At three o'clock in the morning, Li Jiu returned to his home in Anlong City.

Everything here is strange and familiar....

Yan Yu happily threw herself on the soft sofa and began to roll, "Ye yes! Finally home!

Yan Wan gently helped Li Jiu undress, and said softly: "The master is tired, right?" Would you like to take a shower together? "


The cold little loli who turned into a human form followed closely behind Li Jiu, and a pair of green eyes constantly scanned all the facilities in the house, which was just a strange and narrow room for Xiaoying.

Li Jiu sat on the sofa and drank, and then emptied his body: "Xiaoying, is it okay for you to sleep alone?"

Xiaoying snorted softly and didn't look over: "Don't treat me like a child."

"That... You just live in the house where Yu'er used to be, right?

"I can do both."

Yan Yu was playing with the little fire dragon doll that had been lost for a long time, and her pretty face instantly turned red after hearing Li Jiu's words.

This means that in the future, she will sleep in the same bed with the color master every day.

Yan Yu: (▰ ̆◡ ̆▰)

The big fox rarely becomes a cute pet, and she keeps wandering around the house as if recalling her past as a person.

Yuguang went home for the first time he went home, smiling and making a night snack for Li Jiu.


Li Jiu looked at the [Soldier] on the chessboard, and the system prompted that this object could only be used at level 40.

An uneasy mood filled his heart, a sense of panic that Li Jiu had never felt before.

Because his current spiritual power cultivation has reached level 36, there are exactly 7 steps away from level 100, corresponding to seven flags.

The picture scroll that automatically absorbs the flag can fight 7 spirit pets at the same time, and they are as if they were tailor-made for themselves.

This counterintuitive coincidence....

There is also this strange time period, and the two existences that can spoil in advance have now been offline at the same time.

In a sense, the system and Chu Xinyu seemed to 'leave' themselves at the same time.

Before level fifty, all the secrets had to be explored slowly by themselves.

"Master? Let's do something fun? Yan

Wan completely pressed on Li Jiu in an extremely attractive posture, the sofa was a little distorted, and the white and tender jade plate was in full view, and it was definitely a shocking battle of ghosts and gods in the past.

But today's Li Jiu can't raise any sexual interest at all.

Yan Wan gently grabbed the little master and found that something was wrong, and a pair of charming eyes rippled with endless autumn waves: "Master... What happened to you? Are you tired?

Li Jiu looked at the soul-hooking beauty in front of him, but his heart was like a mess: "Hey... I was a little overwhelmed.

Yan Wan knew that the twisted melon did not have the sweetness of his own twist, and his mind was not in this regard, and gently touched Li Jiu's cheek: "Master, this is not your style." Since

that day, she no longer likes to forcibly absorb spiritual power to fill her stomach.

She prefers that emotional resonance, because her heart has always been somewhat unloving.

Li Jiu gently hugged Yan Wan, but in his heart he was thinking about what happened just now: the son of the soldier and Yuguang have the same 'garbled code', and the chess pieces may involve the origin of Yuguang, and the truth of his own crossing!

Li Jiu knew that he had accidentally opened this Pandora's box.

He had a feeling in his heart that he would never be able to live a peaceful life within the Tianji Sect in the future!

Yan Wan completely lay on Li Jiu's chest, and said obsessively: "Master, have you forgotten?" I used to hesitate like this, it was you who told me to be brave in everything about myself.

"Wan'er will always be with you."

Li Jiu smiled self-deprecatingly: "Maybe I haven't had a good rest for too long, right?"

Yan Wan glared with some resentment: "Master... Are you blaming me for being too clingy?

"No, no, no..."

Through the strange stone, Li Jiu looked at the bright starry sky and muttered, "Now it is known that one of them is in the hands of a new soul and one is in the hands of an unknown buyer."

"Bounty hunters... Dream? "

That's the only clue.

A feather voice came from the kitchen: "Master, don't think so much, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, come and eat my noodles, right?"

"You're right, eat and sleep."

Yan Yu, who was lying on another sofa backwards, pleaded pitifully, "Sister Angel... I also want to eat.

"Okay, I'll get you another bowl."

Xiaoying poked his head out of the room and said, "Sister Angel... I want to eat steak. "

This is very strange, Xiaoying never sells cute with Li Jiu...


Hamitsu agreed with a smile, and she coiled her blonde hair and continued to go to the kitchen.

Yan Wan looked at Yuguang's distant back, and after thinking for a minute, she also ran into the kitchen.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

"Let's give you food so that my sister won't lose."

After filling his stomach, Li Jiu took out the jade pendant left by Chu Xinyu from the space ring, which was a jade pendant made of empty stone, and the remaining spiritual cores in it were all used by Li Jiu.

Chu Xinyu was afraid that Li Jiu would rely on foreign objects, and did not give him too many spiritual cores.

There was a blue bag in this jade pendant, with Chu Xinyu's message attached to it.

It means to open when Li Jiu is in trouble and cannot break the game.

Li Jiu stood on the balcony holding the bag, but finally did not open the bag.

The pieces will be recovered by yourself one by one, right?

The relationship between Yan Yu and Li Jiu was getting better and better, and she took the initiative to speak: "Master, watch cartoons with me for a while."


After playing with the spirit pets for a while, Li Jiu came to Xiaoying's room.

The cold little loli had just taken off her relatively heavy military coat and was about to sleep peacefully.

Xiaoying's body development is very green, and even some thin, narrow snow shoulders, thin small waist, delicate and small buttocks can inspire people's desire to protect.

It should be very light to hold, right?

It can be lifted high!

Smooth and tender skin like a baby, thanks to the healing of the feather... Otherwise, I don't know how many scars will be left on this slightly immature body.

The relatively plump jade legs are as crystal clear as pure white jade, and the delicate and almost transparent between the snow legs.

Xiaoying's little face, which was usually proud and serious, turned red in an instant, and quickly got into the bed, and let out a coquettish cry: "Change..... Perverted brother, what are you going to do?

Li Jiu quickly turned his head sideways and stopped looking at her: "Ahem: Xiaoying, you have been going out to fight before, and the ultimate Holy Spirit Seal left for you has not been strengthened. "

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