Li Jiu held the big fox and knocked politely on the door of the principal's office.

"Headmaster, it's me, Li Jiu."

Lu Biehe's voice was full of surprise: "Back? Come on in. Li

Jiu pushed the door in, and saw that Lu Biehe, who usually likes to touch fish and play games, had greeted him, and his eyes were faint.... A tear in the slightest?

Lu Biehe held Li Jiu's hand excitedly, almost bursting into tears: "Li Jiu, you can be considered back!"

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Lord Principal, long time no see."

"My old bone is hard, I'm waiting for you so hard, where did I run?" Don't reply to a message either? Lu

Biehe suddenly found Sakura Ruoxue on Li Jiu's shoulder, and there was a familiar feeling in her eyes?

"You little fox..... Well? How did you really get a fox spirit pet? "

After the pleasantries.

"Headmaster, what happened, so anxious to call me over?" Li Jiu was straight to the point.

"Hey, isn't this going to participate in the Divine Dragon Ranking Battle right away? Newly established schools like ours have very few places.

Li Jiu waved his hand, intending to contact Qin Wujie: "Principal, it's a pity, I still want to help you participate in this competition."

"You guy listened to me! Fortunately, there was someone above me, and he asked for a spot. "

Give it to me."

Lu Biehe's face was embarrassed: "I also want to ah, but I didn't reply to the message I sent you before... The current quota is given to Li Shi, a third-grade student, because he is currently the highest student who meets the conditions. "

Don't say I don't leave a pit for you, the intramural selection tournament has been held for a week, and the qualifying tournament will be officially held in Shenlong City tomorrow morning."

Li Jiu asked, "How can I compete?" "

There is a feeling that the relationship is cut in line....

"Quickly defeat Li Shi so that others no longer question your strength."

Li Jiu said coldly, "Just beat him now, right?"

"Hey, after successfully defeating him, I still have to submit and modify the contestant's information, and now I don't have a ticket to sail to Shenlong City, and Lao Chu still has some things to deal with elsewhere."

"Just received your news, and I'm now worried about how to help you borrow a mighty and handsome flying spirit pet."

Li Jiu nodded: "Master Principal, don't talk nonsense, I'm ready." "


Lu Biehe paced around a few times before carefully looking at Li Jiu in front of him, and a essence light appeared in his eyes!

Lu Biehe was quite shocked, Li Jiu's spiritual power level now not only reached level 36, but also quite stable, it was definitely not caused by taking some special drug to forcibly promote.

"My mother, what a pervert!"

"This is... A month of kung fu, you have reached level 36? "


"I'll help you contact Li Shi right now."

Lu Biehe quickly turned on the school communicator: "Classmate Li Shi, classmate Li Shi, please come to the principal's room immediately."

After turning off the communicator, Lu Biehe smiled and said, "Originally, I was worried that your spiritual power level was not enough, but now it seems that I am purely worried. Soon

, there was a sharp knock at the door.

A slightly thick male voice came: "Master Principal, student Li Shi." "

Come in."

The door creaked open, and a young man who looked to be about twenty years old strode forward, dressed in the third-grade costume of Spiritual Heart, his appearance was plain, but his eyes implied a sense of pride.

This person is Li Shi, who has reached the age of twenty and has long occupied the top five of the personal rankings of the Spiritual Heart Academy, and under the age of 21, he is the highest cultivator!

Li Shi also knew a few bigwigs in Anlong City, and they were well-known reds and recognized decision-making geniuses in the entire Spirit Heart Academy.

This time, he can participate in the first Shenlong ranking battle for Lingxin, and he will definitely be written into the history of the school, and he is naturally very arrogant.

Li Shi said with a beaming face, "Lord Principal, are we leaving?"

Lu Biehe smiled and said, "Li Shi, you won the first place in the ring battle a few days ago, and it stands to reason that you are a contestant, but now there are still people who want to challenge you."

"Li Jiu, the genius who won the first place in our school in the rookie competition, just returned to school today."

"Lord Principal, it's obviously almost time to leave..." Lu

Biehe was obviously partial to Li Jiu, he knew the price of doing so, "As long as someone challenges you, you can't refuse, this is the rule.

Li Shi gritted his teeth and looked at Li Jiu next to him, "Good."

When he formally looked at Li Jiu, his whole body instantly froze, and he was shocked and unable to speak.

Li Shi originally thought that Li Jiu was a related household who had no intention of cutting the queue, but he didn't expect that his spiritual power level actually reached 36?

4 levels above yourself?

Li Shi was originally born in a wealthy family, and since he was a child, he had a personal teacher to teach basic spiritual power cultivation, and he was born one step faster than ordinary children.

Hearing the news of Shenlong City, the Li family entrusted the relationship and spent a lot of money to raise their spiritual power level to level 32 in a short period of time.

This is the capital of his proud peers, and this guy who is the first in the freshman competition in front of him has surpassed himself in less than a month?

That's impossible!

Even the peerless genius of the younger generation of the Hualong Kingdom, Ling Wuye of the Lingyun Sect, could not have been upgraded from a second-order spirit master to a fourth-order spirit master in a month.

That's an exaggeration!

Lu Biehe continued: "The ranking battle is related to the ranking of my Spiritual Heart Academy in the national power, so the contestants must be the strongest disciples of our academy, Li Shi, don't blame me.

Li Shi's face was livid, and he clenched his fists and said, "The student understands."

Li Jiu clearly knew that he had completely angered the interests of the arrogant young man in front of him, and an irresolvable hatred arose between the two.

Then trample you completely under your feet.

Li Jiu stretched out his right hand with a smile, like a harmless sheep of humans and animals: "Senior, please educate."

Li Shi looked at Li Jiu's face softened a little, and then he also stretched out his right hand with a smile: "It turns out that you are the famous Li Jiu?" Senior Brother Li, it is good to have the courage to challenge, but the long road of spiritual master cultivation is long, please don't fall for the Dao. "

The two shook hands 'very friendly'.

Li Shi was secretly sarcastic about what unknown drugs or drugs Li Jiu used to forcibly improve his spiritual cultivation and overdraw his future cultivation talent.

Li Jiu smiled contemptuously after hearing this, and the force of the stalemate with Li Shi in his hand suddenly increased several times!

This unexpected explosive power made Li Shi wail: "Ah!

Li Shi couldn't have imagined that the black-haired young man in front of him, who was younger than himself, could have such great strength?

It almost broke the bones of his hand.

Li Jiu opened his smiling eyes and hid the killing intent in his heart: "Senior.... You still surrender, I'm afraid you'll lose your adult when you really go to the ring.

Li Shi held his injured right hand and said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

Lu Biehe saw the grudge between the two, and quickly stopped it: "If you want to fight in the ring, you are not allowed to kill your hand, I will be the referee."

Li Shi snorted coldly and followed Li Jiu to the ring of the Spiritual Heart Academy.

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