already taken the retreat to improve his cultivation, so you don't have to worry about the physical safety of the master.

Today's events are hard to talk about....

The teacher does not know how to face you and face himself in the future.

And the master knows that you can't stand the loneliness of Tianji Peak, and sooner or later you will leave as the division.

Xiaojiu, shall we make a game?

You don't want to disturb the retreat for the teacher for three years, and go down the mountain at will... Also give the teacher time to accept this... Great contrarian things.

The billowing red dust is very tempting.

If after three years, you still remember to be a teacher, remember Xinyu... Come back to see me again, right?

If there really is that day..... You and I are no longer a mentor-apprentice relationship... Xinyu is willing to be by your side until the end.

I hope you can remember the words you promised Xin Yu, don't lose your heart, don't fall into the evil outer path and harm the living.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature, all dependent on creation.

Xinyu does not seek to exist in the world for a long time, but hope that Xiaojiu can go on the right path...


Lijiu saw that this letter represented Chu Xinyu's intentions and was also a small test.

Because of what happened, the two masters and apprentices were lost.

If Li Jiu forgot her after going down the mountain this time, even if Chu Xinyu recovered her strength, she would not plan to see Li Jiu again.

The more scrawled the handwriting at the back, representing the owner's uneasy mood, and the end of the letter paper was a little wrinkled, once stained with Chu Xinyu's tears....

Li Jiu looked at the letter left by the master and muttered, "Xinyu... You are the only person other than my parents who does not seek cause and effect to be good to me, how can I forget you? "

It's only been three years... I will definitely find a way to ripen the flowers of this life, and I will not let you die.

"I hope that then Xin Yu won't blame me for disobeying the Mandate of Heaven... I only remember your saying, people will conquer the sky.

Yuguang quietly hugged Li Jiu's head from behind, and a sour smell filled the air: "Master, I envy her so much."

"Xin Yu envies that you are too late, we will leave tomorrow."

Yuguang gently touched Li Jiu's face: "Don't worry, master, I will always be by your side and never give up." "


Fortunately, the grandmother-in-law helped to continue his life, as long as he upgraded his level as soon as possible within three years, he would ripen the flowers of this life.

In the future, he and his master will be a pair of immortals on this Tianji Peak, right?

There are many lessons learned from the past on the earth, and Yang Guo, who does not understand Xiaolongnu's heart, has caused a pair of flawless good people to become crippled.

Fortunately, Li Jiu recognized the feelings in his heart from the very beginning.

From the moment he glanced outside the fierce land, he liked the powerful, beautiful and sexy Chu Xinyu.

I just crave her, I'm honest.

What Li Jiu has to do now is to prove his strength within three years!

Chu Xinyu was weak in her heart, and at that time, although she had some intention of rejection in her heart, she still connived at Li Jiu's bullying.

As long as she is better than the master, she is her own woman!

Suddenly, a pink phantom straddled Li Jiu: "Master, you are really full of guts."

"That's right."

"I like that about you."

Yan Wan's chest was too plump to put down, and the two large clusters of plump and fat snow peaks were completely pasted.

"Master, I want."

The demon doesn't care about human emotions, she's just hungry.

Yu Guang on the side quickly spoke: "No, the master's mood is not good today."

Li Jiu hugged the charming Yan Wan in his arms, and the movements on his hands slowed down.

"Forget it today."

Who knew that Yan Wan, who looked like a fairy, said 'fiercely': "I don't care how many women you have, you must be by my side when I want... Until I'm satisfied. "

Since Li Jiu and Yan Wan concluded the Seal of Perfection, she has completely opened the door to XY....

At this time, the meaning of the existence of angels is very important.

Yuguang's voice became a little serious: "With me here, you don't want to force the master!" The

powerful holy light emanating from her body faintly suppressed Yan Wan's head, and Yan Wan sighed and could only give up: "Hey, why is the master's heavenly favor you an angel?" "

Looking at the snow-white and coquettish, delicate and convex Yan Wan in her arms, the two slender jade legs shimmered with crystal luster, and the white and tender round buttocks presented a perfect peach shape....

It's very inviting and awe-inspiring.

Without Yuguang's help, no male creature of the Holy Spirit Star could refuse the Demon Queen's Qi Huan.

Yan Wan hooked Li Jiu's neck, and her eyes were silky: "It's always okay to kiss me, right?" Can't eat it and don't let me taste it? "


Li Jiu gently kissed Yan Wan's delicate red lips.... This is a leprechaun who can take all men of steel to hell.

At this moment, Yan Wan's cry suddenly came from Li Jiu's heart: "Master... I just beg you not to forget me... I don't have earth-touching feelings with you... There is no protection from the rules of God's grace..... All I can keep you is my body..."

"It doesn't matter if you treat me as a, I hope you don't reject me in the future..... Wan'er was really scared... The women around you are more beautiful than the other. "

I'm so afraid... You will abandon me one day.

Li Jiu kneaded it gently: "Wan'er, don't think blindly, what kind of person am I.... You know it.

Yan Wan's eyes were shining with tears, and she said pitifully: "But

..." "There is nothing but..." Li

Jiu pulled her wrists away and pressed them on the cold desk.

The surrounding snowscape changed, trembling and trembling...


"The sync value of Ding~ and Lust Sin has been increased by 1 point, and the current sync value is 87."

Haoyue jade pan chaos, demon lotus rain dewy sweet.

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