He Cheng thought that the thunder dragon had been completely enraged by Xiaoying, and he gave up the escape route that his master had paved for him, and reflexively flicked his tail with a raptor to attack Xiaoying.

Thunder Dragon: Can our dragon clan have dragons?

But this decision almost made it a big mistake.

Xiaoying's eyes were full of determination, and the long sword in his hand stabbed into the back of the thunder dragon without retreating, and cast a galaxy shuttle.

Because this is her best chance to defeat the Thunder Dragon head-on, it is worth paying the price of some blood.

At such a close distance, the anti-injury effect of the thorn armor was triggered, and Xiaoying was still poked several blood holes even if he cast his skills, and the already seriously injured body directly triggered the blood bathing effect.

And the body of the thunder dragon was attacked by the shadow, was violently knocked away, hit the sealing enchantment of the ring, fainted, and the floor with a radius of several meters immediately turned into smashes and deeply dented.

"How so?"

"Extreme 1 for 1?" The venue instantly fell silent.

Seeing this, Lei Hao frowned, could it be that this war eagle is crazy?

Isn't she afraid of death?

Obviously, the physical strength of the two spirit pets is not sufficient, and they are both seriously injured.

The best solution was to take back his spirit pet for the next one, but he didn't expect that the thunder dragon who was not afraid of death bumped into the shadow that was not afraid of death.

The existence time of that thorn armor is only 3 seconds, and the purpose of Lei Hao's thorn armor is to forcibly take back the thunder dragon and then summon the next spirit pet.

But Xiaoying's decisiveness and determination made him feel afraid.

Lei Hao clearly knew that if it weren't for his own thunder dragon in the game, he might have died in battle.

Li Jiu also felt that Xiaoying was seriously injured, and he quickly withdrew the injured Xiaoying, allowing Yan Yu and Yuguang to help her heal her injuries while summoning Sakura Ruoxue to prepare for the next round of battle.

The enemy in front of you still has hole cards, so you can't be careless at all times.

Lei Hao quickly ran to the edge of the ring to look at the unconscious thunder dragon, and the thick man left a crystal tear in the corner of his eye.

He looked back at the nine-tailed evil demon fox beside Li Jiu and made a decision that surprised everyone.

"I throw in the towel..... Don't fight anymore.

"What! Obviously can continue to fight? The audience was booing.

"Fight up, fight up."

"Can you still be a second pet? Lei Hao, how can you be an instigator?

"It is."

Li Jiu could feel Lei Hao's thoughts, that Thunder Dragon Spirit was already seriously injured and dying and urgently needed treatment, not everyone had an auxiliary healing spirit pet, even ordinary healing spirit pets were not as perverted as Feather Light Saint Healing.

Take a breath and give you milk to live!

This is also one of the secondary reasons why Xiaoying is following Li Jiu.

Lei Hao knew that if he chose to continue fighting, he had to use the Lei Gang Technique, and Lei Hao couldn't think of cracking Li Jiuguang's wing-style surprise attack backstab.

But this is a Xuanling technique, a technique that needs to deduct lifespan, and if you can't get an advantage if you don't use it, you will lose money.

Lei Hao sighed helplessly and raised the white flag: "It's me who lost, I can't crack your raid, and I don't know how you can make my thunder dragon's defense break in an instant." "

Obviously your war eagle was a little scraped before."

Li Jiu smiled slightly: "You are also very strong, and you have been shadowed by others for a long time."

Lei Hao quickly put away the thunder dragon and hugged his fists: "You are a powerful person, there is a chance to come to my Lei family as a guest, I will fight you again in the future when I become stronger."


Ling Wanjian jumped onto the ring and shouted, "Hualong Lei Family Lei Hao admitted defeat, and Li Jiusheng of Spiritual Heart Academy." When

the game was over, everyone in the venue reacted, followed by monstrous applause.

Although the two sides did not fight to the death with all their strength in this game, it was still a wonderful matchup.

"Ding~ Due to the defiant effect, the level of the Blood Battle Eagle has been increased to level 38!"

Li Jiu glanced at the spirit pet space, at this time, the shadow had been healed by Yuguang Yanyu, and there was not even a scar left on his body, that is, Yuguang's spiritual power consumption was too high and he had closed his eyes and rested.

There was nothing to do with Li Jiu in today's match, but his enemy was only Lingyunzong.

Because the last remaining match of the Light Group was the match between Ling Wuye and Ling Xiao.

On a whim, Li Jiu suddenly wanted to watch Ling Wuya's match.

I don't know if he was unlucky or God did it strangely, Ling Xiao surrendered directly, and tomorrow's duel will be Li Jiu vs. Ling Wuya.

Lu Biehe in front of the TV had already petrified, "Li Jiu actually made it to the top four, his future is completely unpredictable, it seems that the small Spirit Heart Academy can't tolerate this great god at all."

"What about him... I'd better go watch Ruoxi's game. "

The Qin family is seated.

Qin Wujie looked at Li Jiu's back with a complicated expression.

He was so good, he had reached that level and level at a young age, and his future development could not be predicted at all, and even the people of the Spirit Master Association threw an olive branch to him.

The gap between me and him is getting bigger .... In 10 years, in 50 years, in 100 years, will he remember me?

Lin Tiannan of Tenglong Academy also opened his mouth: "I didn't expect him to be so strong!" Lei Zhen's descendants all lost to him, and they were able to personally fight Ling Wuya, the strongest of the younger generation.

Then Lin Tiannan ran very happily to the rest place of the Spirit Heart Academy and went to find Li Jiukan Mountain.

The players of the Light Group have been completely decided, the competition of the Dark Group is still continuing, and the next match is Wakasui Holy Land vs. Dingtiangong.

Speaking of which, this Dingtian Palace is also a high-level force second only to the three holy lands.

Although they hardly show their heads in the mortal world, and do not take the initiative to recruit disciples, their prestige is a little weaker than that of the three holy lands.

Li Jiu also intends to see the strength of the players of the Dark Group.

Ling Wanjian shouted, "Ruoshui Holy Land Shui Ruoxi fought against the Night Fei Chi of Dingtian Palace. Shui

Ruoxi Bing fluttered, step by step, and came to the ring silently.

White clothes and blue hair, thin gauze on the face, ice muscle and jade bones, only revealing a pair of autumn water-like eyes flashing with beautiful ripples.

Ordinary people will lose their concentration for a moment just by looking at these eyes, which is an indescribable beauty that makes people unable to look away.

"Not bad, peerless beauty, Ruoshui Holy Place is worthy of its name."

A loud laugh came from the other side of the ring, this laughter was full of wanton and arrogance, and then a pitch-black light appeared over the ring, and the center was as deep as a black hole.

Everything around seemed to be eclipsed by that mysterious light, sucking out all the brilliance.

A young man appeared from the light, and then the whole light turned into a black gourd and landed steadily in the palm of his hand.

"Lying groove, who is this person? It's so pretentious. "

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