Then the black fog on Dai Meng's body surface completely disappeared in an instant, and those ominous forces gradually restrained.

The scars caused by the abuse of the female soldiers, the long hair that had been torn and messy was restored to its original state, and a proud smile hung on the corners of her mouth.

It's just that the black hair that was originally over the waist has turned into silver hair, which looks very smooth from the back and enjoys silkiness.

Originally, Dai Meng, who was less than 20 years old, could only be described as a country and a beautiful demeanor, and her appearance was indescribable when she fused the power of God, and a mysterious black robe covered her fully developed delicate body.

The red eyes of the two eyes are full of violence and killing.

Dai Meng got up, "It's really good strength.

At this moment, she realized that in front of unmatched strength, the reversals that could not be completed before were as simple as holding a glass of water.

Dai Meng easily broke through the cage that imprisoned her, and looked at Dai Mei, who had just recovered from the saint mode and was lying on the luxurious big bed.

Dai Mei seemed to have just slowed down, she heard her sister's voice and got up and saw a black robe, incomparably evil and violent Dai Meng.

How did she come out?

The whole person seems to have become another person?

Incomparable fear flashed in Dai Mei's eyes, and she took a few steps back: "Sister... How did you get out? "

Slut, I said, don't let me out."

Dai Mei looked at the black spiritual power wrapped around her body, and cried in fright: "Don't ah, sister!"

"I'm your favorite sister, you can't kill me!"


With a pop, Daimei's blood splattered all over the house.

Dai Meng licked the blood of the 'loved ones' at the corner of his mouth: "Never-ending sadness, where is the real paradise?"

She calmly walked out of the hall and looked for the next target for revenge——— the Iron-Blooded King, the sinner who made the Daili Empire fall.

Dai Meng closed his eyes slightly, used the pure demonic power in his body, and collectively resurrected the female soldiers of his guards.

"Wake up, my guards, use the most evil power to kill these men on the brains of the sperm worms!"

To be precise, Dai Meng, who won the power of demons, is no longer the innocent and wise beautiful emperor she used to be, she has become the embodiment of cruelty and violence.

She gained divine power to become a god, and she looked at the tragic situation of the demon invasion outside, like stepping on a group of ants to death.

Do people grieve over the death of ants?

"Yes, Your Majesty."


The female soldiers of the Daimon Guards have thus become enchanting and terrifying succubus, and become the sweet poison of the men.

"Wake up, my best friend, Chris, you don't deserve to die here."

"Obey, Your Majesty."

A woman who looked like Tulis slowly rose from the black mist, and the demonic power reshaped her physical body.

After obtaining the power of succubus, they slaughtered these iron-blooded groups without any spiritual power blessings, just like the big guy in the graduation costume single-handedly refreshed the village and killed indiscriminately.

These men paid a terrible price for their crimes, they fell into the sweet country with the magic in their bodies, they were sucked all the essence blood by the tentacles of the succubus tail, and even their souls were sucked clean, and they had no chance to be reincarnated and resurrected. (Strong succubus all play with their tails, all by illusion.)

Dai Meng looked at the black spiritual power that continued to descend from the black moon, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "My strength is going to increase again." "

A few minutes later.

Chris, the best friend resurrected by Daimon, the succubus who later served as the seven deadly sins of lust twisted his waist into the palace and threw a man's head on the ground like garbage, and the terrified face on it was the Iron-Blooded King. (Count it as filling in the pit, the name of the person mentioned by gluttony before, and what is the relationship with Tulis should be easy to guess.)

Dai Meng glanced at the snapping of his fingers, and the head of the Iron Blood King was burned to ashes, as if it had never existed.

"Your Majesty, Chris is at your disposal."

Dai Meng raised his eyelids to look at Chris, and let out a long sigh: "Well, hard work for you, the next goal - conquer the Holy Spirit Star." "

Obey, Your Majesty."

When Chris was ordered to leave, Dai Meng suddenly asked out loud: "Do you hate me?"

Chris stopped without looking back, and whispered in an almost cursed tone: "I don't hate Your Majesty, Your Majesty gives me new life and strength, and I hate this twisted world."

"I hate human beings, those lust-filled beasts must die, and I will let their souls be completely absorbed by the power of demons, and never be able to live beyond life."

"Revenge is my only belief, and I will not hesitate to sacrifice my body for Your Majesty."

Dai Meng nodded with a smile, and his pupils flashed with approval: "Very good."

After all the guards retreated, Dai Meng walked to the balcony and looked at the black moon in the sky and said to himself: "Is this the price of strength?"

"I've become more and more inhumane and hate men more and more."

"Hope Paradise really exists, or I can only destroy this crazy world."

In this way, the new king of the Holy Spirit Star, the newborn Demon Lord, was born.


a few months later, Dai Meng had already controlled all the demons descending from the sky on the Holy Spirit Star, and she divided her power into a few points and gave it to the more powerful demons.

Tomorrow is the capture of the last land of the Holy Spirit Star, and Dai Meng still hasn't found a trace of relevant news about 'Paradise'.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Arrogance, Jealousy, Rage, Laziness, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust.

The Seven Demon Generals: King of Pain, King of Destruction, Lord of Fear, King of Hate, King of Sorrow, King of Lies and King of Despair.

Sinful demons are beings who bear the power of the corresponding demons, and they can arbitrarily drive the exclusive demonic power.

And the demon general is only an existence manipulated by the power of the devil, so the grade is one level lower.

Among them, the Lust Sin Demon and the Gluttonous Sin Demon were her former subordinates, and the Gluttonous Sin Demon was originally a male general of the Dai Li Empire.

Dai Meng sat on his throne and looked at the moon in the sky, and the demons would not know what the Demon God Lord was thinking.

The clever King of Lies Mao Sui recommended himself: "Lord Demon God hasn't laughed for a long time, there is a particularly powerful clown under me, he can make Lord Demon God happy."

Dai Meng looked slightly sideways and spoke: "Bring him up, if you can't make me laugh, die." "

Not long after, a famous clown of the Holy Spirit Star came to the Demon God Temple with his assistant and servant, who was also fooled by the Lord of Lies.

However, his magic skills could not make the Demon God Lord laugh, and even her expression did not change in the slightest.

Dai Meng looked at the clown in front of him coldly: "That's it?

The clown wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said in a hurry: "Your Majesty the Demon God, the little one also has an ultimate magic trick that allows His Majesty to see the most beautiful woman in the world." "

Oh?" Dai Meng's expression finally changed a little, she didn't believe that there was anyone more beautiful than herself.

If there is, kill it.

The clown took out a special mirror and placed it in the center of the hall, "The person in this mirror is the most beautiful woman in the world." Dai

Meng walked over, and she saw her appearance in the mirror.

But she didn't smile at all, the chill in her eyes made the clown feel like he had fallen into an ice cave, and he said hard: "Your Majesty, this mirror contains magic and can produce special portraits, I just want it to 'paint' Your Majesty." "

Daimon never looks in the mirror because she hates herself in the mirror.

That mirror image seems to be exactly the same as Dai Mei, like a shadow that haunts and seems to be able to betray himself at any time.

Dai Meng did not get angry, slammed the spiritual power in his hand on the mirror and left, and the 'portrait' produced by the mirror was naturally destroyed by the strong spiritual power and became half damaged.

"Lie, drag him out and kill."

"In the future, whoever takes something that can reflect the mirror image and puts it in front of me will be killed."

The Lord of Lies knew that he had slapped his horse's hooves, and he saw that the mysterious mirror was not broken, and that there must be something strange about it, so he took the clown with the mirror.


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