After seeing the Liu family enter, Li Jiu did not choose to enter directly, but wandered outside for a few laps.

At this time, the appearance of a group of four people instantly attracted the attention of all pedestrians.

"Wow, fairy down to mortal? So beautiful.

"These women... How is it so beautiful?

Li Jiu followed everyone's gaze, these four were all women, they wore similar snow gauze long skirts towards the inspection entrance in Li Jiu's direction, and they brought pieces of pearl-like crystal light around them, which decorated the temperament of the five women with a bit of dreamy atmosphere.

They all look young, probably in the range of 16-25.

One of them covered her jade face with a white veil, revealing only a pair of big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, while the other three women without a veil did not hide it, which could not be described as a flower and moon appearance, and the faces of these women revealed a trace of unusual tenderness and smoothness.

Li Jiuxin: 8-9 points.

The third daughter's jade face was exquisite and flawless, and her expression naturally carried a cold pride that made people unable to look at directly, like the cold fairy who did not eat the fireworks of the world under the nine heavenly goddesses.

But the passers-by around don't think so, there is a 7-8 points is already a shocking beauty, 5 8 points in one breath.... LSP ecstasy.

As the four women approached, the surrounding pedestrians seemed to have been drained of their souls, staring at them blankly....... The originally noisy square instantly became silent.

The guards of the Lingyun Sect guarding the passage were also shocked by their beauty for 7 seconds, and the guards led by them quickly pinched their thighs and calmed their minds, only then did they retract the souls that had taken off.

However, he did not dare to raise his head to look directly at the third daughter, and quickly stepped forward and stammered a little: "It turns out that .... It is the fairies of the Ruoshui Holy Land, and they are far from welcome.... Please show your wristband. After

this guard finished speaking, he wanted to give himself two punches, and the important task of welcoming guests, which was related to the face of Lingyun Sect, was actually screwed up by himself.... In the face of the overlord of the Northwest Liu family, he was not frightened, how could he be so fascinated that he couldn't find the north when he saw a few beauties?

It's so embarrassing, obviously people who haven't arrived at the Ruoshui Holy Land yet, isn't this hitting themselves in the face?

"We are not the ones who cut the queue, please review the person in front first." A woman at the head said.

"What the fairy said is very true."

He hurriedly contacted the sect master to come to welcome the guests, and the respect that the three holy places should give must be there.

Only then did the Lingyunzong guard pay attention to Li Jiu, who was dressed in a black robe, "Please show the wristband information and take off your hat."

Li Jiu said helplessly: "Hey, okay." "

Originally, Li Jiu's appearance was 'ordinary', handsome with a hint of evil, and after absorbing the blue spiritual power in Chu Xinyu's body, his temperament also increased a touch of coldness.

This made the inspectors froze again for a while: This kid... Really handsome.

Because he was not a fencer either, the guard came back to his senses and hurriedly reviewed Li Jiu's wristband information, and the ease between his eyebrows became tangled: "Brother, your review information is not right, there is no information about your participation in the background." "

Huh? I'm representing Spirit Heart Academy?" The

woman behind Li Jiu said, "Take a closer look?" There should be no impostors for such a big event.

"What the fairy said is very true."

The guard did not bother Li Jiu, he carefully looked at the data on the spiritual power instrument, and then looked at Li Jiu's face: "But the data above shows that the representative of the spiritual heart is named Li Shi, and he doesn't look like you?"

Li Jiu said, "You refresh it again?" Our principal also only revised the player's information yesterday.

"Sorry, identity verification failed."

"Modifying player information requires 24-hour verification."

Li Jiu was a little speechless: "Okay, I'll go make a call and ask about the situation."

Just as Li Jiu was about to leave to give way, a thick and magnetic male voice came over: "This little friend, please wait for a moment."

A black figure instantly came to Li Jiu, and he looked at the people of Ruoshui Holy Land and spoke: "Welcome several immortals from Ruoshui Holy Land to participate in the ranking battle, please forgive me if you miss the long way."

The woman at the head said, "Sect Master Ling, you don't have to personally greet this little thing. "

Ling Wantian sword eyebrows, white skin, personable, temperament is even more elegant and easygoing, slender fingers like white jade, not at all like a person who practices swords all year round, more like a pianist with an extraordinary temperament?

Ling Wantian, as the ruler of the first force of the Hualong Kingdom, did not be aggressive in the face of the powerless Li Jiu, and chose to personally greet the visitors who were also holy places, with a smile and humility, without the pride of a king.

The other participating female spiritualists and pedestrians have been fascinated by him...

"Qingxin fairy, don't come unharmed?"

The beautiful woman named Qingxin standing in front smiled and said, "Sect Master Ling said and laughed, I just came to take the newcomer through the motions this time." "

The disciples who have positions in the Ruoshui Holy Land all have the surname of water, and the three people without the veil are the three elders, Shui Qingxin, Shui Qingxin, and Shui Qinghan and are called the Three Immortals of Ruoshui.

"Fairy, I'll take a look at the situation for him first."

"Sect Master Ling, please."

Li Jiuxin said: It is worthy of being the three holy places, without a trace of pride, and there is no comparison with those guys who are less than half a bottle.

The general novel routine script will definitely be caught between the front and back...

Ling Wantian's deep eyes looked directly at Li Jiu, and said with a faint smile: "Little friend, what is your name?"

Li Jiu said indifferently: "Li Jiu, on behalf of the Spirit Heart Academy." Li

Jiu felt that Ling Wantian's spiritual power cultivation had not yet reached level 70, and there was no pressure brought to him by Chu Xinyu, which may be related to his elegant and easy-going image.

Ling Wantian rolled his eyes: "I remember that there is only one contestant in the Spirit Heart Academy, named Li Shi, I will check it for you now." When

Ling Wantian was looking down and taking his mobile phone to ask about the situation when he looked up, he accidentally glanced at the jade pendant on Li Jiu's waist, the jade pendant left by Chu Xinyu.


phone fell straight to the ground, not broken, good quality.

Ling Wantian's eyes were full of shock, and he stared straight at Li Jiu as if he had seen a ghost.

"This... This is the Sect Master Token of the Tianji Sect!?

As soon as Ling Wantian's words came out, even the Ruoshui Three Immortals behind him quickly looked at Li Jiu, because Ling Wantian didn't have to lie to people.

Tianji Sect, a mysterious sect, the champion of the last Spirit Master Ranking Battle, that beautiful silhouette was as fleeting as a flying immortal outside the sky, and there were not even many legends left in a hundred years.

This is a name that only these high-level forces know about.

The name Chu Xinyu is also the name that Ling Wantian thinks about and dreams about.

Li Jiu looked down at the jade pei, the reason why he didn't put the jade pei into the system space was because as long as he wore it on his body, it was as if the master was by his side, and as long as he saw it, he would think of the master.

I think of that charming Chu Xinyu.

Li Jiu smiled lightly, "Well, it was left to me by my master, and she is practicing in retreat." "

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